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Utah Explorers

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Next Monday the 18th. Its all comission based, so I hope I do well. Do you like sales?

Once I get my foot in the door with this place, you may want to come work with me :) My buddy is a closer, and right now I'll be setting consultations for him. Anyway.. if he closes one consultation for me I get 800$. There are people that set and get 2-3 closed a week! Thats a lot of money a week.. and being under my friend doesnt hurt. He has the best closing rate in the company(60%). Hes on track to make 300k this year(he makes more as a closer, about 1k per sale).

i would like to join the utah club, my schedule is packed with uvsc and all. but pm me or something and let me know, i woould love it, oh i live in alpine on the south side of the point of the mountian. thank you. colby

So when are we all getting together?!

thats funny, my grandpas farm is in highland. what part do they live in?

Hey, more utahns just keep popping up alll over the place, Good to meet you all.


If you're heading into Highland on the main road from Kountry Korner (I think thats what its called, the Chevron) then you make a right just before the park... Take that road all the way up until you hit a T in the road, and you're looking at their house right in front of you...

meeting time and place

Saturdays and Monday mornings are good times for me to get together. Also from looking at the replies it seems Salt Lake - Bountifull would be the best place to meet. Maybe we could hook up in Bountifull have breakfast somewhere, do the meet and greet thing and then head up by the "B" and put the Ex's to good use.

Everybody throw some dates my way and I'll post the one that most people can attend.

Heath said:
What exactly does the company do Jake???

We get leads from a company back East for people who are interested in financial coaching. We then call the people, and do a consultation. If all goes well, we pass them onto a closer, and they sell them a financial coaching package.

Once I set enough consultations in a 5 week period, I can qualify to be a closer. Not sure on all the small details yet.

Im down to meet whenever, wherever. Wont know if I will be able to untill the date is close, but I can try :)

is that the road by the highland city building? if it is thats close to my grandpas farm. thats really cool.

So guys when is the meeting?

Okay, don't ask me what I was thinking, I'm losing it... The in-laws live in Alpine... Wow, I'm losing my mind, what little is left of it anyway...

My next free saturday is 21 May. If anybody is interested in mild dirt roads with history the pony express trail runs by my neck of the woods. We take the trip every now and again and see all the ghost towns etc along the trail then end up in Wendover for a little fun then home. It's not a challenging drive but has some interesting things to see. It also is a good place for some target practice for those of you into that.

That sounds like a nice run... The drive home from wendover sounds like ass on the pavement though... I guess I would have to bring the guns too...

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ill see if i can make it.

Heath, if its the park in alpine then your in laws live like a mile from my house. crazy small world we live in.
