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Want a white gauge cluster

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LMAO draft, what's up with the oil gauge in your first pic? Did you sling a rod?

Just noticed that too...D@mn you guys and your keen eyes lol i just look at picutres cause there cool looking and then we get the peeps who pick stuff out like it's there job ;)

wow how the hell did you notice that

ChopinOn22s said:
LMAO draft, what's up with the oil gauge in your first pic? Did you sling a rod?

lol, I wasn't sure if anyone would ever notice that. Just had to pull the needle above the bar, that's all.

That guy has 5 more listed on eBay and on Buy it Now (cheaper than the last one went for). Al, he does have a part# listed too and it is for the 4X2.

celly said:
Al, he does have a part# listed too and it is for the 4X2.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, Torree told me that was an invalid part number.

Invalid or not, it fits your Ex. It's also brand new. I've heard these go for a LOT more from the stealerships. I've also heard that white faced speedo clusters get better mileage. ;)

celly said:
Invalid or not, it fits your Ex. It's also brand new. I've heard these go for a LOT more from the stealerships. I've also heard that white faced speedo clusters get better mileage. ;)
You're right about buying this from Ford. On www.genuine-ford-parts.com the "cluster assembly" (as they call it) goes for $256.43. That guy on eBay does me no good because mine is a 4x4. And I tell you what, if I'm going to spedn $250, I guarantee you it's going to be on a Gibson Sweptside exhaust system and not on an instrument cluster.

I installed the overlays about a year and a half ago. Very easy to do. There are two tricks involved; the first is to ensure proper alignment without going back to the truck and plugging in to light it up, just remove the stock bulbs on the backside and insert a small flashlight. It will illuminate the front so you can adjust the overlay.

Second, I just took an orange sharpie and turned the tip on its side and colored the top face only of the needles. That way they still glow.

Also, I removed the shift indicator panel, carefully scraped away the coating on the back, and used glass paint to match it to the blue on my indiglo gauges.

If anybody wants pics, let me know....I've got them at home.

scribsac said:
You're right about buying this from Ford. On www.genuine-ford-parts.com the "cluster assembly" (as they call it) goes for $256.43. That guy on eBay does me no good because mine is a 4x4. And I tell you what, if I'm going to spedn $250, I guarantee you it's going to be on a Gibson Sweptside exhaust system and not on an instrument cluster.

I've seen them go for a lot less than $120 on eBay on numerous occasions and 4X4 too. Just keep watching.

well i just got to put in... when i bought my white gauges, the air bag icon faced the wrong direction, and the check engine light was in the wrong spot... i was just about to buy another set... when i just noticed the "door ajar" icon is in the wrong spot

either my 97 EB is different, or the gauges being made are wrong.

That's why I like OEM. Not only do they look better (IMHO), but they fit your Ex the way they're supposed to.

ill give you that... but if they made cool looking white face where just the numbers light up that would be sweet (sorta like the otto racing ones, but those look like crap!)

Does anybody have pics of the OEM gauges at night? I like my white gauge overlay during the day, but I'm getting tired of the indiglo at night. I was planning to go with the reverse indiglo gauges, but I'd like to see what the OEM white gauges look like.

They've just got a greenish cast not unlike the black-faced gauges. The font is different is all. Nothing earth-shattering, but better looking that the old gauges, IMHO.
