What can I expect? | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What can I expect?

Good enough for you doesn't mean it's good enough for me. I just want a simple build...and I'm asking simple questions. Don't know why some of you have a weird attitude...but more power to you. Just wanted to know what works...what's not gonna work...and what I should not even think about. My mechanic skills are limited...I work at firestone as a level one technician and I'm in the middle of earning my associates for auto tech....I want to be very budget friendly and get the most for my money for what I'm looking for. I don't want to cheap out and get something that's worthless while I do this...and have to get a new part or rethink my build...it's a simple project and shouldn't cost too much. I'd like to buy used parts as much as I can...So I want around 300hp if possible...and some weight reduction...I never go above 65-70 on the highway so I can want gears as low as I can get them. I'm just scared to commit to a cam/intake/rr combo....etc because I just want the right combo and what I feel is the best bang for my buck. I'm just kinda bummed tmh are 700+ but what can you expect with a limited market. Thanks to the guys who have given me valuable information...it is much appreciated!

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(2 door explorers are around 3800-4000 lbs)

so coming back to this thread, this got me curious. fortunately, where i work has a drive on scale. i drove evil there tonight (not the funnest drive either, about a 1/4 of gravel road) and tossed it on the scale. without me in it, and 3/4 tank of gas, it weighed in at 4340 lbs....wow....

We drive beasts, no question.

Im not suggesting 14's is easy, but has anyone looked at the newer aluminum heads for our 5.0's? Holy crap, are they ever a huge performance gain. Heads, exhaust, open the intake, and a tune? That would make a HUGE difference.

AFR Heads Tim? :D They would fit really well on that block you have waiting for a rebuild. Then you could get the really big valved ones and make sure the pistons have the right valve reliefs. I really need to be a part of your build to understand what parts fit with what.

Sorry for the hijack, but the op should really look at a head change.

From what I read on the heads, just some slight grinding on the flanges is all it takes. You would need to get in touch with the guy that makes the headers to discuss with him to be sure.

so to put one last post on this thread, i went to the track today to see what my truck would do. best time was 15.02 @ 89.8 mph

Hey, these things are heavy and shaped like a brick. Now, you have a taste of what I felt after all the work. :(

I gave up and went off road. Much more thrilling for me.

Are you going to give up or keep pushing? With all this work will it ever lay down a time that will be impressive? The new explorers are in the 12's with a v6. It's gonna take a lot to get you there.

I'm not being mean, or trying to make you mad. But I do think you see the light shining.
Your explorer is one of a kind. It will surprise a lot of rides on the street, and looks killer. You should be happy about that.

New explorers in the 12's ?? Holy crap. I had no idea.
They still look very much like every other new vehicle on the road now though. Do I sound jealous, you bet I am.

not giving up. i really wanted to see about a 14.5 from it. im sure i can get there, just need a few parts, and a dump truck full of cash

New explorers in the 12's ?? Holy crap. I had no idea.
They still look very much like every other new vehicle on the road now though. Do I sound jealous, you bet I am.

Well, if you do get one don't let it "go to your head" like the majority of the 5th gen drivers have. ok? :D

I'll be curious how they are holding you please after 14 years of service. By then the price might be more in my range. I'm absolutely amazed they are so quick.

I am slowly realizing that my Mountaineer is a brick. I've been reading tons of threads and doing searches. 0 to 60 is probably all I'm concerned with so I'm going to not set my goals for a 1/4 mile vehicle. The frame is pretty gnarly and the suspension is pretty cool. I don't need to really haul ass past 60 anyway...I'm a slow driver...just sometimes I like to punch it from a dead stop when nobody is looking. What does everyone think of cam selection for what I'm looking for? I've read threads and it seems like everyone has a difference of opinion...which is to be expected. But...what are the major differences from the mustang cams...stock ones anyway like the GT or HO and the Cobra or Thunderbird cams? Are they good for our trucks?

Think 4:10's,cheers!
It will do more then any cam for 0-60.

Check Techieman33's 373 to 410 swap and you will see a "slight" difference.

I would go to 4.56:1 gears for "super quick" 0-60 time.
