What present should I buy myself for my B-day? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What present should I buy myself for my B-day?


Elite Stocker
July 1, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Columbia, MD
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 XLS
I've got a birthday coming up and decided to treat myself to new mod for the X. Question is which mod? I think I want to spend around 300 bucks so that leaves me three choices.
Take a look.

Choice one - EGR Carbon Fiber Superguard - link , Carbon Fiber Window Visors - link , and Carbon Fiber Dustguard - link

Choice two - Black Grille Guard by Hunter - link - Note: I was going to get the westin, but this is much cheaper and seems to be just about the same.

Choice three - Volant Cool Air Induction Kit - link

So what do you guys think? I'm leaning towards the EGR accessories one day and the volant the next. And I always did want a grille guard. See the dilema? LOL

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Volant CAI, definitely. Take performance over style!

Wish I new how to make a poll, i still aint figured that out.

If you scroll all the way down while making the thred, there is a box that you check to make it a poll... then when you hit the create thread, it will let you make your poll choices.

Do you like to offroad? If so get the brushguard. If not, get something else.

Brushguard would really just be for looks too. Only thing I might hit would be a deer. My offroading consists of hopping curbs, plowing through snowbanks and driving through a cow pasture on occasion.

EDIT: Oh and I didn't see any box like you mentioned. I think only elites can make polls. Thanks though.

do you have a chip yet ?
Dollar for dollar one of the better investments for your Ex.
Faster, better running, better performing, and better MPG's.
Tough to beat that.

Nope, no chip yet. I don't want to get one until I get an exhaust and the volant put in. I just haven't really found a shop I feel I can trust to do the exhaust work.

Maryland Muffler at the interscetion on 175 and Route 3 ( Gambrills / Millersville )
AWESOME work, fantastic prices.
Right around the corner from my shop.
MM Did my Ex and my Blazer and several others I have known. Never heard a complaint.

Volant, hands down. The guard would be wrecked to **** by a deer :D get the volant, then get your exhaust, then a chip, then go eat hondas. :D :D :D

i would do a k&n drop in filter and then the swiss cheeze mod on the box the chip and exhaust or that is the way i went

I think I'm partial to the Volant rather than the K&N, but thanks though.

Thanks for the referall MONMIX, I will have to check out Maryland Muffler, I'm often stuck at work during normal business hours and was hoping for a website they might have but I didn't find anything when I googled them. I'll have to drive over there I reckon.

Also does your shop do any custom aftermarket installs and body work or just collison?, I might be able to send some work your way as well.

If it were me i'd go with the intake. The EGR accesories look OK...but i personally prefer to leave that kinda stuff off. If you want the brushguard for looks I say go for it..but it's ability to protect your rig from a deer is pretty doubtfull, from what i've heard and seen they tend to be for form not function (not wanting to sound like an ass just my opinion). I say go with the intake...but that's just my opinion :D


volant intake... especially if you haven't made any intake mods yet (like k&n or kkn)

spindlecone said:
This thing is to die for

u ain't just whistlin dixie

:cough: what i mean to say is that for 99.95 (including shipping) the scanguage is about the coolest gadget you can get in your ride. plus, it will allow you to monitor just what future engine mods (like an intake) are actually doing for u.

jimcom said:
Thanks for the referall MONMIX, I will have to check out Maryland Muffler, I'm often stuck at work during normal business hours and was hoping for a website they might have but I didn't find anything when I googled them. I'll have to drive over there I reckon.

Also does your shop do any custom aftermarket installs and body work or just collison?, I might be able to send some work your way as well.
They are open till 5:30 and I think they are open on Saturday as well.
You can contact them 410-923-6868

we pretty much stay strictly with collision repair. And I like it like that :)
