Which seal is leaking? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Which seal is leaking?


Active Member
December 6, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Nashville, TN
Year, Model & Trim Level
'02 Sport Trac
So I know my truck has a slow leak. Nothing to worry about for the regular 3-5k oil changes but I need to know what it is so I can get it fixed eventually. So here is a picture from behind the right tire - up and right from the oil filter...

Can anyone tell me what is causing it?

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Kinda looks like the upper oil pan gasket I think

When i bought my truck in july **** had leaks everywhere I change oil pan gaskets, valve cover gaskets, thermostate housing, and trans pan gasket cleaned it all off with brake clean and its bone dry no leaks or any more oil buring smells at all.

Need a little better angle of the whole side over there but it looks like the CV Axle shaft seal, just did both of mine last month, cheap and fairly easy to do.

I have an oil leak also and was told id have to take my motor out to fix it. Its leaking from the top on the back side of the motor.

Ive only added oil to it once or twice when i had synthetic in it because it went longer before i changed it.

This is on my "Things to fix before i sell it" list.

when the weather clears up i'll wash it down and try to get a few more pictures to locate it.

I tried searching for some tutorials on the upper oil pan gasket and couldn't find anything...

So I had the oil changed the other day (i usually do it myself... but had a free oil change coupon). I just went and took a lot of pictures trying to get your guys help in figuring it out. I have noticed that (when look at the engine from the front of the car) it seems to be focusing on the left side and maybe originating from around the oil filter. I usually put synthetic blend or just regular oil but this time they used full synthetic so the leak is a lot worse.

Can anyone guide me in the right direction ~ how much would something similar to this cost at a repair shop / what would they have to do? I am pretty good at repairs and can usually do most stuff but it if involves moving the engine i'm a no go.

Here are the pics!

























Ok, better pictures now. That's you oil pan seal that's a pretty good leak going there, been there for awhile now. I've heard of guys fixing this in their driveways but they have years of experience under their belts. I would shop around and see who charges what for a new oil pan gasket installed. How much oil do you go through in a week?

I have already changed my lower oil pan seal (the one that has like 10 10mm bolts that the drain plug is attached too. I believe it is higher up in the engine like an upper oil pan gasket or something. Is that what you are talking about?


I went and had it looked at and the guy quoted me about $900 ~ does that seem right?

Also since it is a slow leak (according to them) is it something I need to get done now?

It's totally up to you, if you want to spend the money or not. I would get a couple quotes from different shops.

Two more guesses..
One of the pic gave a reddish color to the oil possible oil cooler connection leak ??

On my 2002 the PCV tube was closed up quite a bit with sludge causing back pressure forcing oil leaks from gaskets.

Nice pic's :)

I would check and replace you oil filter to block manifold O-ring. They after shrink and become brittle from the engine heat. Mine was leaking. Looks like your front main seal needs to be replaced as well.
