Who Has A Radio Controlled Vehicle? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Who Has A Radio Controlled Vehicle?

Who Has/Plays with an R/C?

  • Yes, I have and play with an R/C!

    Votes: 159 75.0%
  • I want to get one!

    Votes: 44 20.8%
  • Those are stupid KID toys! I wouldn't be caught dead within 50 feet of one!

    Votes: 6 2.8%
  • My spouse has one.

    Votes: 3 1.4%

  • Total voters
careful they are very expensive... kinda like our trucks... everything is to scale.....they are fun though...


check out the net...a lot of stuff

i am glad to see that everybody so far likes them :)

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hmmmm.... Anyone know where i can get a used traxxas t-maxx for a good price that still runs?

check out ebay or for sale forums on the hobby sites

Well now I'm an owner, Tara just bought me a new T-Maxx tonight with her income tax returns... Well that and joined 24 hour fitness too... I really wanted a used Q45 but I won't *****... I can't wait for tomorrow so that I can break in the engine and go out and play this thing... Hopefully I can get it running!!! After reading the book I'm kind of scared to get started... I'm assuming this is going to be more fun than my old Losi Jr II...

R/C Car's

I've been racing r/c for 14 year's now. Started with Tamiya like most back then (backyard bashing) then switched to Associated when i got into competitive racing. Right now i run the Associated Factory Team B3 and hopefully the new car when it comes out after the world champs in South America at the end of March. I have been all around the country racing and have made a lot of friends thru R/C.

Have one, I fact two
Traxx race car with 13 turn motor w/ 78 tooth gear
and a baja truck
that has a 27 turn slot machine motor in that one

Both are quick
But i love that car the most
the truck is down for repairs
Also they are both electric

I have a Marui Galaxy RS. It is a RWD electric buggy with four wheel independant suspension and oil filled coilovers. I haven't used it in a very long time because a friend of mine wiped out on the beach and drove it into the ocean. I need a new speed controller, steering servo and receiver.

:rolleyes: Well, I'm now an owner too - against my better judgment... :rolleyes::) I went electric though - Traxxas Stampede (Patrick, you now have some competition! :p). I've watched Heath with his T-Maxx and knew there's no way I'd have the kind of patience a nitro truck requires! I have to say though, when his runs, it kicks butt...

Anyway, so far I'm having a blast with mine. Now I just have to keep charging batteries and save up for the many mods I'm sure to make...

I've been in R/C for a while. i first bought and build an origional RC 10 Buggy. It was the one with orange aluminum tub chassis. It was a nice buggy. It isn't running rught now...needs a rebuild. i also have a pretty modified RC 10 T2 truck. This truck has a 12 trun double motor and has many upgraded parts. i have spent a lot on it, but it is faster then anything. It needs a tranny rebuild though (must be a ford tranny :rolleyes: ) After that and a tweak of the electronics it would be up for racing. My brother owns a RC 10 GT gas powered with a .12 O.S. CV-X engine. i must say gas is nice because of the long run times, but he has to mess with that thing more hten he actualyl drives it.....the engine will never start.

This is Patrick, Everyone better bring there remote trucks and cars to the BBQ next weekend. I will have mine with me..........
Plan on being driven over often!!!! (sorry I can't help it)

here's a pic of my team associated rc10 b3 team version (electric). i took the pic right after i finished putting it together and painting it. i thought my explorer was expensive, hop ups for the rc10 aren't cheap...

Well I just became an owner again... Tara got me a Traxxas Nitro 4-Tec for our annivesary.... Its freakin fast... 50 MPH right out of the box... I'm only on my fifth tank of gas though, so I'm not doing 50 quite yet...

Heath, I created this poll long before there was an RC Forum.... ;)


I edited your poll because we have more and more Explorer Babes who are spouses so I added a choice for us. I'll let Rick tell about his. I have no clue, except they are electric. I bought one for him and he bought the other.


I started out with an R/C plane, spent $400 and 2 months to get it built (15yrs ago). I got to fly it a couple of times, then crashed big time. After I put humpty back together again I decided to try R/C boats (can't hit the ground from a 150ft dive at full throttle). Did that for a while then got tired of it.
Wife bought me a new toy last Christmas, R/C Truck - R/C Boat Combo. It has a trailer and everything, boat even floats off trailer when launching. I can't wait to take it to the boat ramp at the camp grounds we go to.

:mattmoon: Only problem is the truck is a Chevy, don't know if it will stand up to any use or towing without falling apart.:mattmoon:

The wife got me a used HPI Nitro MT for my birthday. I've put a lot into it trying to fix all the previous owner broke. Dude didn't comprehend metal screws in plastic holes. Everything is stripped. But man does it run. I love to pull a hard four-wheel slide. Not a donut, just a good power slide at full throttle. Four wheel drive is a MUST for me!

Electrics are fast off the line, but I think most nitros have more top-end. I know mine will do about 45mph with the stock engine.

I have much bigger tires than stock (another bone-head thing the previous owner did), so it has no torque, but the top end is amazing. My next wish-list item is to get a hopped-up engine. The stock engine gets hot too fast and loses compression.

For Christmas, I got the Ex Sport Track body. I need to get some pics done.

I feel ya thar.. I have an MT myself. Got it used froma guy in newyork.If you dont have CVDs or metal turnbuckles GET EM hehe thatssome of the very 1st things to break. Overall the MT can out haul and out maneuver a t-maxx.. but dont you care compete in hill clumbing with one lol my friends maxx has a .21 with dual spools and it will climb hills like anything.

btw, if you're looking for some hop-ups.. paris racing makes a great tuned 1/10 scale tuned pipe. Its good for a little extra kick

Mattadams....you should put LED's and stuff to mimic yours!!

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Fastest R/C?

All this talk about what's faster... Gas cars or electric cars....

Sorry guys, no R/C car is as fast as an R/C plane! Been flying for 15 years!
