Who Has A Radio Controlled Vehicle? | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Who Has A Radio Controlled Vehicle?

Who Has/Plays with an R/C?

  • Yes, I have and play with an R/C!

    Votes: 159 75.0%
  • I want to get one!

    Votes: 44 20.8%
  • Those are stupid KID toys! I wouldn't be caught dead within 50 feet of one!

    Votes: 6 2.8%
  • My spouse has one.

    Votes: 3 1.4%

  • Total voters

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I used to live near the deleware water gap, i used to race at a shop that is on the road between stroudsburg and allentown, i think the route was rt 33 i cant remember the name of the store but it was areal good shop

Is there any way to get a RC Explorer?

Originally posted by Explorer46L
Is there any way to get a RC Explorer?

i dont know if there are any REAL r/cs that are explorers.... but there is an explorer sport body body that a very reputable company makes...... toys r us and the like have explorer r/cs.... they are cool for fun or to goof around with, but imho arent that good in general.... at least not compared to an hpi, traxxas, tamiya, kyosho, etc....


yes they make lexan bodys modeled as a ford explorer.

I was just thumbing through the forum and seen the R/C topic. I have been into "R/c" since I was about 6.
I own a total of 15 cars/trucks, including 2 monster clods. One is complete stock the other has the "clodzilla" frame. I have never used a nitro truck, but I am in the market for one. Maybe a T-maxx or something... Anyhow the real reason I posted is to show you all the best buy far search engine for R/c. You can find just about anything you want :
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- And for the person that wanted a EXPLORER body. Bolink made an E-sport body p/n:

BOL2224 1/10 EXPLORER SP TRUCK 21.99
*just fits MAX I believe*

PAR10391 1/10 FORD EXPLORER BODY 23.99

Anyhow this was my first post and I am glad it was about something I can actually fix. :confused:
Oh dont get me wrong I love my "Exploder" but man it can get expensive!

Later people-

I got a T-maxx when they first came out. For 3 years all it was was problem after problem. It never ran cuz the Traxxas engine I got sucked and the tranny fell apart for no reason. And I wasn't a stupid newb to nitro RC's either. Finally one day up in Lake Arrowhead it just wouldn't start at all. So, I started stomping it. Now its in lots of pieces and I coulnd't care less. I'm probably just going to put in the 50 bucks to fix it and sell it as is on Ebay so I can get more money towards my truck.:D

I had a really cool electric boat that me and my boy used to bring out alot. Well, at the beginning of this summer I thought it would be cool to run it through some rapids at a local river. It was a blast running through them and then retrieving the boat where the river slowed a little, until...
I had no idea the darn thing would FLIP OVER! unfortunately you cannot steer or power a flipped r/c boat. We tried to chase it down river but the trail kind of ended and I lost it. Boy did I feel dumb, It was like a 100 dollar boat. I want a 4x4 one now, for obvious reasons. And a plane would definitely be a no no in my hands.

I have an HPI supernitro rally and a Kyosho outrage st
I love the gas one its really fast and its 4wd I wanna get an explorer body for it

just saw this thread!

I haven't ever tried R/C cars, but I did the airplanes for about 8 years. I'd imagine most of the equpiment was similar to the car stuff, except the planes were 72mhz.

That was a lot of fun, and I miss the smell of nitromethane burning engines!


Check this T-MAXX out on ebay, he's not selling the car, but he's selling the body - it's dedicated to 9/11 and the bid is up to $304 just for the body.
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Yup guilty.
At the momment got a 1/10th scale 4x4 Ford Focus Rally, An F150, F1 Ferrari and a motorbike. All good fun. In the middle of building a Cheiftan tank but havn't got to far yet. I used to race 1/10 electric race cars some 20 years ago but got married and that was that. Even had to give the kit away. So just recently started again:bounce:

Explorer Sport Trak Body

Here's mine, on my HPI Nitro MT after a day at the races.
It's a Bolink body. The big drawback is that it doesn't come with any stickers at all. Not even for the lights. What you see here is all custom work ;) (...customized with a sharpy marker and some white making tape, under the paint.)

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When I was a kid I used to play with r/c 4x4 but I havent touched one in ages. Now I am totally into r/c submarines.
The fat one of the left is a Russian Typhoon class, scale 1/100. It dives statially, has twin contra rotating 6 bladded propellers, working periscopes, working bow and stern planes, retractable bow planes, running lights and a few failsafes.


  • typhoon.jpg
    48.4 KB · Views: 306

WOW, those are very very cool.

I have an RC10GT and have a new .12 engine on the way. When this engine goes i am gonna go all out and either go with at .18 or get the .21 conversion kit. Then it would haul some MAJOR arrrs.


my wife just got me the explorer sport track,its not a traxxas or losi but i like it for now.look out when income tax check comes back.i also have the HUGE pt cruizer with 3 speed manual trans.keep 4 wheelin my ford buddies.

Yep I have 4. My first one I got when I was in seventh grade, a Bolink circle track car, upgraded it with a better coil over suspension, but it was too damn fast to control. I would get to about half throtle and the damn thing would break loose and spin, the second is a Futaba FX4 (i think) it's a stadium truck, really nice I put a full set of ball bearings on it and it hauled ass. The only problem with it is that for some reason it seems like the tranny slipped, I tightened it up but nothing helps. My third is a boat, a Super Hawaii (class II offshore race boat). It was really surprising at how fast it is. The only problem is that it came with a mechanical speed control, once the wiper arm must have vibrated alittle between the wiper contact and a resister and produced an arc, melting a contact on the resistor so I could only go in reverse, fixed it and it still works great. My fourth (and best) is my RC10 B3....awsome little car, needs a set of bearings but still extremely fast. I've though about selling one or two of them but I don't know if I could give up such cool little reminders of my childhood. Anyway, just thought i'd share my little collection.


RC for me too!
RC planes for over 30 years.
My son has a Team Assoc RC10 car.
Great Planes electric race boat.
1 competition 4 channel sailplane.
1 3 channel Spirit sailplane.
Now we are flying those small backyard flyer electric planes. They are a hoot...fly them in the street in front of the house, or at the local schoolyard.

Radio control is great for all ages. Plenty of action and just about any type of activity is available.

Originally posted by Bottomlesspit

Now we are flying those small backyard flyer electric planes. They are a hoot...fly them in the street in front of the house, or at the local schoolyard.

What type are they, also would they be a good cheaper way to learn to fly r/c planes? I have a few R/C Cars , but I would like to get into the planes next.

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i have a tmaxx 2.5 right now the spur gear is broke, thx to my freind who didnt get the right meshing, and i just got my explorer so all my money is going towards to buy a radio it needs plugs im trying to save for a radar detector and some exhaust, its too quiet cant tell when to shift unless im lookin at the tach. but my tmaxxx is what i drive when im not messin w/ the x
