Who Has A Radio Controlled Vehicle? | Page 9 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Who Has A Radio Controlled Vehicle?

Who Has/Plays with an R/C?

  • Yes, I have and play with an R/C!

    Votes: 159 75.0%
  • I want to get one!

    Votes: 44 20.8%
  • Those are stupid KID toys! I wouldn't be caught dead within 50 feet of one!

    Votes: 6 2.8%
  • My spouse has one.

    Votes: 3 1.4%

  • Total voters
I've got a HPI Racing RS4 3 SS, F-150 4X4 with a 1hp gas (nitro) and 2 speed tranny and lots of billet parts (control arms and other bits). I run Futaba electronics. HPI claims 45 mph. I'm not sure if this is true, but it definitely moves! If you're looking for info HPI has a pretty good site w/lots of useful links (hpiracing.com).

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I've got a losi xxcr Kinwald ed. buggy, and an old school associated RC10. The Losi is light and fast as hell and the rc10 is just plain old bulletproof. Good clean fun. They allow me to try things that you only see on "The Dukes of Hazzard". And alot cheaper to fix than a full size. :D

what about the sky

Hi i have an rc plane. It has a .72 engine and a 66 inch wing span and is approx 65 inches long see pic if it loaded. estimated top speed is bloody fast.


  • stevejpeg3.jpg
    54.6 KB · Views: 159

I'm down to two RC's (Losi XXXNT and HPI Savage SS), but I've owned about 20 over the past 7 years. Just cars for now, though I'd like to get a park flyer or small heli in the future (I've been playing with Real Flight G2 for a while, so I know what it's like to fly them).

speedydave said:
I've been playing with Real Flight G2 for a while, so I know what it's like to fly them.

How do you like RF G2? I enjoy my rc cars, and i am a avid flight simmer. I have been thinking about getting Real Flight. Do you think it is worth the money?

I haven't flown a real RC plane or heli yet, but RFG2 seems to be well worth the money if you are interested in getting into RC flight or just want to "fly" RC without worrying about the cost every time you crash (which at the beginning will be pretty often, haha). From what I've heard, transferring from RFG2 to the real thing is very easy (meaning its physics are pretty realistic), and once you get ahold of basic flight, you can increase the challenge and make it more realistic by adding wind, mid-flight problems, practice dead-sticking a plane/autorotating a heli, etc. Much more worth the money than Real Race was, IMO.
