Who Has A Radio Controlled Vehicle? | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Who Has A Radio Controlled Vehicle?

Who Has/Plays with an R/C?

  • Yes, I have and play with an R/C!

    Votes: 159 75.0%
  • I want to get one!

    Votes: 44 20.8%
  • Those are stupid KID toys! I wouldn't be caught dead within 50 feet of one!

    Votes: 6 2.8%
  • My spouse has one.

    Votes: 3 1.4%

  • Total voters
Yeah, it's hard to beat the speed of a power dive :D

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Re: Fastest R/C?

Originally posted by mderman
All this talk about what's faster... Gas cars or electric cars....

Sorry guys, no R/C car is as fast as an R/C plane! Been flying for 15 years!

Yes but at least when we crash it dosen't cost us as much!!!


i two own r/c's, i have been r/c all of my life,
i now only own 2, both nitro powered,
to the guy who was asking about r/c shops around the pocinos,, there's one here in Williamsport that has very good deals, and can get ya anything, orders it all in and is ery competitive with the bigger warehouse chanes and such,, there's also a huggggeeeeee hobbie shop that has 3 tracks beside it in Easton PA.

and to the guy who was saying about "For drag races ill take electric anyday"
i have a nitro power truck here that wants your electric.
i dont care what electric you have, what you've done to it,, how many turns your motor has,, and how many cells you run off whatever speed controler you run, i will eat you alive and do it on only 20% nitro to make it even somewhat fare,,,,,,,
but nothing aganst electrics, i have owned many myself:)

cheaper to fix?? lol :)

hmmm,, i dont know about being cheaper to fix then plaines all the time lol
i was racing once and on this track there was a table top jump, toped out at 4 1/2 feet, and i made the mistake of hitting it at the wrong angle of the straight,
it flew over the jump,track, and off the track, and head on into a cement pillar at right around 50mph
nuff said you can imagine the sound,, and then the damidge that race. lol

whoa!...where did that other poll option come from? i never put a my spouse has one option... Brian are you doing some editing ;)


I added the other option and I posted that I did that when I edited it.

its ok char.... i was just kidding..... i thought that extra option was kinda funny ;)

I have one, its a 2wd Stampede, one of the best out there I think, strong fast and fun. I wouldn't mind a T-maxx but Ill stick with my pede for now, may mod it to a 4x4 soon :)


electric trucks

I love rc cars and trucks! The trucks are great because you can go 4wheeling with damaging your real truck!! I have a 4-wheel drive wild dagger. It has the dual motors. It was pretty fast but with 4wheel drive it has allot of drag, but has great torque. I have even modified it, i put an electronic speed controll and wired it for less speed and more low end torque! I also took the springs and shocks from another one of my trucks and make a little lift kit for it! It is lifted quite a bit highter now and it gos alost anywhere!!! No more fear of rollovers!!!!! :confused:

i forgot to mention I also made my own spool locker and it works great!! basically in the bell gear housing in the rear end I shoved as much cutt up ruuber band material as i could in the casing, this keeps the bevel gears from turning with locks the rear end!! It works wonders and that was the best mod ive ever done to any truck real or rc.

Here's mine.. it's F/S... Dead Link Removed

RC Aircraft

Been flyin RC Planes for about 13 years now...never could get into RC cars/trucks, though, I must admit some of those monster 4x4's and the speed racers are pretty cool.

Actualy, untill sunday, I hadn't flown in almost 4 years....but I'm back in the saddle now and happy as ever.


Bump Bump Bump

Tammy just got her own race truck. She's had it just over a week and already been racing at the track in Georgetown. My HPI Nitro MT was waiting for a hopped up engine when we took hers to the track. She didn't do too hot, but it was her first time out and we both had a blast. We're already drawing up plans for a track here on the ranch.

She's got an HPI Nitro Rush, the 2wd stadium truck. We just bought a VW bug body and are half done with the stars and stripes paint job. (If you know Tammy, that's not a surprise. Everything she owns is red, white, and blue.)

I also just finished the install of my O.S. .12 ABC engine. It's got a smaller chamber, but MAN does it sound tough. Very throaty compared to the stock .15. I can't wait to finish the break-in and wind it up for real!!!!

I promise I'll get some pics up soon. :rolleyes:

I got me first "real" non radio shack r/c about 4 years ago, now I am up to four!
tamiya tl01 - f-150 lightning
hpi rs4 nitro - alfa 156
hpi rs4 nitro - porsche 911 turbo
hpi super nitro rally - subaru sti
I would have to say that I am more into the street cars because of the speed and handing, but the rally is changing my mind!

this thread back up to the top, is making me want to start playing with my tmaxx again... but i am too bust with work, church, truck, and goped stuff

have you seen the .21 swap for the t-maxx? i imagine that makes for some pretty good fun.

Man I gotta get another one! When I was little , like 9 those Tamiya's had just hit the state's and my Dad being the cool dude he is bought me a Tamiya super beetle, That thing weighed about 40# with it's torshion spring suspension, water tight case, plastic humped 7.2 V battery, metal gearbox, etc..it was a beast! Heavy duty!!! It had the self dampening rear shock setup and a ABS plastic body. They dont build them like that anymore.

Well I was hooked. That was it (probably the reason I love my BII so much now) I had two Grasshoppers, a Frog, A Hot Shot II, a RC-10 (the first edition) and a little gas RC-12. The hot shot got HEAVily modified over the years and was my favorite. It has a LONG travel suspension, 4x4 shaft drive, and a mean green motor, bearings throughout, etc... I loved those cars!

Then My parents gave them away! Thats right, when I was in college they gave all $10K worth of my R/C equipment away to the little kids next door. Obviously they didnt know the vavlue of such things. I had like 4 controllers, and 4 completely custom cars at the time. I have been sick over it ever since, and I have always wanted to get another car or two (one electric, one gas)

So maybe this year for X mas I will get one. Any suggestions? I have been out of the scene so long it's not even funny! Keosho (SP?) had just hit the market with their cars and the RC-10 (aluminum brass colored chasis) was still the "hottest" car on the racing scene.
So anybody got some good suggestions?

I prefer 4x4, one that I can put a Bronco body on.....and I thinkI still have a 4 channel pistol style controller laying around somewhere (I hope those things are expensive!!!)

I have 3 of them


I run a Associated Factory Team RC10GT. Love it to death. Pull wheelies all day!!!!:D Dont forget jumping:eek:

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I got the Tamiya Toyota bruiser, All metal chassis, three speed trans w/ reverse, hi-lo transfer case, locker in the rear, limited in the front. Need some parts and no one makes parts for this truck. got it as a present after I rolled my Adult sized Toyota, even painted it Orange to match! Awesome truck, will pull my kids aroung the yard in a wagon, when it was running..Need batteries and such, anyone know of a place thats carries old RC parts?
