Who Has A Radio Controlled Vehicle? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Who Has A Radio Controlled Vehicle?

Who Has/Plays with an R/C?

  • Yes, I have and play with an R/C!

    Votes: 159 75.0%
  • I want to get one!

    Votes: 44 20.8%
  • Those are stupid KID toys! I wouldn't be caught dead within 50 feet of one!

    Votes: 6 2.8%
  • My spouse has one.

    Votes: 3 1.4%

  • Total voters


Elite Exploder
December 27, 2000
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2001, F150, XLT 4x4
I was just thinking, other than our Xs what do we do for fun? I have a Traxxas T-Maxx. It is the MOTHER of all R/C 1/10th scale radio control trucks. My dad has a Helicopter.

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i LOVE THEM! i sold mine! I always go gas powered. Only way to go in my book. My next will be a gas powered boat!

I just bought a 1/10th Ford F-150 remote control truck. I bought it off ebay so its being delivered, I can't wait to get it and repaint it to match my truck and all that fun stuff! :)

you guys are posting but not voting. whats up with that?

i got a traxxas rustler and a rs4 nitro with a .12 engine. the rustler is pretty sweet. i'm going to buy mip cvds and bearings for it soon! i also got some kick butt 3000 mah batteries

Traxxas T-Maxx:It has Independent suspension... 4x4...rear spool... .15 size gas engine, 2 speed forward and reverse auto trany, full mip cvd (hardend steel driveshafts/Constant Velocity Drives) 3.5 inches of suspension travel...1/10 th scale...3 channel radio...(steering,throtle,and forward/reverse shifter) 35 mph top speed[stock specs]...solid aluminum bumpers...billet skid plates front to rear...cool transfer case........

The Traxxas T-Maxx

I have the Losi x.. 1/10 th scale buggy, I run it every saturday at an indoor dirt track by my house. Since i cant do much off roaden around here i might as well do it with my Buggy...lol


Only way to go in my book

everybody seems to think that an gas powered truck is so much faster then an elctric powered....wrong.

i've seen modified electro Maxx leave an T-maxx in the dust.....litterly....

If you build the truck right and you can supply enough power to the motors the truck will run faster then any T-Maxx, i guarantee it...it won't run but 2-3 min tops...but still....for an drag race i would definatly go electric over nitro any day.

i got an T-maxx with an Pico TLX-21 comp engine, the motor came of an kyosho inferno...with some mods i was able to nestle it into the T-maxx....the next mod is an 3 speed tranny with NO reverse...

no one is dissin the electric cars.... all my others were electri....tamiya grasshopper 2,blackfoot,panda stocker, boling digger, then t max....some others too ijust cant remember them now

i want to get a FAST gas powered RC car. my friend had one when i was younger. i dont know where to get them. my wife doesn't even believe they make gas powered RC cars. i'm glad to see this thread, now i can show her that they do.

does anyone know of a website, or store in the poconos (PA) that sells gas powered??

leenjen, if you cant find a place in your area go to these sites,
tower hobbies

Tower hobbies is better then e hobbies, in my opinion, more of a selection and alittle better priced (for battery powered at least)...
good luck

Originally posted by mattadams
I just bought a 1/10th Ford F-150 remote control truck. I bought it off ebay so its being delivered, I can't wait to get it and repaint it to match my truck and all that fun stuff! :)

About time Matt, now I don't have to worry about you breaking mine.

So when do I get to race you???
Do I get to try yours since you got to drive mine?


Oh I forgot, I have a Traxxas Stampede painted "Purple" on corse.

yeah... we'll see how well it works, I'm not sure how fast this one is going to be or even how high-quality. I know its one I'd seen for sale at Best buy before but couldn't justify the $75 for it...

I have a Team Associated RC 10 T2. I've spent over $1500 on it. At first I had some serious glitching with it so I got new speed controlls and a lot of stuff for my remote, new battery packs wires, motors, and now the electronics are so screwy it runs it-self off the road it glitches so bad. I need to take it apart and rebuild it. But for the first 2 months I had it it was the greates thing ever.

I have a kyosho pureten, its my 1st hobby class r/c.. I know we've all had those radio shack ones heh, so I dont think that really counts from my past experience..

This thing is a nitro powered "rally" car with a .12.. I put rally in quotations cos I've already spent 1/3 the price of the thing new on repair parts because of sand and dirt. Guess it'll be street for a wihle.. heres a picture

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please excuse the um, chevy emblem, I didn't like parmas interpretation of the explorer, but the k1500 seemed rather accurate for my taste, I am going to get a car body soon, this suv gets horrible drag and ventilation

Where can i buy a gas powered 4x4 r/c?
what type of gas does it run off of?
What all do I need to buy?
These things look fun. I have a radio shack dodge ram 1500 but it has a weak front axle. I ran into something and broke it in half. On my second axle now.

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my suggestion would be to go to a book store or a local hobby shop and find as much info as possible on whats out there. im more familiar with the electric ones. then you can go to www.towerhobbies.com or www.ehobbies.com to buy the stuff.
