Who Has A Radio Controlled Vehicle? | Page 8 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Who Has A Radio Controlled Vehicle?

Who Has/Plays with an R/C?

  • Yes, I have and play with an R/C!

    Votes: 159 75.0%
  • I want to get one!

    Votes: 44 20.8%
  • Those are stupid KID toys! I wouldn't be caught dead within 50 feet of one!

    Votes: 6 2.8%
  • My spouse has one.

    Votes: 3 1.4%

  • Total voters
My bro bought a gas truck yesterday.I was gonna too, but I just dropped $2400 on a new bike 2 days ago.It was used, but never even ridden,it has not a scratch and the tires are still brand new.You can't tell it's not new. I couldn't pass it up.I have been waiting for a deal like this for a couple of years.


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wow havent been on in a few days. Mike I have drove my rally car before. I got it from my brother when he didnt want it anymore and i fixed it up. Drove it for quite a while but i got tired of my esc messing up so i really got out of it. I need new top upper shaft gears and thats about it if my esc works. My hobby shop consists of a full size car mod shop that sells a few R/C cars and parts so when i want a part for my rally car i have to wait for them to get it. I dont really like waiting for them because when i needed my first top upper shaft it took 4 months to get from some Strike at some place or somthing

My rally car has the origanal body on it still (98 subaru???)

2400 for a motor bike??? Wow sounds good....Thats Canadian Too!!! I payed 3500 for my truck:)

Mountain bike....see link :D

holy s##t dude my car snt even worth 2400! lol

mhn3773 said:
holy s##t dude my car snt even worth 2400! lol

It's a $4000 bike, it was used, but the guy only rode it a couple times.I couldn't pass it up.You would never know it was used. :ca:

MOUNTAIN BIKE???? Wow!!! I think ill keep my money going toward my truck and ill keep buying zellers bikes. Does anyone here no how to create a new thread??? I cant find any button anywhere!!!

I have gliders and electric planes !!!

:D Thanks :D

I have a nitro RS4, nitro Team Associated RC10 GT, nitro P-51 Mustang airplane, electric hobbico superstar select plane, nitro US Aircore plane, and nitro P-47D plane.

I was searching and found this thread. I've been wanting to et an R/C car for quite some time. I used to love them when I was a little kid, and had tons of cars laying around. I always wanted a gas one, cause I never could play enough before running out of battery power with my electric ones, even when I had several batteries charged up.

I bought one a couple days ago, still waiting for it to come in. :)

I got a Smartech 1/10 AWD with a .15 engine in it. It's a Skyline, but I will probably change bodies. It's got a stock top speed of 55mph. Hopefully I can find a place to run it. Parts are supposed to be interchangable with Traxxis and HPI, so we will see what I can do with it. I'll probably do something with the exhaust first, squeeze a little more out of the .15...then when I blow it up, I will see just how big of an engine it can take...I'm sure I'll have to start replacing driveline parts. ;)


ha ha ha id like to see how big an engine you can get in their. I know for the t-maxx you can squeeze a .70 in their with a kit. A FLIPPIN .70!!!! holy crap, a .21 is a powerful engine and my .15 is rather powerful but a .70. They were put in the EK4 and that truck couldnt keep its wheels on the ground (The front ones of corse)

thecause17 said:
I was searching and found this thread. I've been wanting to et an R/C car for quite some time. I used to love them when I was a little kid, and had tons of cars laying around. I always wanted a gas one, cause I never could play enough before running out of battery power with my electric ones, even when I had several batteries charged up.

I bought one a couple days ago, still waiting for it to come in. :)

I got a Smartech 1/10 AWD with a .15 engine in it. It's a Skyline, but I will probably change bodies. It's got a stock top speed of 55mph. Hopefully I can find a place to run it. Parts are supposed to be interchangable with Traxxis and HPI, so we will see what I can do with it. I'll probably do something with the exhaust first, squeeze a little more out of the .15...then when I blow it up, I will see just how big of an engine it can take...I'm sure I'll have to start replacing driveline parts. ;)


How did you decide on the Smartech? I hear a lot of the parts break pretty easily and the engine isn't that great. I will be interested to hear your reviews on it once you've bashed with it for a while.

Well, price was right, and I'm just getting into this, so I don't want to invest a lot of money into it yet. Besides, the parts are interchangable with HPI and Traxxis, so if those are any better and I need to replace parts, I will upgrade to those.

bascially, if I decided to get into this more, I full expect to replace just about everything but the chassis itself, so it doesn't matter to me much what's on it right now. :chug:

If you plan to upgrade, it probably will have saved you money (and headache) in the long run to go with an actual HPI, Traxxas, or team Associated vehicle, which you're probably do anyway once you get more experienced.

i got a t maxx with the m16 motor. love it.

I got the car in today. It seems to be ok. My only real complaint is that within the first few pulls of the cord, i broke the pull cord. The handle came off and the cord coiled up inside, so I had to take the engine off and get it back out and together.
Anyways, it seems to run good, a little rich for now til I break it in.

The steering was off a good bit though, and I straightened it out with the trim adjustment on the transmitter. Does anyone know how I can adjust it on the car so that I can set the trim back to the center? I see a linkage behind the left front wheel with a nut on it, but I don't wanna go adjusting stuff until I know what to do...

And one more thing...I know the car will run better as it leans out, but I don't want to overheat it. How can I tell when I've gone far enough with that, as to not overheat and kill the engine?


i have a lighting 1/8th scale buggy, actualy in the market for an rc10 b3 or b2...

thecause17 said:
I got the car in today. It seems to be ok. My only real complaint is that within the first few pulls of the cord, i broke the pull cord. The handle came off and the cord coiled up inside, so I had to take the engine off and get it back out and together.
Anyways, it seems to run good, a little rich for now til I break it in.

The steering was off a good bit though, and I straightened it out with the trim adjustment on the transmitter. Does anyone know how I can adjust it on the car so that I can set the trim back to the center? I see a linkage behind the left front wheel with a nut on it, but I don't wanna go adjusting stuff until I know what to do...

And one more thing...I know the car will run better as it leans out, but I don't want to overheat it. How can I tell when I've gone far enough with that, as to not overheat and kill the engine?

Hate to say I told you so. :smoke:

In regards to the steering, another way to adjust your steering is by adjusting the steering servo. Make sure it's at neutral. Check out the instruction manual.

In regards to the engine heating, you can waste more money buying a temp gun, or you can do the ole "spit test. If you drop some water on the head and it sizzles away in split seconds, the engine is too hot.

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Thecause17- If you understand tuning your engine youll knowtice when you need to richen and lean your engine. A suplement DVD that came with my 2.5 engine for my t-maxx cleared up everything i didnt understand about the tuning of the engine

When your tuning you should always be able to see a blue cloud of smoke, if the truck starts to bog or stall when accelerating after leaning the mixture the mixture should immediatly be richened because its too lean. Also if you can knowtice the power difference detween ajustments, you should stop leaning when one of the signs listed above appear or you feel you are getting no more extra power by leaning

Hope this helps and i hope you learned this already by someone else
