Who Has A Radio Controlled Vehicle? | Page 6 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Who Has A Radio Controlled Vehicle?

Who Has/Plays with an R/C?

  • Yes, I have and play with an R/C!

    Votes: 159 75.0%
  • I want to get one!

    Votes: 44 20.8%
  • Those are stupid KID toys! I wouldn't be caught dead within 50 feet of one!

    Votes: 6 2.8%
  • My spouse has one.

    Votes: 3 1.4%

  • Total voters
i have a 2.5 t-maxx for bashing and a supermaxx for the pretty truck. (it's for sale)

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Originally posted by Saleen85
Tamiya Skyline ...

You can tell it is driven, but still tight!! I like Tamiya kits, I have built a few, they are nicely built with durability in mind!!


here is a fraction of the RC trucks that i have owned. i seem to lose lots of them to the dirt......ramps :D

Originally posted by Trckmagik
i LOVE THEM! i sold mine! I always go gas powered. Only way to go in my book. My next will be a gas powered boat!

When you say gas, you mean gasoline not nitro?

I have a nitro boat, but it needs carb tuning and I went through the hassel of fixing it all up from its junk state, and now I have no idea how to make it run well... I think I need a starter for it....

i have one, but dont play with it...its old and only holds a charge for like 5 minutes, plus one of the wheels doesnt spin...

r/c is awsome, i got a traxxas t maxx (the old version) with the new engine and i broke one of the from driveshafts going to my wheel. 2wd is crazy on ice. hey who thinks that electric cannot go as fast as gas? thats wrong. an electric car has been recorded at 111MPH!!! cant remember what is was but a tc3 had previously gone 90 sommod but it wasent recorded. i have a electric hpi rally car and even tho they only last a batterys worth there still a blast:cool:

There is a new store in town, the guy has a $3500 4wd Truck he claims will hit 75 MPH.(Not for sale-His own)

its possible, i have seen magazines tweak cars to do over 100 mph!

Originally posted by general x
electric hpi rally car and even tho they only last a batterys worth there still a blast:cool:

How do you like it? I have the SuperNitroRally and i love it!

I have a helicopter and 4 airplanes. I was pretty hardcore into it before college, now I'm short on time but still enjoy mowing my lawn with the chopper semi-regularly.


sorry for the dfdfdf thing. i tryed posting several times and it wouldnt work. i love my rally car. that thing has tonns of torque and if i want the wheels to spin all i have to do is throw in a fresh pack. sadly my esc (electronic speed control) doesnt like me and i havent drove it in a long time. kinda crappy because i put new cvds and shocks in it. hows the nitro rally?

I have a
- traxxas T-maxx
- nikko Hummer
- tyco bandit (still runs)
- kyosho mini-z wrx
- mini cooper (generic brand)
- traxxas nitro hawk
- team losi JR-T
- rc-10T
- tamiya blackfoot
- tamiya clodbuster
- tamiya grass hopper
- tamiya lunch box
- tamiya midnight pumpkin
- kyosho double dare
Out of 14 only the T-maxx, mini cooper, and hummer work, all others are waiting repair or need batteries

Bottomlesspit, I gotta agree w/ u. This Christmas I used my money to purchase the Vortex Extreme from Hobbytron.com. Its so much fun to fly! It has taken some serious punishment too. I'm currently awaiting a new wing. Anyone interested in learning to fly an R/C aircraft should definatly check into these electric trainer birds. Anyone seen the jet powered models of fighter jets w/ retractible landing gear/flaps? There is a video somewhere on Mustangworld.com of an F-15 some guy flys around, it can do like 400MPH. Anyways, heres what I fly around the local school yard.

Originally posted by general x
sorry for the dfdfdf thing. i tryed posting several times and it wouldnt work. i love my rally car. that thing has tonns of torque and if i want the wheels to spin all i have to do is throw in a fresh pack. sadly my esc (electronic speed control) doesnt like me and i havent drove it in a long time. kinda crappy because i put new cvds and shocks in it. hows the nitro rally?

It is cool. It is a lot bigger then I thought it was going to be. I can fit the 2.2” rear buggy tires on all four corners. All I need is a two speed tranny and I am going to convert it to street use. Even on the street it handles nice, its cool running on the street with the dirt suspension because you can really see the body roll and weight transfer going on!!

i should get mine out. i shuved a bunch of thumb tacks through the tires and on pavement the just bend but on ice it really gave me a boost. the problem is that my t maxx works and i drive that because its more conveient. especially because when my brother gave me the rally car chassis because he didnt want it anymore i had to replace the upper top shaft and it took 4 months to get one!!!. i find parts arnt readily available (because my hobby shop is an aftermarket full size car shop that sells tmaxxs and gas)so the only parts they carry are tmaxx and savage parts....id like to drive my rally car/or my explorer

i have 2 HPI car and want to get a miro heli.

Originally posted by general x
i should get mine out. i shuved a bunch of thumb tacks through the tires and on pavement the just bend but on ice it really gave me a boost. the problem is that my t maxx works and i drive that because its more conveient. especially because when my brother gave me the rally car chassis because he didnt want it anymore i had to replace the upper top shaft and it took 4 months to get one!!!. i find parts arnt readily available (because my hobby shop is an aftermarket full size car shop that sells tmaxxs and gas)so the only parts they carry are tmaxx and savage parts....id like to drive my rally car/or my explorer

I have had the same problems with hobby stores before too. I have three HPI’s two are rs4’s(nitro) for the street and the Nitro Rally. When I lived in Arizona I had a hard time finding parts for any of them. I just use the internet to buy parts. I would love to have a T-MAXX!! I know that would be fun, but everyone has one!! Look around on the internet dude and you will find what you need to make the rally bad a$$!

ya well i dont have a credit card so i cant really use the internet (or can I) i dont have any money right now either. i think the problem with my hobby resources is where i am(canada) but some day it may just have a 2 turn waterproof reverse super duper esc and graphite goodness.(my rally car) by the by having a tmaxx is awsome, sure everyone has one but that comes with good reason. there awsome.

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Lastnight my servo Jammed on(A little wet maybe) and my car ran about 700 feet away, full speed and rammed into a cement wall.The gas was still on, the tires heated up and grabbed traction, and by the time I got to it the motor was on fire.:roll: So today I got a new motor.Holy crap.You know that thing that the back tires do on a dragster where they thin out when they do a burnout? Yea, I got that.The car is probably twice as fast.
