Who Has A Radio Controlled Vehicle? | Page 7 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Who Has A Radio Controlled Vehicle?

Who Has/Plays with an R/C?

  • Yes, I have and play with an R/C!

    Votes: 159 75.0%
  • I want to get one!

    Votes: 44 20.8%
  • Those are stupid KID toys! I wouldn't be caught dead within 50 feet of one!

    Votes: 6 2.8%
  • My spouse has one.

    Votes: 3 1.4%

  • Total voters
Did you put the new 2.5 in your rustler (thats what it is right?) i put one in my tmaxx and its awsome...kinda sad tho in one aspect. it costs so much for a racing engine and the only reason regular engines arnt so fast as racing engines is because of stupid things, like how in my old trx .15 there exhaust port on the sleeve wasnt as big as the exhaust port itself on the block(loosing horsepower right there) all traxxas really did was use the knowledge they gathered from how much tests and use it to make this awsome 2.5" engine. if you look in the 2.5's exhaust port youll knowtice the sleeve is aligned just right with the exhaust port. glad i got the 2.5 thou

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It's electric, I am ashamed to say......It was cool untill I saw all the gas ones around.:mad:

still cool man, still cool. i have a electric rally car and i really got to get it runnin (now that i have a truck i can plug my charger into a cigarette lighter Huraa)

i take it you have a mecanical speed control??? i hate my esc, never wants to work. runner plus

That was gonna be my next upgrade....:(

same kind and everything??? i know i have givin mine a sh*t kickin and it kinda holds the right to not work....just makes me mad...racing down the street and it just stops for no reason at all. grab it shake it and play with all the wires and put in a fresh pack and check my motor-ohh its working again. i wish <MINE> was more reliable. esc's are en excellent upgrade thou. you get a much more controlable braking and acceleration and you wast less batt to heat and resistance (resistance because the mechanical speed control relys on resistance to keep you can going slow on slow speeds) im not saying that esc's are bad...there less matenence than msc, im just saying mine works like a peice of sh*t:p

Nuked my tranny with the new motor.....

wow. what kinda motor did you put in there? gunna go aluminum gears and such (if you can find some..im sure you can) as i said before dont worry about an esc being a bad investment. there awsome, i just messed mine up. besides you have your msc just in case you break your esc (i hope you dont)

Put an Orion 11-turn in. The factory was a 20 turn.Of the 2 gears in there, 1 is metal.Will find the other in metal too.

i think i had a 17 turn double motor from speed gem. it was the amber one...was the lowest motor i could go with my esc and that was powerful enough to spin the tires on my rally car at almost any speed...that 11 turn must make quite the roosts of dirt when your puttin around )or at least once you get it back on the road) hopefully you driveshafts dont go the same way my t-maxx's driveshafts went (when i installed the 2.5 i broke one of the front ones in no time) now im stuck with rear wheel drive....at least once i get a new spur gear with all the teeth:rolleyes:

I'll keep you posted.....hopefully have time to fix on tues.

It Can't eat gears all day, It can only eat one set and then my day is done:D I haven't fixed it yet, been too busy.If it eats enm again I will put a smaller gear on the motor.

Originally posted by bipolarbob
It Can't eat gears all day, It can only eat one set and then my day is done:D I haven't fixed it yet, been too busy.If it eats enm again I will put a smaller gear on the motor.

:D lol

I collect and restore vintage 4wd rc buggies. Heres whats in my stable right now: sg coyote, tamiya top force, kyosho lazer zxr, 4x associated mip 4-10 legends, 3 x marui samurai, 3 x kyosho progress/gallop, tamiya ta01 rally car, kyosho optima.

Holy chit I put a 12-2 in and it has rendered my steering useless.The front wheels won't stay on the ground! :bounce:

bipolarbob said:
Holy chit I put a 12-2 in and it has rendered my steering useless.The front wheels won't stay on the ground! :bounce:

Are you still killing the gears?

I just got done with a two day project. I compleatly tore down the nitro rs4-2 rebuilding it. It needed some serious attention, I have had it for almost four years and it is the first full tear down I gave it. I must say it rolls alot better now! In the morning I am going to fire it up and test it out. Soon I need to replace the old .15fe motor and tunded pipe. The little 15fe motor is not very powerful but it sure is diehard, almost four years of service and it still fires up!

Mike_H said:
Are you still killing the gears?

Nope.Got an ESC.Best investment yet, and with all new gears for the first time in months I packed up my car cause I wanted to, not cause I had to!

glad to see that my comment on my crappy esc didnt phase you and make you rethink buying an esc. Truthfully the only advantage of a mecanical speed control is there cheap.

I still gotta dig out my Rs4 Rally and put it back together. Just a little busy, Im trying to get my truck on the road today (insurance) and im real excited....and broke

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bipolarbob said:
Nope.Got an ESC.Best investment yet, and with all new gears for the first time in months I packed up my car cause I wanted to, not cause I had to!

Right on, good to hear you went with the ESC. I have always used a ESC with the electrics, it’s like going from three forwards speeds to a wireless proportional drive by wire system.

general x: Have you been able to run the rally since you got it? What body does it have on it?
