Whoops!! Bent my leaf spring | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Whoops!! Bent my leaf spring

Whoops!! Bent my leaf spring and busted my driveshaft



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How the hell did you do that?

Not exactly sure. I thought it happened at the same time I broke the driveshaft, but after looking at the video I don't think that was it.

And the collection grows.....

Hey that U joint is still good! hahahahaha!!!

The Rancho lift springs for an Explorer I have seen look very familiar to those.......
You can have mine! hahahahaha They are 4 door Explorer springs with the short and long Stupidlift ad a leafs in them......

My 4" Skyjackers go on soon...

LOL, none of them are stock. It's a spring pack made by National. They use a ton of thin leaves which gives you good flex, and good ride quality.

This pack was originally on Paul Bredehofts Explorer as a 5.5" spring under axle setup. I took out 3 leaves (yep I actually took some out) and use it as a SOA on my truck. They were a bit sagged out and not producing 5.5" for Paul anymore, that's why he gave them to me. I have no clue what my actual lift is now. I would have to measure the frame against a stock Explorer.

You stillhave a frame? hahahahaha Just kidding....
How many driveshafts is that now?

Rick, that looks almost exactly like where I bent mine, and I'm not sure where I bent mine either... it was after the zimmerman mod though.

That makes one busted yoke, one busted u-joint, one busted flange and one bent shaft.

Oh BTW, I had them replace the the 1310 with a 1350. Bigger, beefier:D

Yes mine have been "upgraded as well, both front and rear shafts are custom and use 1350 Spicers. No problems to date, they appearto be tough as nails, especially on a BII, I have beat the crapola out of them and nothing happens (so far). :)

Where's the video? You convert it yet? I want to see the carnage in action..


So I guess this means its time to 4-link the rear?

I have seen the video and OH MY GOD it is loud!

Dead Link Removed

U-joint snapping video by Tom Davis

LOL, that vid is kinda funny!

Go Baby SNAP! ......ohhhhhhhh


Gotta love it!!!!!

Carnage is a good thing.:D

It just goes to show that even the Great Pumpkin isn't bulletproof......yet:D That video is classic though, short and sweet.

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where is the video of the driveshaft breaking?
