Why does everyone leave fiberglass unpainted?? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Why does everyone leave fiberglass unpainted??

You put this much work into a truck, 7 years, why skimp on the paint???

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I guess I shouldrip out the carpet and leatherseats then too?


you can have the best of both worlds...

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hey DocVijay....isnt your X deep jewal green(paint code is PA i think)? thats what mine is and they have the duplicolor for it...i used it to paint my console and my ventvisors and it matches perfectly(but it is a metallic so you have to take your time and do good prep)
now i did do small pieces and i dont think that a spray can will spray a sufficent volume for fenders and a metallic paint.

Oh and might i add that you have one sweet bumper on there....i would love to have something like that for my 94

Because I decided in the middle of finishing the front glass to do rear glass and then a SAS in the middle of that too! While I was at it, why not swap to a fiberglass hood? The fiberglass takes a LOT of work like 410 said and I'm a perfectionist so it'll take a while before I shoot paint.

Thought about it briefly, but I want as much visibility as possible for safety reasons.

Yet you bought a Black explorer?:p :D

Originally posted by james t
you guys and your "make sure the 4x4 is pretty" attitude. ill never understand it... :D

me personally, id rattle can the rest of the truck white to match the fenders. :p
And whose puuuuuuurdy paint job is this?:D


Originally posted by Silverblade
Yet you bought a Black explorer?:p :D

Yes, I like black. What I mean is I want people to be able to see my lights. There are too many people around here with either clear tails or light covers and you can't see their lights for ****!

tell us how you really feel. :)

I am building my own led tail lamps because the aftermarket SUCKS

I have mine painted. My Ex use to be grey and blue.:p

when I get them, which won't be for a while, they will most likely end up gloss black, nothing fancy, but just to protect the glass from the sun, do they come gelcoated, I know that some 'glass accessories will deteriorate in sunlight after a while

All my glass is Gel-coated except the hood which is primered. The gel-coat will protect the glass from UV but it's not something to run forever. Primer/sealer will do the same trick.

Originally posted by Digger196
haha. John and coolchriscrush have them painted. there's only like 3 ppl on here that i know of that have not painted them. all a mater of time!


damm... and im one of the three!!! haha.. Time is my only problem.. my friend owns a paint shop.. I just dont have another ride when my trucks at the shop..

Originally posted by Robb
And whose puuuuuuurdy paint job is this?:D

its not puuuuurdy, its fugly. and was rattle-canned in my old driveway, out in the weather. :D $25 walmart webcam covers up alot of ****.

Originally posted by TarHeel085
Alec spray canned his and after about a week to 2 weeks it started to peel off. so you really need to get a professional paint job.
Here are the pics of 'Ghost Wing' lol



hehe.. nice alec.. thats why i didnt paint mine yet!!! Another reason i didnt paint mine, was because I get noticed more!! hahaha.. I drive through town all the time and people are like "hey its that Mountaineer with fenders! that guy is cool!"
I think they say that...

I painted mine as soon as they went on.


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That's still the sweetest thing I have ever seen. I should be done with my fiberglass next week. I'll let you know how that Marine-Tex works out.

I repainted a week or 2 after that slabs run where all the paint came off. This is how they've looked for the past 6 months:


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That turned out well and looks good.

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hey guys, A couple weeks ago i jumped my truck at the dunes and when i landed, my rear tires hit my rear fenders and my tires go sliced a little.. theres a big chunk of MUdd terrrain Tread missing!! I was wondering, is there Glasswork for the Rear for a 98-2000 4-door explorer/mountaineer??? I checked perry's fab N fiber and it looked like they only had it for the other ex's???
