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why i love wheelin


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2001
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'92 EB
sorta personal but here go's

this is why i love this hobby/sport.... you cant buy this at your local shoppin mall and you cant find it online.... i just stood beside my truck and looked around for a couple minutes... breathtaking.... better then sex.... allmost...


dont ask where it is i will never tell but if your lucky enuff to come wheelin with me and/or my friends bring your cameras....

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way to represent the toyota crowd ;) :thumbsup: just kidding, well maybe a little bit.....

your X looks good too

i know what you mean hotwheels. Wheeling in Canada(BC) is pure heaven. As for better then sex.....well im going to have to disagree :p

better then sex.... allmost...

:p hahahaha

ya i know what you mean about BC.... i spent the better half of my life in the vernon/armstrong/salmonarm area working in the forest industry.... think its gettin to be time to move back, i was in armstrong last long weekend and seen a dark green X with a 6" lift.... wonder if he's on this board?

what year was it?

That's just frickin gorgeous!

no no no you have almost got it,
Bring the girl and have sex right there! hahaha

Colorado last fall:

thought i would post some pics too


  • Mounty post lift. 051.jpg
    Mounty post lift. 051.jpg
    92.5 KB · Views: 358
  • Mounty post lift. 089.jpg
    Mounty post lift. 089.jpg
    67.3 KB · Views: 378

what year was it?

first gen.... maybe 92-93

no no no you have almost got it, Bring the girl and have sex right there! hahaha

my wife's 5'nuttin and my hood is approx that high off the ground, the back is full of spare parts and muddy tow strap's, bumpers are uncomfy, the ground is made up of rock's the size of football's, and to top it all off i was in a 4 truck convoy..... the logistic's of doing that are mind boggleing :confused:

colorado look's pretty nice.... i have been thru washington and a little of north dakota and its pretty nice around there just get nervous thinkin bout drivin my truck across the boarder.... i have enuff trouble drivin a work vehicle 100' past the US line to do warrenty work..... scare's the hell outta me even being in the DHS's good book.

Hotwheels, that picture is sweet! I have to represent for the CA desert.

wow..... look's just like here.... cept you have sand and rocks and we have grass and rolling hill's.... till ya get east of here.... then it fllattens out alot.... with a .50cal BMG you could easily watch yer dog run away from home for a couple day's then drop em if ya allow for distance and the odd 80mph wind gust.

thought i would post some pics too

i love the water and the hill's..... i know of a few spots like that that are compleatly hidden and not accessable by anything short of my truck :D wow whut a coincidence eh?

my wife's 5'nuttin and my hood is approx that high off the ground, the back is full of spare parts and muddy tow strap's, bumpers are uncomfy, the ground is made up of rock's the size of football's, and to top it all off i was in a 4 truck convoy..... the logistic's of doing that are mind boggleing

I still dont see the problem? hahaha

You would be amazed at what passes for street legal here in CO, thank goodness we dont have all those crazy tire coverage and lift height laws around here. I have some friends who are no longer allowed in Canada though! hahaha they got busted up there when they were like 18 with some "green stuff" still not allowed to go back, morons!

Closest I have been in All over Montana and Yellowstone, GORGEOUS driving through Montana was amazing how it changes...

Colorado, Utah, and the midwest are just amazing places for wheeling. CA is bad ass too, I hope to make it all over with the BII once I get a tow rig and flatbed, etc....

410 i know what you meen by Montana i spend a week in Glacier drove from the plains up in ot the mountains it was awesome.

I thought I would jump on this bandwagon and show a pic of my favorite camp spot just a little south of you Hotwheels. When is the last time one of you guys camped above the clouds? :D


whitetrash96 said:
I thought I would jump on this bandwagon and show a pic of my favorite camp spot just a little south of you Hotwheels. When is the last time one of you guys camped above the clouds? :D

when i lived in BC i had a camping spot like that.... got bored one night and rolled boulders the size of washing machines down the hill..... took about 3-4min to hit shuswap lake and the tree's made a funky crunching noise as the rocks went THRU them..... i also had a river spot around cragalachie where there was no point in getting up before 9am.... the fog was so thick in the valley bottom next to the river it took a gallon of gas to get paper to light and the river was so cold yer frosty barley pop's would freeze solid if left in over night. :thumbsup:

you know about 1.5 years ago i refused to go to canada, like to study and i hated it too. Now i cant wait to get back to BC. Im in the process of trying to apply for citizenship.

nice scenery there dreamr..... damn all these lil tree's tho.... might be going for a campin trip next weekend back home so mebbe i will grab a few pic's of the old growth ceder back there that you can pitch yer tent under.... with i could take the explorer.... damn not having overdrive.

Hotweels said:
nice scenery there dreamr..... damn all these lil tree's tho.... might be going for a campin trip next weekend back home so mebbe i will grab a few pic's of the old growth ceder back there that you can pitch yer tent under.... with i could take the explorer.... damn not having overdrive.

Hehehe little give me a minute :D
These grandfather trees are pretty common in the old growth forest around here. I have seen several larger, but this cedar was easily accessible for a picture at the time. Our Douglas fir get to be quite massive as do the few redwoods as you drift through the southern portion of the cascades. I haven't seen any of them hils yet though..........

You got to figure though I spend most of time wherever the snowline is and the first three are all up around the peaks themselves ;)

Here's a couple more of favorite sub alpine and alpine lakes....




ahh somebody stop me I have too many of these pictures :confused:

I don't see your wheeling buddy in any of those! :fire:

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