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Wire a resistor to headlight

I'm finding that when I remote start the Explorer, get in and turn the headlights on that I'm getting the message to check each headlight.
I contacted the headlight maker because I'd heard that they'll send free plug in resistors (they call them decoders). So I emailed them and they will indeed send me a free set.
It's not really much of a problem. The warnings are dismissed easily enough with the push of a button. But if I can get plug and play resistors for free, why not?

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I'm finding that when I remote start the Explorer, get in and turn the headlights on that I'm getting the message to check each headlight.
I contacted the headlight maker because I'd heard that they'll send free plug in resistors (they call them decoders). So I emailed them and they will indeed send me a free set.
It's not really much of a problem. The warnings are dismissed easily enough with the push of a button. But if I can get plug and play resistors for free, why not?
My experience with the resistors is they might eliminate some of the warnings but not all of them. I think there is something quirky with the 4th gens that make them extra sensitive regarding LED headlights.

My experience with the resistors is they might eliminate some of the warnings but not all of them. I think there is something quirky with the 4th gens that make them extra sensitive regarding LED headlights.
I figured the price was right. Better than spending $20-25 out of my pocket.

I figured the price was right. Better than spending $20-25 out of my pocket.
Using them will only help reduce the problem. The newer LED bulbs I installed 1-2 years ago trip the dash warning about the same as the older bulbs did with resistors.

I had an issue with LED bulbs in my 06 F150. I wrote to the sellers, and they provided me with plug n play resistors. I haven't had any issues since. I even have an extra set of resistors as when the first set failed to arrive, I wrote again, and they sent a second set. Then later on the first set finally came!

I had an issue with LED bulbs in my 06 F150. I wrote to the sellers, and they provided me with plug n play resistors. I haven't had any issues since. I even have an extra set of resistors as when the first set failed to arrive, I wrote again, and they sent a second set. Then later on the first set finally came!
Beamtech is going to send me a free set, so there's nothing to lose on my end.


Keep in mind, if you drive in snow, the headlights will cake up with snow and not melt. I have a buddy who put LEDs in his Jeep and he lives in Colorado mountains...he tried another set that has a heated lens which worked better. I am betting no one makes an explorer replacement with the heated lens?
Just something to consider...

Joe, you are correct. However, I live in Florida. No snow, just cold as hell.

These are what worked for me, tried others, but these were the only ones

