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Xlt explorer custom_s 1997

Time for the breathers (front diff + rear diff + transmission + transfer case)..... :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:



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First off, I love following your truck. I haven't seen breather filters before but I have been wanting to do something like what you're doing. Where did you get that set up?

First off, I love following your truck. I haven't seen breather filters before but I have been wanting to do something like what you're doing. Where did you get that set up?

thanks' ... got that from my local 4WD shop but I am sure you can buy that from online...

oh I just had a look and it seem only Australia sells it... (check this one)


Look forward to seeing the lines hooked up.

I do just wish they came in black instead of the blue.

EDIT: for the link I see the tubing is black, just wish the blue seal portions were black lol. I wonder if they can be painted.

Look forward to seeing the lines hooked up.

I do just wish they came in black instead of the blue.

EDIT: for the link I see the tubing is black, just wish the blue seal portions were black lol. I wonder if they can be painted.

yeah mate, I replaced mine to black tubing but the blue part is plastic and yeah maybe its possible to paint it black....

few of my friends uses the air bubbles brass for the fish tank and it does seems look like it too anyway lol... (check this out)



Just made a water tank from pvc pipes to fit under the Explorer...

For shower or washing stuff off road..

Installed a 12V shower water pump and it takes around 20ltrs+ of water to fill, I sprayed the pipe with spray Real Liquid Rubber Coating waterproofing...



Any updates?

Hows the front locker treating you?

Any updates?

Hows the front locker treating you?

Heya! Yeah the front locker is working good but i recommend to do the Brown Wire mods...

Soon I installed the locker and went for drive it feels the front wheel want to stay straight and better be aware when your turning on the intersection or round abouts because the wheel will fight to go straight and you better hold the steering wheel firmly...

When you have the Brown Wire Mods, it kinda help the tension...
I would love to install a manual locking hub for less stress but still deciding if ill go for SAS instead...

Couple of things.
Wouldn't the water tank be better on the roof where the sun can warm the water?

Does that snorkel bother you seeing as it's on the driver's side?

Couple of things.
Wouldn't the water tank be better on the roof where the sun can warm the water?

Does that snorkel bother you seeing as it's on the driver's side?

Flash how are you mate! Nah I dont have space on the roof but yeah its a good Idea about warming up the water but the water is warm enough under the Explorer from all the heat esp the exhaust side...

About the snorkle, maybe first week yes it kinda bothers me but got used to it now my friend and never noticed ever...


How is parts availability for the SAS swap in Aus?

Just picked up a 2nd gen in Vic so considering future options :p

How is parts availability for the SAS swap in Aus?

Just picked up a 2nd gen in Vic so considering future options :p

Availability? Its like what we call here in down under "cut and shut" lol... im thinking using a VJ Jeep front suspension assy my friend then just upgrade it slowly for heavy duty Diff..

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Availability? Its like what we call here in down under "cut and shut" lol... im thinking using a VJ Jeep front suspension assy my friend then just upgrade it slowly for heavy duty Diff..

Is SAS legal? Or if you can get it engineered then what about insurance.

I had the same questions about a coilover. It would be just easier to leave the torsion bars in place and pretend they do something but you'd lose one of the advantages, that's clearance from not having torsion bars.
