3rd generation Bumper registry | Page 6 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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3rd generation Bumper registry

Thanks! The fender flares just came in, so i gotta split... this project is is going to take a little more time than planned...

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Keep the pics coming, good luck with the flares. :)

Si, yo se...

that was a smart @ss pic because there is a 1" diff in length outward on the driver's side tubular bumper - fix tomoro. I want to get some things out of the way so I can put on the lights...

1. got black polyU bushings to support the gap between the plastic bumper and the oem - hidden;
2. fender flares

I really like it. Are you going to do the front bumper too? You have got to make them match.

Thanks! I hava a bull bar on the front, hopefully all will go well... I just want to post a pic of the final product...

Man your makin me jealous. I really want your new bumper its so cool. Heck even if i haven't seen final pictures i really like it.
Did i mention that i think you have one of the coolest explorers on the forum. I am biased because your 3rd gen is very similar to my 4th gen. HEHEH
Looking Good Donner keep up the Fantasticly Amazing Work.:thumbsup:

So now that i have buttered you up a little when you going to do mine???:D:rolleyes:

ha! :) If I knew what I was doing... this is a blind project. hopefully, the bumper will come out the way I want... that's the one part I've been trying to get together. But there are so many little details when you use products that "aren't made" for Fords. This is going to work.

ha! :) If I knew what I was doing... this is a blind project. hopefully, the bumper will come out the way I want... that's the one part I've been trying to get together. But there are so many little details when you use products that "aren't made" for Fords. This is going to work.

Heck looks like you know more than I do. I just do wiring, and a few basics. I don't do body work :eek:. I am too scared to do anything like that. Heck when it comes time to do the lift I want, I will pay someone to do it for me. I just am not mechanically inclined to do such things. I probably could do it, but i would need lots and lots and lots of "HELP!!".

Support and paint...

These bushings will be placed between the bumper pad and the tubes... the painting begins!! :thumbsup: The lights will be added in the next hour...


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Looking good kebeb man

thank you... only the sides now...

Looking good kebeb man

The sides (that gap) and the lights need to be put on. Found out the bolts were coming off of the bumper - delayed 2 hours. Dirt blew on the bumper after it dried, so it's in the pic... I can't find the bolts for the lights, so off to Lowe's...;)


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Man that thing is starting to look fierce. Keep up the good work and the pictures coming.

Man that looks soooo good. Great pioneer work!

Thanks guys! I have an idea for the gap, and adding a turn signal there too... I'm gonna run out and get those lights on.

Thank you! It has a ways to go... I was putting on the lights, but it got dark, and I ran out of ideas on where they should be located. They have pre-drilled holes, but eh... I put one KC series 25(?) on each side of the hitch location... generic. (The side panels are pending, and the upper plastic under the light is questionable... don't know if it will stay.

Now how do I get them to...

How does it connect to the reverse gear again? Any suggestions on where the lights should be?


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How does it connect to the reverse gear again? Any suggestions on where the lights should be?

I think they should be mounted in the next hole out so they are about half way between the end and the hitch in the center. As to the connection to reverse, I don't know how to set that up. I used to know a guy that had high power fog/driving lights on the back of his truck and kept blowing something...did something special and it fixed it, but that is no help.

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