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Jen's 03 Sport

Hello all...

To celebrate the final payment of my beast, I thought I should finally make a registry for it, with pictures and all!!!

When I was in college, I really wanted a 2door SUV that was relatively new and looked cool as well... Obviously that led me to the Explorer, as Jeeps are cool and all, but not all that practical as my daily driver. Sooo, the search was on! I wanted a black one, the newest year I could get for the Sport, with the fewest miles, with leather and a sunroof! :D

Eventually my searches pulled up my exact specs, but in South Dakota. I lived in Iowa at the time, so no big deal. I bothered the people at the dealership with my excessive questions to make sure it was worth the drive there to look at it. And luckily, it was! Mom and I drove out to look at it, and I ended up buying it. My first (nice) purchased car. It had 16,x.. on the clock, was a certified pre-owned from some old man so it was pretty nice, other than that saggy rear end.

First thing I did was swap out the stereo, and figured out how to wire it to the factory sub thanks to the forum! Then, add a leafs were next. I had the next several years mapped out for it when the tires would wear out and I was outta college and could finally have some money!!! I took off the step bars and added a Yakima rack and drove it like that until I moved to CO. That's when the magic started to happen, ;).

I knew I wanted to lift it from the day I bought it. When I started my big kid job out here in CO, I was able to buy new wheels, tires, shackles, and body lift to get it started! Thanks to the awesome boys from this forum (hokie, nssj2, sparkyXplorer) they got it on for me. I was of no use as I had just had shoulder surgery, but they made sure to get my on the right track :thumbsup:

Awesome! Now I'm good to go. Cranked up the torsion bars a lil, time to hit the trails!!! Got my feet wet in Ouray with the group. And by feet wet, I mean I almost peed myself on Black Bear pass, haha

Since then, I've upgraded my exhaust to 2.5 pipes from the cats back, Flowmaster 50 muffler (kinda quiet :rolleyes:) and a MAC intake. Changed out the plugs and wires at the same time, put on Motorcraft plugs and JBA cables...I also added a Yakima load warrior basket that is pretty quick to take off that holds my snowboard racks and my spare.

Mods to come ---- upgrading gears to 4.56, adding an Aussie locker (or something of that sort depending on my $$), removed gray plastic body panels to paint black, thus discovering rust on my doors GRRRRRR, need rock sliders, skid plates, and on and on.


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Very nice ride. Why can't I find a girl like you!

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I got a 03 sport as well I love it iv only dun cosmetic to it so far (roof rack and such) rely won't to lift itjuust wonderin what kit u got and how many inches? And how its holden up to off? Major envy for urs hope nuns just as bad ass soon.

I believe the truck has tt/shackles and b/ the first page.....

I believe the truck has tt/shackles and b/ the first page.....

that is correct! has the add a leaf too, although I think it's flattened out some now...

haven't been on any of my forums lately, crazy busy with work and such. surfing today since i'm getting a hellish noise when turning left and my suspicions of a bad wheel bearing are true.. i jacked it up this AM and there is sooo much play it's scary. the left side seems fine, but i think i'm going to get both fronts replaced. ugh, but really this is the first thing other than brakes that have been replaced (knock on wood :)

Yeah you should probably replace both since you're doing it. How ya been Jen?

good! busy, moved (still in colorado!) and working at a new hospital. enjoying the summer though!

Good to see you pop back in stranger-give Seamus a pat on the head for me please.


oh i will! he had to go to the V-E-T to get his teeth cleaned on Thursday.. he deserves to be spoiled a little ;)

Frisco is a good improvement over Planet Boulder.

I agree, I love it up here! I can stay off I-70 a lot more now too and when I do use it, it is usually against all the traffic!

Just read through the build. Nice toy! Hope you get the wheel bearings taken care of soon! I need to do the same thing on my Ranger, but I have so much other work to do on it, just doesn't seem like too big of a deal. lol

Just read through the build. Nice toy! Hope you get the wheel bearings taken care of soon! I need to do the same thing on my Ranger, but I have so much other work to do on it, just doesn't seem like too big of a deal. lol

thanks! i got them taken care of last weekend, much better now! i've seen it done tons of times and helped my dad out a lot, it seems pretty easy for sure. i bought the parts and the mechanic by my house changed them out for like $150. Not too bad! Maybe I'll stay on top of maintenance since my new mechanic is nice and not a rip off! Good luck with your Ranger!


something kinda funny..

i've been complaining of this annoying rattle sound from the back of the truck for a few years.... couldn't track it down! turns out it's the stupid center caps on my wheels, they don't fit snug and bounce around making this awful metal rattle sound!!! it had been driving me nuts!

same thing happened on my 2wd Ranger. Just take a little bit of super glue in one spot of the back side of the center cap where it meets the wheel. Fixed my problem

same thing happened on my 2wd Ranger. Just take a little bit of super glue in one spot of the back side of the center cap where it meets the wheel. Fixed my problem

that is a GREAT idea... thanks man! will give it a try!

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The clip that keeps the leaf pack together (when unbolted) is loose on mine. It rattles. I'm guessing the add-a-leaf may have helped cause this.

i'll have to check that out too... i have a feeling there is a lot of stuff that could be potentially rattling under there!
