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22" Wheels For Explorer

Would love to see it off lift, and know if there are rubbing issues.. it looks like it's gonna be a little tight on turn.

We tested full turn in both directions, no rubbing on fairing or any suspension components. We did take it off the lift but only so much settling occurs until it's moved which we didn't do.

It's going to be middle of next week before I put these on. We got a bunch of nasty weather of the weekend and I won't run these in winter salt, or winter at all for that matter.

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I will be interested in seeing the wheels mounted and a review after rolling around . I can promise that there is going to be some rubbing going on there .

You need to be the first customer when Megan makes the coilovers for these!

I will be interested in seeing the wheels mounted and a review after rolling around . I can promise that there is going to be some rubbing going on there .

I am confused at how you can be certain? None the less I will be certain to report back.

You need to be the first customer when Megan makes the coilovers for these!

Funny you mention. I told the guys at the shop that I was waiting for a coil over package so I can grab about an inch in front and maybe 1.5 in back. No way I can do just the spring swap on those wheels.

We're working on it on my forum! :)

I am confused at how you can be certain? None the less I will be certain to report back.
cuz mine are 22x9.5 with a custom offset to push them out a bit and they rub if you hit a bump while turning . call me crazy but if you add another inch in width , i'm guessing the chances are greater in rubbing .

I had my wheels put on and did "turn the steering wheel' test also , and nothing . I then drove off and 2 seconds later....rub a dub dub :D

even with a coilover package , I don't know how low you could go . i'm thinking even an inch would be low enough to rub a 10.5 .

let's see what your results come out to :thumbsup:

Were u lowered before the rims and it rubbed or after?

Looking forward to when you finish this and I'll have to keep my eye out for you!

Were u lowered before the rims and it rubbed or after?
I was lowered with the OEM wheels and no rubbing at all . I ordered the new wheels with the new offset and that's when the rubbing began . just had to do some minor fender work and now it's tons better . even after the fender work , if I still go into a turn and hit a bump at the same time , it still rubs a little .

when I said you would rub for sure is before I knew you were not lowered but still kind of think it might rub a bit while cornering . I thought you were lowered because of the comment you made about settling after being jacked up .

I don't think you could lower it at all and not rub with a 22x10.5 .

Id have to probably agree with u on that. Time for a wide body kit or a little fender flare

Mine are also 22x9. Fit perfectly, nothing needed to change. The only difference is the 20" Sport wheels have a standing height of 30.04", while the 265/40/22s stand at 30.35" (+1% difference).

Bstoll's setup is the slickest I've seen thusfar... but I needed a little less black in my life ;). Here's what the Vossen CVTs (in metallic silver) look like on my "Phenix"


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Lookin good! :thumbsup::thumbsup:
Do they fit flush? Got a back/side shot?

Mine are also 22x9. Fit perfectly, nothing needed to change. The only difference is the 20" Sport wheels have a standing height of 30.04", while the 265/40/22s stand at 30.35" (+1% difference).

Bstoll's setup is the slickest I've seen thusfar... but I needed a little less black in my life ;). Here's what the Vossen CVTs (in metallic silver) look like on my "Phenix" :


I went with 22x9 Giovanna Mecca- flat black/gloss black

They worked well on my 2012 but I haven't had a chance to put them on my 14 Sport yet. Thanks to the polar vortex on the east coast.

I think I'm pulling the trigger next week though.

Crappy pic of my 12 Limited


so definitely Megan are going to make coilover on the EX sport?

Yes, that is what they're telling us, we've had a 2013 SHO go in, they just want an Explorer to verify but my guys know that that Ford part # is the same.

Yes, that is what they're telling us, we've had a 2013 SHO go in, they just want an Explorer to verify but my guys know that that Ford part # is the same.

PM'd you

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Yes, that is what they're telling us, we've had a 2013 SHO go in, they just want an Explorer to verify but my guys know that that Ford part # is the same.

any info on the megan specs and pricing?
