Adding OEM fog lights to 2020 Explorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Adding OEM fog lights to 2020 Explorer


Elite Explorer
February 15, 2020
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
2020 Explorer XLT

I'm new to the form so if there is already a thread with this question then sorry. I'm buying my wife a 2020 XLT and it bothers me that it's not coming with fog lights. Does the 2020 have many aftermarket companies that make these lights and if so are they easy to install?

Thanks in advance :chug::usa:

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Welcome to the Forum.:wave:
The XLT with the 201A package has LED for lights. If you are getting the 200A package then there are no fog lights. I'm not aware of anyone currently looking to add fog lights to a 2020 XLT. At least no other member has asked/posted about it.
I don't know if the wiring is there or if a wiring harness would be required as well. There may also not be a switch/button for them in the cabin.


I appreciate the response brother. I guess only time will tell, until then I'll just have to stare at those black plastics where I want the fog lights to be :confused::)

I've also wondered this question and found, no one with a 2020 explorer that has posted yet. I found how to add ford factory remote start, but not the foglights. However forscan has a lot of work left to update their compatibility/features to the 2020 explorer still.

Ebay has a pair of Fog lights for sale right now. Listed as used.. wondering why someone took them off their Ex.

Ebay has a pair of Fog lights for sale right now. Listed as used.. wondering why someone took them off their Ex.

I know on my 2005 xls escape the harness was left for the fog lights, but for the newer models they started to make harnesses for each specific model, so if it did not come with fogs, the harness/plugs were not there.

On the Ram forum, people are making their own harnesses for such things. I bought a harness to oem wire in my cargo camera/led light. Kind of nice to be able to add features on and keep the stock software/usability.

Figured this comes up with every model/gen, I'll start the thread and any information can be added as progress is made.

I have an XLT w/o fog lights. I would like them, but for ease of functionality, they will need to be stock for me to want to do the mod.

I assume we need:
fog lights
black plastic fog light surround
Harness for fogs lights
light switch knob
Programming in forscan to enable

So far part wise:
Harness - Without auto park, with fog lamps.

Left trim w/ fog

Left fog lamp

Right trim w/ fog

Right Fog lamp

Headlight switch - Power lift gate, without interceptor, 2.3L, 3.0L with fog lamps.

Need to look into some of the forscan settings if there are any foglight enable.

Here is the thread I started to discuss doing the OEM update to the non foglight 200a
Add OEM Fog lights

Really cheap on ford to not put Fogs on the XLT!

Really cheap on ford to not put Fogs on the XLT!

while I agree, I’m very very thankful, the headlights are standard led and not halogen, man those suck. If I never get to upgrade to fog lights at least I’ll have good headlights.

while I agree, I’m very very thankful, the headlights are standard led and not halogen, man those suck. If I never get to upgrade to fog lights at least I’ll have good headlights.
Yes those LED headlights are gorgeous!

Driving in the fog, just like driving in the rain, causes diminished value.
At least that's what some are claiming on the Mustang forums ............

Figured this comes up with every model/gen, I'll start the thread and any information can be added as progress is made.

I have an XLT w/o fog lights. I would like them, but for ease of functionality, they will need to be stock for me to want to do the mod.

I assume we need:
fog lights
black plastic fog light surround
Harness for fogs lights
light switch knob
Programming in forscan to enable

So far part wise:
Harness - Without auto park, with fog lamps.

Left trim w/ fog

Left fog lamp

Right trim w/ fog

Right Fog lamp

Headlight switch - Power lift gate, without interceptor, 2.3L, 3.0L with fog lamps.

Need to look into some of the forscan settings if there are any foglight enable.
Great.....thanks. I will see who has the best prices for these parts.

AutoNation Ford white bear is the best pricing so far

Great.....thanks. I will see who has the best prices for these parts.
Do you happen to have a part number for this upper tie bar that was not included on the base/fleet model ?

BTW the parts for the LED fog lights add up to $517......perhaps a third party will come up with a package at a better price some time in the future.


  • 2020 Ford Explorer upper tie bar.PNG
    2020 Ford Explorer upper tie bar.PNG
    354.7 KB · Views: 327

Do you happen to have a part number for this upper tie bar that was not included on the base/fleet model ?

BTW the parts for the LED fog lights add up to $517......perhaps a third party will come up with a package at a better price some time in the future.

I just made a thread for the strut tower bar aka cross bar as mine is missing too

I've also wondered this question and found, no one with a 2020 explorer that has posted yet. I found how to add ford factory remote start, but not the foglights. However forscan has a lot of work left to update their compatibility/features to the 2020 explorer still.
I added fog lights to my 2020 XLT and used Forscan to enable the dash icon and the BdyCM The problem is I cannot get them to work...looking for any info regarding a fuse or relay location....Village Ford has the best prices so far.....The harness mention is incorrect meaning Ford's description is different than what FORD Parts has when on phone with them.....L1MZ-15K867-BB $70.14 Not the one ending in BE

I installed and verified Pin outs when I plugged it into Harness Driverside behind inner fender. Now with that said I cannot find any info on fuse or relay if they exists. next step trying find as built info to change. guessing the Headlight control module may need a setting changed

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