My 2020 Tuned | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My 2020 Tuned


Active Member
September 23, 2019
Reaction score
City, State
FAYETTEVILLE, North Carolina
Year, Model & Trim Level
2020 FORD ST Magnet Grey
Florida Alligator
I went to this place in Wilmington NC by the name of National Speed Inc and had my Truck Tuned the put it on the Dyno and got great results now I have 2 tunes Stock and Turned up tune and this truck is very quick, And you can tell the difference between the Stock tune and the Hyper tune. If you want you 2020 faster that what it is already give these people a call.

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Can you post your dyno results?

And I have this to show


I got an SSI tune on my 2020. Got a street and performance 91 tune and you can tell the difference on both but I daily drive the performance. Had the same type of tune on 14 Explorer NA with no problems.

I got an SSI tune on my 2020. Got a street and performance 91 tune and you can tell the difference on both but I daily drive the performance. Had the same type of tune on 14 Explorer NA with no problems.
This Truck will straight out fly. It's very quick.

Margin profile shows ST. ;)


Big difference in the 3.0 engine in the ST and a non-ST.

I got an SSI tune on my 2020. Got a street and performance 91 tune and you can tell the difference on both but I daily drive the performance. Had the same type of tune on 14 Explorer NA with no problems.
My 2020 had a tune to 93 octane and I leave the tune on and I drive in Eco and it will still strait out Fly.

Man, I’m so ready to order a tune kit (I was thinking Livernois unless anyone has something to say about why I should look elsewhere). I always wanted to do it for my 2016, but now with the 2020 and what I’m hearing from others, for $500 I can pretty much make my Platinum an enhanced ST. Seems like a heck of a deal.

Man, I’m so ready to order a tune kit (I was thinking Livernois unless anyone has something to say about why I should look elsewhere). I always wanted to do it for my 2016, but now with the 2020 and what I’m hearing from others, for $500 I can pretty much make my Platinum an enhanced ST. Seems like a heck of a deal.
If you live close to the livernois then cool I went to a place called National Speed Inc in Wilmington North Carolina this place specialize in ecoboost engine they can make your truck as fast as you want it. My next project is to change the intake on my truck and get a cold air induction that should give me a round 35 to 40 horsepower at the rear wheel. Good luck

Man, I’m so ready to order a tune kit (I was thinking Livernois unless anyone has something to say about why I should look elsewhere). I always wanted to do it for my 2016, but now with the 2020 and what I’m hearing from others, for $500 I can pretty much make my Platinum an enhanced ST. Seems like a heck of a deal.

Contact Tori from unleashed. His system where you can data record and send it to him to make adjustments is awesome. He can see real world results and change anything for you compared to just a dyno run.

Man, I’m so ready to order a tune kit (I was thinking Livernois unless anyone has something to say about why I should look elsewhere). I always wanted to do it for my 2016, but now with the 2020 and what I’m hearing from others, for $500 I can pretty much make my Platinum an enhanced ST. Seems like a heck of a deal.
Well Check these people out


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Man, I’m so ready to order a tune kit (I was thinking Livernois unless anyone has something to say about why I should look elsewhere). I always wanted to do it for my 2016, but now with the 2020 and what I’m hearing from others, for $500 I can pretty much make my Platinum an enhanced ST. Seems like a heck of a deal.

I was wondering about that, actually. Is it possible to tune a Platinum to perform like an ST? I know it's the same engine, so I would imagine it is possible. Has anyone done this?
