I believe I spotted a new Timberline - Pics | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I believe I spotted a new Timberline - Pics


Pumpkin Pilot
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST
@Kris Guilbeaux @NICE59FORDF100

The Ford desert proving grounds are just a few miles from my house. I stopped at the corner where the food trucks gather for some lunch. While waiting for my burrito I saw an Explorer test mule pull in. I tried to grab a full shot, but unfortunately all I got was a photo of my leg. LOL



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@Rick you are correct, that is the next timberline!

I was really hoping for a little more ground clearance from the new Timberline.

I spoke to the Ford employee who was driving and told him about the forum, and the trip you guys took to Detroit. He asked what I thought about the new Explorer, and I immediately mentioned that I didn't like that they did away with the analog HVAC controls. I mentioned the old MFT disaster with the 5th gens and he was so young he didn't even know about that.

He did say that when they were asked for input on the design his recommendation was to increase the size of the HVAC controls on the display screen. Unfortunately they didn't listen.

It's funny, they improved the driving experience by mirroring the map on the main instrument cluster which helps keep the drivers eyes on the road, but at the same time they made it more difficult, by forcing the driver to look for small icons on the center screen.:banghead:

I was really hoping for a little more ground clearance from the new Timberline.

I spoke to the Ford employee who was driving and told him about the forum, and the trip you guys took to Detroit. He asked what I thought about the new Explorer, and I immediately mentioned that I didn't like that they did away with the analog HVAC controls. I mentioned the old MFT disaster with the 5th gens and he was so young he didn't even know about that.

He did say that when they were asked for input on the design his recommendation was to increase the size of the HVAC controls on the display screen. Unfortunately they didn't listen.

It's funny, they improved the driving experience by mirroring the map on the main instrument cluster which helps keep the drivers eyes on the road, but at the same time they made it more difficult, by forcing the driver to look for small icons on the center screen.:banghead:
Honestly I hate those orange accent rims. They look ridiculous saw it on a Maverick tremor and I'm like "Really". I wish they would paint all the spokes orange not offset. Oh well 🙄

Honestly I hate those orange accent rims. They look ridiculous saw it on a Maverick tremor and I'm like "Really". I wish they would paint all the spokes orange not offset. Oh well 🙄

It wouldn't have bothered me as much if the vehicle had increased ground clearance and actually looked like it was more capable offrroad. I never thought of adding orange and yellow accents to make my rig more offroad capable. ;)

For some reason I am rather fond of orange though. :D


That’s definitely the new timberline. Thats the same wheel we saw a sneak peek of.

I’m not up on new vehicles at all, what’s up with the warning fuel drain?

I’m not up on new vehicles at all, what’s up with the warning fuel drain?

It's only there on the test rig. I'm sure it's so they can dump the fuel quickly when they are trying different things.

Must be something to do with prototype so they can work on it or test different fuels

I'd buy one used in 10-15 years.


Did he confirm they were keeping the Timberline name?


Did he confirm they were keeping the Timberline name?

He didn't really mention it at all, I mentioned it, but at that time I didn't realize he was driving one. I only noticed the wheels on my way out.

Chinese version ...





Or they were testing a Chinese Explorer at the proving grounds, and not a US version. :dunno:

I think the one you saw is the USA version. The Chinese one has been out for a bit. Im interested in how the specs will be. I hope they offer the 3.0 in the timberline for 2025

I think the one you saw is the USA version. The Chinese one has been out for a bit. Im interested in how the specs will be. I hope they offer the 3.0 in the timberline for 2025

I agree that the most powerful engine should be in the off-road oriented Explorer.

Dayemmm, so they are going with the Chinese Timberline! Hideous!

This is what I was thinking... The orange accent on the wheels is exactly what they are getting in China for it. I like the look, so I'd be happy if they brought that over.

Just my opinion, but that front end is really ugly. To me it looks like there are parts missing.

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