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Window Side Vents / Deflectors

Weather tech window vent

Another photo.


  • weathertech vents.jpg
    weathertech vents.jpg
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Hey All...anyone have any experience or opinions on the WeatherTech Side Window Deflectors versus the Ford ones??

I have a '15 XLT but looking to purchase a Sport when my lease is up next year

Hey All...anyone have any experience or opinions on the WeatherTech Side Window Deflectors versus the Ford ones??

I have a '15 XLT but looking to purchase a Sport when my lease is up next year

Looking For Ventvisors

Hey Guys & Gals
I'm looking:help: advice ,reviews on window vent visors what are kind do you have
on your Explorer can you post photos and were did you buy them? also if you want you can send me a private message
Mr.RubyRed 2015:usa:

Hey Guys & Gals
I'm looking:help: advice ,reviews on window vent visors what are kind do you have on your Explorer can you post photos and were did you buy them? also if you want you can send me a private message
Mr.RubyRed 2015:usa:

First off, Welcome to this forum!
Using the forum's "Search" feature I found these threads on what you are looking for.

The first thread is in the Modified section and the last is in this section.
I have the AVS in channel visors and hood deflector on my 2011.
You can check out some of the forum vendors here -
Happy reading and Good Luck!:)

Hey Guys & Gals
I'm looking:help: advice ,reviews on window vent visors what are kind do you have
on your Explorer can you post photos and were did you buy them? also if you want you can send me a private message
Mr.RubyRed 2015:usa:
Your thread has been merged with this existing thread in the 'Modified' sub forum.


I have a 2013 explorer,installed window vent shades and I can't get the windows to go up without returning there a way to bypass the safety feature?

I have a 2013 explorer,installed window vent shades and I can't get the windows to go up without returning there a way to bypass the safety feature?

Are part of the vent shades in the window channel? If so it sounds like it's causing to much resistance and the system thinks there is something in the way (like your arm).

Unfortunately the auto down/up feature of the windows is self contained. There is microprocessor built into the motor and no what to change the settings of the motor. A scan tool can't even get into this.

I think you need to call the manufacturer of the shades.

I have a 2013 explorer,installed window vent shades and I can't get the windows to go up without returning there a way to bypass the safety feature?

Welcome to the forum.
You might have done like a few others and installed your in-channel visors wrong. I will refer you to this thread -
Pay close attention to post #29

You should not be bypassing any safety features in your Explorer.
Good Luck!

so rainy season is back and my truck is getting soaked inside. As its been a while, is the consensus for in channel from weather tech, egr, or Lund? for me Lund is in last place as pics show a plastic (tab?) on the outside on the b-pillar (if I'm wrong please let me know.) I am looking for a product that looks like it came on the car from factory. weathertech seems to look like that, as does egr.
amazon reviews show some people stating weathertechs dropping/loosening after some time. but sees this forum likes them a lot. so since time has passed on this thread what are your thoughts now that your purchased visor of choice has been on your vehicles?

Can someone post pics of their stick on window deflectors? Currently, I like the look of the in-channel deflectors but am afraid that they would void my extended warranty. I saw one vehicle but they did not provide a full vehicle view with them on. I have also tried the Ford website and they don't look too bad there. Just want to see more real world pics of the stick-on deflectors.

Can someone post pics of their stick on window deflectors? Currently, I like the look of the in-channel deflectors but am afraid that they would void my extended warranty. I saw one vehicle but they did not provide a full vehicle view with them on. I have also tried the Ford website and they don't look too bad there. Just want to see more real world pics of the stick-on deflectors.

In-channel deflectors won't void your warranty. They insert into the window channel very easily. I've used them on my vehicles for years. I had them on my 2004 Sport Trac, 2011 Edge, and now have them on my current 2010 Sport Trac. I've never had any damage to any part of my vehicles directly tied to the visors. The in-channel vent visors on my '02 Trac were even genuine Ford accessories, so they were covered under the factory warranty.

I think the potential for damage with stick-on visors is greater. The tape could harm the paint, and if they stick out further on the side of the vehicle than in-channel visors. So there's a greater potential for them to get caught damaged by a car wash, or other obstruction.

The in-channel type are also easy to remove, so you could just take them off when you go in for service, and the dealer wouldn't be the wiser.

In-channel deflectors won't void your warranty. They insert into the window channel very easily. I've used them on my vehicles for years. I had them on my 2004 Sport Trac, 2011 Edge, and now have them on my current 2010 Sport Trac. I've never had any damage to any part of my vehicles directly tied to the visors. The in-channel vent visors on my '02 Trac were even genuine Ford accessories, so they were covered under the factory warranty.

I think the potential for damage with stick-on visors is greater. The tape could harm the paint, and if they stick out further on the side of the vehicle than in-channel visors. So there's a greater potential for them to get caught damaged by a car wash, or other obstruction.

The in-channel type are also easy to remove, so you could just take them off when you go in for service, and the dealer wouldn't be the wiser.
Thanks for the advice. I already purchased a set of stick on visors earlier today. Will preview them on the window. If I can't get past the look, I'll just return them and get the in channel.

Thanks for the advice. I already purchased a set of stick on visors earlier today. Will preview them on the window. If I can't get past the look, I'll just return them and get the in channel.

If you decide to go with in-channel visors, get the Weathertech visors. They have the best fit and lowest profile. I've have them on my Sport Trac, and they look great!

For those of you who have added tint to your windows, did the in-channel deflectors scratch the tint?

For those of you who have added tint to your windows, did the in-channel deflectors scratch the tint?

I have the Weathertech in-channel visors and tinted windows. The visors go inside the window channels, but only touch the outside of the glass; and the tint is on the inside of the glass. So they won't affect the tinting at all.


Thanks for the advice everyone. They're on now and were pretty easy to install.


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From reading all 9 pages, it seems the Weathertech in-channel are fine on the 2016's? Sure seems like all 2016 owners with the Weathertech in-channel report no issues with the windows closing. Am I reading this right? Thanks!
