94 Sport Full Width Dana 44 and 9 inch | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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94 Sport Full Width Dana 44 and 9 inch

Ok it's finally looking like something. This thing should be complete by the end of next week, so I am posting this in the registry instead of the projects section, I hope that's OK with everyone.

Front:Full width Dana 44 from a 78 Bronc with 4.88s and a Lock Rite
Wild horses coils, custom drag link and radius arms. Bronco buckets and stock track bar.

Rear: Full width Ford 9 inch, with 4.88s and a EZ Locker, stock springs and 4 inch blocks.

No cutting down here. There are pizza cutters on her right now, but I'm picking up the 35' Muds tomorrow.
(dead links)
Thanks for looking!!!!

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Hey I need to talk to you! I have a 79 d44 sitting in the bed of my truck right now. I was thinking I had to cut it down because of the way the ra's mount would require to me mount them outboard of the frame rails (doesn't have the C-Mounts but the cast in wedges). I noticed that you extended the stockers, did that eliminated the need to do this? Also, what's the width of yours? Mine is 66"n wms-wms. Just wondering cause I would love to keep mine full width also!


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Full width is no problem, I extended the stock 79 bronc RA about 10 or 12 inches and built mounts to the frame. There is no reason to cut the axle.

Did you change the flange on the transfercase or did you use a 1310 to 1330 adapter to mate the 9"'s driveline to the explorer. what did you have to do to the front driveshaft?

I had a new driveshaft made with a CV at the tcase to fit the stock mounting, then I had a 1350 ujoint put on the other end to attach the 9 inch. The front was lenghtened and had a new ujoint put on to attach the 44.

more action pics


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Looks good. Flexes good too. I think you have more droop in the front than I do. Probably b/c of the exteneded arms. I will fix mine though when I wrist mine. I think I could have left mine full width and been ok, but mine almost looks oe and that is what I wanted. Nice work! More action pics?

Damn, Nice flex.

More action?


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AWESOME action shots! The more I see your truck the more I would rather go full width when I do the SAS. I looked for 78-79 D44s at the local junkyard, but the three they had were all 2WD. But then I'd still be able to get the 9" out of one. Plus, I can get the rear complete for $66 and the front for $140(If they ever get in another 78-79). I think that another ride to the j.y. is in order ;) Keep up the good work man :thumbsup:

Thanks man, yes, I would higly reccomend using the full width. If you can get the rear for that price I would jump on that. The 9 inch is so common, you can get anything for it. The 8.8 is less prevalent, plus the swap on the rear takes no time at all. The front is where all the work is.

AND you can sell the 8.8 to the jeeps guys...it's an extremeley popular upgrade for their rear ;). Anyway, how wide is your axle wms to wms? Mine is 66", the ra's mount at an angle in towars each others. By extending the radius arms the propper amount you are able to mount them in a stock like manner just farther back on the frame? Am I correct on this?


How'd you do both your drive shafts?

Need help getting ideas for my SAS and 9" replacement. so anything will help!

Here it is

svande8952 said:
I had a new driveshaft made with a CV at the tcase to fit the stock mounting, then I had a 1350 ujoint put on the other end to attach the 9 inch. The front was lenghtened and had a new ujoint put on to attach the 44.

Would the stock drive shaft from the sport be the same length as the 4 door? and how much did you lengthen it? How did you get it done?

When you say " a new driveshaft made" is it custom made by you or a company? How was that done?

Sorry for all the questions! I just can't down my truck for too long since its my DD. I'm just trying to research and ask questions for all the parts I need and fabs i need to make. I have so many questions and a lot more researching to do but I don't want to overwhelm anybody with them. Your set up is very similar to what I want to do and being its a 94 is even better. Your help and advice is really appreciated.

You welded the pad to the radius arm? The radius arm is held to the front axle with the C bushings so they can flex independantly of the axle, wouldnt this defeat the purpose of that bushing?

ohe_boy said:
Would the stock drive shaft from the sport be the same length as the 4 door? and how much did you lengthen it? How did you get it done?

When you say " a new driveshaft made" is it custom made by you or a company? How was that done?

Sorry for all the questions! I just can't down my truck for too long since its my DD. I'm just trying to research and ask questions for all the parts I need and fabs i need to make. I have so many questions and a lot more researching to do but I don't want to overwhelm anybody with them. Your set up is very similar to what I want to do and being its a 94 is even better. Your help and advice is really appreciated.

I took the stock DS to a driveshaft guy and he told me what I needed, he built both in a couple days. I don't know the diff between a 4 door and 2 door driveshaft.

410fortune:What pad to which radius arm, I'm not following, the C bushings have little if anything to do with flex.

hey how did you mount your r. side shock on the bottom??? with the wristed
RA? any pics?

hey i am in the process of doing this swap on a 91 navajo everything i used is coming from my 78 bronco i am following your swap but was curious did you cut down the factory 78 coil buckets?

No, the buckets are stock size, I mounted the bump stops to the bottom of them.

For the shock mount I just used 2 tabs and welded them on to the RA

So the stock 78 bronco buckets can go on the explorer frame without cutting them?

By turning the coil retainers (pads) did that make up the 3" difference for each side? Or are your coil buckets sitting in 2" from the pads?

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svande8952 - did you move your axle foward 2"? Does the front diff hit the crossmember when its at its highest point?
