EF T-shirt/logo design contest! | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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EF T-shirt/logo design contest!

I don't think that it's a copy. Too many differences.

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Mere geometric shapes do not qualify for copyright protection. "it is not possible to copyright common geometric figures or shapes such as the hexagon or the ellipse, a standard symbol such as an arrow or a five-pointed star." See the Copyright Office's Compendium of copyright registration standards, Section 503.02(a). Geometric shapes considered "unoriginal" under this test can also include more complex but historically-common designs such as the "fleur-de-lis." See Forstmann Woolen Co. v. J.W. Mays, 89 F.Supp. 964 (E.D.N.Y. 1950) ("Surely and certainly in the form in which the fleur-de-lis are shown, no originality is displayed"). As a result, even some well-known images such as the New Orleans Saints' logo are not subject to copyright protection.

These types of simple logos are considered "public domain," meaning that anyone can use them – although the way that people can use a public domain logo would still be limited by trademark law.

There is no copyright or trademark protection for a triangle at all. Doesn't matter what you do to it.

The "S" inside it though, is what I drew by hand and represents the S in Serious Explorations and the trail/road going up the mountain. That's the part of the symbol that would get the most protection if it were copyrighted or trademarked. Of course it would be looked at as a combination of the two, but any other shape inside of a triangle, even another S, wouldn't violate copyright/trademark law unless it was both so similar to another S, and also for an automotive-oriented website or business.

At this point I'd be more concerned about someone else swiping it and copyrighting/trademarking it, it already comes up on google images when searching for triangle logos or logos with the letter S.

Working on getting the T-shirts. Ben is out this time. Too busy with work. Working on another possibility.

Rick, let me know (PM) what you come up with. I can send that to my cousin and we can compare prices. He only uses quality tees.

Or just let me know the following and I'll see what he can do.
quantity of sizes and colors (tees)
number of colors (ink)

These look way cool. Can't wait to get one here!

We're waiting to hear what the prices will be:chug:


I just want a shirt that says "EF Yeah!":D

Awesome design :thumbsup:

Back of the shirt looks great. Love that "EF YEAH!"

Definitely in for 1, most likely 2(got to have a nice EF shirt, and a EF shirt for wrenching :D)


I think it'd make a good bumper sticker.

Great work:D Love the color logos :chug:

I haven't forgotten about this. Mark's contact never got back to him with prices. The drag race team I am in has a T-shirt shop as a sponsor. I just left a message with them. When I know something I'll post up:chug:

subscribing all our shirts are just anout worn out... also yeah colorado's new logo thats all they could come up with for $800,000......no wonder our taxes are so high.....and i love the EF yeah!

Is the new logo available in a vinyl decal? I don't see it on the EF store site.

Sorry, no. They don't offer vinyl on Cafe Press and Ben isn't making any right now.
