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Street Pack vs Track Pack


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Elite Explorer
February 25, 2011
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2020 Explorer ST
Starting a thread on the brake packages. I have a little more info based on Ford's system.

Street Pack
21" aluminum Rims
Brembo brake package

Track Pack
21" Aluminum Rims
High Series Police Brakes


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Interesting. I would have thought the other way around, but who knows...? Thanks for the info.

Can't wait for more information and pictures to become available. Would be really nice to see a colored rendition of the layout and suspension (like a ghosted view)!

Starting a thread on the brake packages. I have a little more info based on Ford's system.

Street Pack
21" aluminum Rims
Brembo brake package

Track Pack
21" Aluminum Rims
High Series Police Brakes

Both come with red painted brake calipers and 275/45R21 tires. According to the Order Guide, the Track Pack comes with Hi Performance Brakes that are shipped with the vehicle and are dealer installed.


Both come with red painted brake calipers and 275/45R21 tires. According to the Order Guide, the Track Pack comes with Hi Performance Brakes that are shipped with the vehicle and are dealer installed.


Yes, I am aware. What I posted is exactly what the ordering system says under the description of each option.

Why would they do dealer install of brakes?

Why would they do dealer install of brakes?
One member thought that the assembly line might not be set up to install them.:dunno:


If the Track Pack comes w/Hi Performance Brakes - installed by the dealer, do I as the buyer get to keep the removed parts( as I have already paid for them) or am I given a credit for them if Ford keeps the parts? After all they are NEW parts.

One member thought that the assembly line might not be set up to install them.:dunno:


I know they like to limit the parts kept in stock and put on the line, to prevent errors, but still; I don't think I'd want the dealer taking apart my brand new vehicle before I get it. That just adds a layer of potential error, and the invoice to MSRP hardly seems worth it to the dealer.

I know they like to limit the parts kept in stock and put on the line, to prevent errors, but still; I don't think I'd want the dealer taking apart my brand new vehicle before I get it.

+1.... AGREE 100%

If the Track Pack comes w/Hi Performance Brakes - installed by the dealer, do I as the buyer get to keep the removed parts( as I have already paid for them) or am I given a credit for them if Ford keeps the parts? After all they are NEW parts.

You havent already paid for them. You choose the $1,595 package which comes with the police brakes. Just because Ford doesnt want to install it on the assembly line, doesnt mean you own both sets.

If the Track Pack comes w/Hi Performance Brakes - installed by the dealer, do I as the buyer get to keep the removed parts( as I have already paid for them) or am I given a credit for them if Ford keeps the parts? After all they are NEW parts.
Welcome to the Forum.:wave:
Any answer at this time would be pure speculation. Perhaps the parts go back to Ford or dealer stock. Because the brakes on the vehicle will be replaced doesn't mean that you paid for them as Ford will take into consideration that they will be removed. It could be that the Track Page has been discounted if they took the cost of the OEM brakes being removed. The parts being removed will actually have been used during the time the vehicle leaves the factory and is actually delivered so they may no longer be considered 'NEW' parts. Like I said, at this point it is all speculation until someone with actual knowledge about it posts here. Your guess is as good as mine.


............. I don't think I'd want the dealer taking apart my brand new vehicle before I get it..........
I'm sure everyone has their own feelings about this but I personally would have no issue with the dealer working on my new vehicle before taking delivery. I'm sure it happens more times than we know for other things.


Faster then an 82K Range Rover. When they said, that's when I knew I am getting an ST. Difficult part is choosing color. That Atlas Blue color is really special paint. I had that on my 2012 Edge Sport. What a unique color.

Done correctly there's often dealer prep on most new vehicles when bought - even special orders.

Removing of wrappings - removal of suspension spacers from shipping - etc etc. So knocking the wheels off and putting different brake pads on it's too much of a surprise.

I'm more shocked that they track pack isn't a monoblock brembo caliper with say 4 or 6 pistons and bigger pads on bigger rotors. Sort of makes me wonder which brakes are actually better over all.

Welcome to the Forum.:wave:
It could be that the Track Page has been discounted if they took the cost of the OEM brakes being removed.


Most likely that is the case. For example, my mustang has the performance pack with 15" six piston brembo brakes. The perf pack was $2995 on 2017 mustangs, but it also came with 3.73 gears, torson diff, heavy duty radiator, bigger rear sway bar, different springs and shocks, and a few other goodies. Anyway an aftermarket 15" six piston brake kit will cost at least 4K for a wilwood kit. Bear and brembo kits are 5K. Ford racing sells the same brakes as an upgrade kit for 2K, another 2K for a loaded rear center section with 3.73's and the torsen diff. Throw in the suspension changes and radiator and you can spend about 6K on parts. But ford only charged 3K, mostly because it was discounted due to they were installed on the assembly line and the standard parts were left in the parts bin.

since they offer them - stock option. makes me think someone could order a basic explorer and then bolt some on at a later date for a reasonable price.

I like that Idea.

since they offer them - stock option. makes me think someone could order a basic explorer and then bolt some on at a later date for a reasonable price.

I like that Idea.

My guess is you will need 21" rims for them to fit.

My guess is you will need 21" rims for them to fit.

might or at least the 20's. Either Way it might be a good mod. Really do think I'll be buying a 2021 model if I can hold out that long.

Seeing as both packs come stabdard with 21" wheels, I'm guessing 20" wheels won't fit properly.


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They would have to be huge brakes to require 21" wheels. The new GT500 has 16.5" brakes and only has 20" wheels. Also my mustang has 15" brakes and only 19" wheels.
