Oops, I did it again... | Page 23 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Oops, I did it again...

My boss's nephew has had this poor, beat-up little '95 Sport for the longest time, just beating the crap out of it and trying to wheel with J**p friends who were obviously better set up for 4wheeling... two weeks ago it came in with a blown hub, bad upper and lower balljoints, bad tie rods, and some other issues. They saw $2600 worth of damage, I saw a candidate for an axle swap :D Since the little guy is only worth MAYBE $3,000 in current shape, the kid decided to junk it.

I couldn't pass it up :D In the next two weeks I'll be nabbing Snoborder's EB Dana44 and waggy leafs and making myself a mean little monster ;) I don't much like the 'green bean' look though, so as soon as I've got enough saved for a nifty Maaco paintjob, it's getting sprayed platinum grey with silver stripes! I plan on raiding Harry's and scoring some grey leather seats, fender flares and a manual t-case (maybe even make a doubler if I can squeeze in some more overtime).

What about Shelby you wonder...? Her fate is still undecided. She's still too nice to trash (I wouldn't do that to her anyway-Tank was a whole 'nother can of rust) and I haven't found myself crazy over the extra foot of wheelbase when trying to take sharp turns on the trail. No offense meant to you 4 door lovers, I just have a thing for 2 door second gens :D

1995 Sport 4.0 OHV
5 speed manual
P/w, p/l, no stereo yet
flattened out monoleafs
blown shocks
two bent up bumpers
screwed on passenger mirror
new Clutch
new idler pulley (after it suddenly just disappeared)
Looks an awful lot like Doug's first Explorer, that I carted to the crusher's after he wrecked it :eek:


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way to go flipper :D

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last ones


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That picture of the floor mat up on the steering wheel is classic!!!!

Hey spaz my wife could use your neverending supply of hair thingys on your shifter.:p: :D

I keep losing the damn things. I figure if I have about 4 million of them I'll always have one on hand :p:

So I can see my empty bag of beef jerky, water bottle, Cd case, sunglasses, Ipod, floormat and my emergency bag (behind the seat)... but I seriously have no clue what the paper stuck to my sunvisor is :scratch:

...and as of me seeing this picture i'm officially back on my diet until i lose 30 pounds :eek:

Awesome! Love it. :D

Rookie, Jake, Micah.. any of you remember which steering shaft we ended up using for Morgan? I think it was his stock one, but I just wanted to check first- my memory's a little hazy from all the welding dust that was floating around Wolf's shop at the time ;)

I know I took a first gen and FSB shaft from the junkyard, I think we used the first gen shaft.

I believe it was the first gen shaft. The second gen would have required us to modify the input shaft on the box because it has a different shaft than the rack and pinion. Something wrong with it?

I believe it was the first gen shaft. The second gen would have required us to modify the input shaft on the box because it has a different shaft than the rack and pinion. Something wrong with it?

Yeah, it takes half a turn of the steering wheel before the wheels catch up :eek: I seem to remember using Morgan's stock steering shaft- Didn't someone say something about being amazed that 95's have a lot of the same parts as 94's..? I remember being told that essentially I have a first gen in a second gen's body (to which I had a minor Spaz attack). Eh, I'll figure it out.

Anyway, whilst Micah was tearing his truck to bits this weekend, I was out taking poser shots. Cuz I'm a girl. And I can. :D



Sometimes I think the dog may be smarter than I am....

Kinda sounds like the gearbox is on its way out :(.

Kinda sounds like the gearbox is on its way out :(.

Man, I hope not... that sucker's only 7 months old!! I didn't shortcut when it came to the steering box, I bought a reman one just because I know how much stress they're under on a SAS truck. Nah, if you lock the steering wheel and shake the intermediate shaft, you can feel it wiggle where the needle bearing is (I think it's a needle bearing, maybe it's a pint-sized first gen U-joint style? I dunno, I've never taken the boot off the damn thing :p: )

Is that a satin black paint? I love it!

Is that a satin black paint? I love it!

It's kind of a really dark charcoal satin :dunno: Looks like black 95% of the time though, lol. Unless the sun is setting, and then it becomes pinkish/purplish/ greenish :D



Who painted it? Mind if I ask price? And what kind of flares are you using?

Who painted it? Mind if I ask price? And what kind of flares are you using?

Maaco, $320 total for F150 'Slate Gray' semi-gloss, and those are flares off of a few 95-98 Premium Sports (3 in all, I believe...all the wrecks had at least one damaged beyond repair). Rather than cutting a million little oblong holes for the premium flare clips, I took the cheap shortcut and drilled pilot holes, then used some long stainless screws :D The only pita was the side where all the rollover damage occurred. That one looks kinda funny :rolleyes:

I got a big smile at work today...

Jeff, my boss's nephew and Morgan's ex-owner, brought his new ^eep to our dealer because of a death wobble at highway speed today (the thing's an '06 and it's already been through 2 axles, just to give you an idea what bad driver/wheeler this kid is...) and got to see his ex-Explorer for the first time since he sold it to me last year. And I quote,

"Holy $%*#! ...........man, I just wanna go home and cry now, that thing's huge!!!"


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I thought you died or something. Any longer and I would of come looking for you, or tried to see if you left me an explorer in your will.


Random smiley for you.
