Dopler174 Topless? | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Dopler174 Topless?

If this was my DD then I wouldn't be doing this.:D

Caleb, I should have enought fabric left if you wanted to put a targa in yours. We can make this a dual cut-fest. Shoot, five yards, I should be able to do both trucks!

Oh Billy, don't tease! I've ZERO qualms with hacking up my Explorer:D Although I've already got removable rear windows, so I might not do as much hacking as you....

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If you buy the snaps from Automotive Fastners, I'll give you the material and we can cut them both at the same time. You will have a nice moon roof.:D I'm getting FIVE yards of it. That would be 15 feet. How long are our trucks? 8 feet? We might could do them both all the way.

if you take them off all the way across the top like msupertech you will lose all structural support for the body. It will look like the truck is waving going down he road.

I was only planing on skinning from rain gutter to gutter. That way all the structure would be left intact. I decided NOT to cut the quarter glasses out.

:D I guess its time some one put this icon up :


I'm waiting on my fabric. Once it's here, then...It's go time!

i know what your planning, the top part of the roof is what gives it all its rigidity

I would be leaving the cross bars that hold the roof together. I would basically be cutting a huge sunroof out.

when is the fabric supposed to arive? i wanna see that thing cut up! :D

Sorry for the delay. I got the canvas in the other week and need the snaps now. I'm thinking of welding a cross bar on the top for added strength. I'll get some pics up soon.

Oh yeah oh yeah im excited about this.....

Im cutting mine but not losing the roof. Going truggie style for mine

Edit: Crap just noticed this was a older bumped thread

So did you ever actually do this? if so post up the results!
just as long as it did'nt come out like this......:nono:


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HAHAHA! I'm still planning this. I havn't had time to wipe my butt much less any to spare for this. I'll be picking up some more stuff to help get this done this weekend. I'll post some pics of my goodies saterday.

I got bored and photo-chopped it. I'm planning on bending some pipe for support. It's only going to hold water so it doesn't have to be super strong.


There's a bronco running around up here with a slantback canvas top. He has a piece of clear vinyl. They sell it in alot of places, probably even a fabric store. you can sew it in or have a canvas awning shop sew it in for you and they'll have the ability to double stitch it and may even be able to cut it on a good radius (for curved corners).

thats actually called a fastback soft top.
they dont make soft tops for broncos anymore thought, you have to buy one used. youre looking at around 500USD ++

I plan to keep the square roof line.

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At first I thought of the $6 one...They are crappy!!!!!!! then I thought of the $17 ones. Much nicer. If I get two of those, I should be able to double stitch it onto a boat top and roll.

Hey you could get one with Fish on it :p: jk

What about the end covers for a popup camper? they are very heavy duty and also include a zip out window, you may be able to have one of the companies that make them create a custom cover for your truck, one that will last longer then a few months in the sun. Keep in mind tents (even canvas ones) are not made for extended exposure to the sun, they will deteriorate and leak or just fall apart.

There are also places that make boat covers they use about the same materials as the popup campers, and in many cases include clear vynil windows with zip open closures. Those guys are always doing custom work for sailboats I know they could make something.

I guess it depends how "finished" you want this thing to look. You could probably throw something together yourself, but those guys have special sewing machines made for the heavy materials, and if I remember right thier rates are not bad.
