Does muffler location matter? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Does muffler location matter?


Name is Ray
January 4, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Valley Stream, Long Island
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 XLT 4-dr SOHC
I just installed my 40 Flowmaster in the stock location. It's your basic 2-to-1 Y-pipe connected to the muffler and then dumped. Outside the truck sounds GREAT! Beastly sound for a lack of a better word. It IS loud but I love the way it rumbles, specially at idle. What I am NOT crazy about is how it drones inside the cabin at around 2K RPM. Opening all the windows helps but its 30 degrees outside right now. :(

Here are my questions:

1. If I get the exhaust pipe to exit out back, will it help eliminate the drone?
2. Will relocating the muffler out back (where the spare tire would be) fix the drone?
3. Will "header wrapping" the entire exhaust system and muffler itself fix most of the dronning inside the cabin?

Has anyone done any of this?

Thanks for you input.

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Pictures up of how they are right now.


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it looks nice i bet it sounds mean and loud

It's a flowmaster 40 series, it's going to drone no matter what. I loved mine and hated mine. Loved it around town, irritated the hell out of me on the highway (this was a 4.0L OHV ranger, single 2.5" side-exit before the rear tire). Getting the pipe out the back will help some, and moving the muffler back may help a little, but probably not with the work to try and get it back.

it doesnt really matter where you place it, the cargo area isnt like a truck bed and will still have drone. 40's will always drone, thats just their nature. your best bet is to have a tailpipe ran, with the tip angled away from the driver and passengers.

The tailpipe will make a considerable difference in drone. With it dumped, its just resonating under the body, with it run out the back, the noise is exiting out from under the body. I ran a 40 series both ways, and the tailpipe had almost no drone on my OHV.


What series flowmaster 40 is that?

I just installed my 40 Flowmaster in the stock location. It's your basic 2-to-1 Y-pipe connected to the muffler and then dumped. Outside the truck sounds GREAT! Beastly sound for a lack of a better word. It IS loud but I love the way it rumbles, specially at idle. What I am NOT crazy about is how it drones inside the cabin at around 2K RPM. Opening all the windows helps but its 30 degrees outside right now. :(

Here are my questions:

1. If I get the exhaust pipe to exit out back, will it help eliminate the drone?
2. Will relocating the muffler out back (where the spare tire would be) fix the drone?
3. Will "header wrapping" the entire exhaust system and muffler itself fix most of the dronning inside the cabin?

Has anyone done any of this?

Thanks for you input.

What series flowmaster 40 is that?

You should know. You have one. :D Its the original 40 series. Your thread is the reason I bought one. :thumbsup:

What I have done is coated the muffler, pipe, and the heat shield right above the muffler with underbody spray paint. I did a couple of coats and it quite it down a good bit. Tonight I put a couple of more coats. I'll see tomorrow what difference it'll make. I will eventually get the tail pipe to exit out back. I just can't decide on the exhaust tip since I want it to exit right down the middle just below the license plate.

You should know. You have one. :D Its the original 40 series. Your thread is the reason I bought one. :thumbsup:

What I have done is coated the muffler, pipe, and the heat shield right above the muffler with underbody spray paint. I did a couple of coats and it quite it down a good bit. Tonight I put a couple of more coats. I'll see tomorrow what difference it'll make. I will eventually get the tail pipe to exit out back. I just can't decide on the exhaust tip since I want it to exit right down the middle just below the license plate.

Ah okay! Lol. I actually dont have that setup anymore. I am running the Offroad Y pipe into the hooker max flow muffler now. The drone and loudness of the 40 series was killing me. The start up and parking lot driving was awsome, but the highway/cruising drone drove me insane. The new muffler I have is a straight flow thru- I like it better. Quiet on cruising but loud when I get on it

As said above, the tail pipe will help aloud!!! Trust me, I had dumped and I went tail pipe and it toned the drone down a lot. The only other thing I can think of is throwing dynomax down on the flow of the truck or throwing in a resonator.

I saw where you used some spray paint?

I know they also sell sound dampening spray as well. I originally saw it at Pep Boys, supposed to be "easier" to use then dynamat, because it can get in every nook and cranny. Not sure how it would work on the outside, but it may be worth a try. Put a few layers of that on the body and muffler underneath, and it should work, or at least keep the sound from penetrating through the body.

I don't think you can put the spray stuff on the exhaust...

Alright, just got home. Sound deadening spray paint is definitely working. :thumbsup: I want to say that the drone is completely gone but at certain RPM at low speed, it is still there but it is much much bearable now. I will go ahead with my original plan have the exhaust exit out back. I'm sure that will fix the problem combine with the sound deadening spray. If I want it even quiter, there's always the header wrap.

I'll post pics this weekend of how the spray paint looks, Josh. :) But only time will tell if those will last on the exhaust pipe itself. I could see it lasting a while on the muffler since it does not get too too hot.

I wouldn't spray anything on the muffler or the pipes as they do get extremely hot. Just having the tailpipe installed will help a lot with the drone. You will likely not have any problems afterwards.


IF you spray painted hte exhaust, unless its High Temp paint its ganna crack and peel off.

Alright, just got home. Sound deadening spray paint is definitely working. :thumbsup: I want to say that the drone is completely gone but at certain RPM at low speed, it is still there but it is much much bearable now. I will go ahead with my original plan have the exhaust exit out back. I'm sure that will fix the problem combine with the sound deadening spray. If I want it even quiter, there's always the header wrap.

I'll post pics this weekend of how the spray paint looks, Josh. :) But only time will tell if those will last on the exhaust pipe itself. I could see it lasting a while on the muffler since it does not get too too hot.

What and where exactly did you spray? Just the pipes? Im interested in seeing how this looks

Here are the pictures as promised. :)
You could see that the paint is already peeling off after 2 weeks on the Y-pipe. There was one spot that peeled off on the muffler itself but I think that's from me hitting something. So, its time for plan B, header wrapping. :thumbsup:


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Just interested to see if you followed up on the header wrap or not? I have a similar situation with my truck, just had a new muffler put on, dual in dual out lightning style. Its just plain loud, which I attribute most of that too the muffler, but at idle and through most of the rpm band it sounds good. I am contemplating the header wrap on the muffler to see if it will knock some of the sound down at all.


With mine I had two cherrybomb glasspacks which were right under the paaenger seat and thats were it ended. It droned so bad even at slow now I have duals out the back and almost no drone in the cab....

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