SoCal peeps, lets think of a club name. | Page 10 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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SoCal peeps, lets think of a club name.

i like that it makes us sound like creepy people

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So I was thinking (some of us know what happens when I do that), now that I work at Cycle News and we get stickers printed all the time, that I should be able to get some done sooner than later.

I'm back on speaking terms with my cousin that does shirts and stickers too, so I'll look into it and see what I can do.

So I was thinking (some of us know what happens when I do that), now that I work at Cycle News and we get stickers printed all the time, that I should be able to get some done sooner than later.

I'm back on speaking terms with my cousin that does shirts and stickers too, so I'll look into it and see what I can do.

i know a guy on DR that does stickers. He does them for dirt cheap too.

So I'm not sure whether you came up with an "official" name yet, but I came up with this....F.O.R.D Explorers.
Freaking Off Road Desert Explorers.
Freaking Off Road Demon Explorers.
Flying Off Road Desert Explorers.
That's about all I came up with.:dunno:

So I was thinking (some of us know what happens when I do that)
Its kind of a double edged sword, that thinking stuff. Sometimes it works, sometimes it kicks you in the rear. I make every attempt to think as little as possible, but its not in my nature.

Seems like if we are not starting a new club we should use the site name with a chapter or division to represent our area or group.
Serious Exploration So/Ca division
Serious Exploration So/Ca Creepers
Serious Exploration So/Ca chapter
Serious Exploration Los Creepers Cal. or So/Ca
Just some more ideas

the Boys of So Cal:p:

Tracy can wear a vest that says "Property of (insert club name)" like the chicks in biker gangs do:p:

Tracy can wear a vest that says "Property of (insert club name)" like the chicks in biker gangs do:p:
Woooo, you better add the "Just Kidding" line in here before she takes a 4-1/2" angle grinder to your forehead.:p:

Ever Make Any Decisions?

For a Name How about:
The SoCal Xplorers OffRoad Movement

Also Any Plans for trips coming up??

And A Decal Kinda Something Like This. But i know others are better with designs.


...But I like the grafix...:D

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What about SoCal Xplorer Movement? Delete the Offroad Part
