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Another OHV M90 build

2000 OHV + rpcaster + henson performance = another supercharged 4.0 ohv Explorer

I have goodies from James already (New MAF, 36lb injectors, wideband O2 for tuning)

Here's what came from Ron (Also a fuel pressure gauge and boost/vacuum gauge)


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in a blizzard, you can make snow forts, have snowball fights, go skidoing, go 4x4'n. in a hurricane, you go swimming.

in a blizzard, you can make snow forts, have snowball fights, go skidoing, go 4x4'n. in a hurricane, you go swimming.

You obviously have never been to a hurricane party!!!or drive a big 4x4!!we throw down before,during and after a hurricane!!;)o and one other thing,we get paid days off to party!:)we also arnt freezing wile doing it:)

i know enough people from here on the east coast. they had their halloween party before it hit. they have been doing everything but partying. as a matter of fact, one of them just got power back today! one of the others almost swamped his explorer trying to drive down the street. and none of them have been paid. and we dont freeze. we are smart that way.

i know enough people from here on the east coast. they had their halloween party before it hit. they have been doing everything but partying. as a matter of fact, one of them just got power back today! one of the others almost swamped his explorer trying to drive down the street. and none of them have been paid. and we dont freeze. we are smart that way.

Yea that part sucks for those people.i have AC power in my truck and generators and almost 5ft of water clearance .believe me part of our partying involves pulling people out,giving rides and sharing power.i work for the gov so we get off for just about anything;)any rate enough friendly smack talking,we are way off subject.;)out having a beer after working HARD on the trucks all day,sure you all are doing the same:chug:

Cam Position sensor to the new motor
Took all lifter apart, cleaned and re-assembled-thanks Xeek
Installed rocker spacers (finally)
Painted, and cleaned up

Not a bad day today.

Tomorrow morning the machine shop gets my heads to install dual rate valve springs, check for warping, and vacuum test the valves to make sure they seal.

Also, take my exhaust manifold to an exhaust shop to see if they can get my egr tube off.

Sure hope I left the new push rods at the office...I cant find them


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Cam Position sensor to the new motor
Took all lifter apart, cleaned and re-assembled-thanks Xeek
Installed rocker spacers (finally)
Painted, and cleaned up

Not a bad day today.

Tomorrow morning the machine shop gets my heads to install dual rate valve springs, check for warping, and vacuum test the valves to make sure they seal.

Also, take my exhaust manifold to an exhaust shop to see if they can get my egr tube off.

Sure hope I left the new push rods at the office...I cant find them
did you have to trim any of the spacers ?new pushrods??the Same ones from your old cam should work.

I wasnt sure on the push rods....Didnt want to risk it. I didnt know the exact size delta sent me.
Yes, I sanded the spacers, Im hoping I took enough off. the rockers move freely, and the rocker shaft bolts go thru the rocker shafts. Im not sure if things will shift slightly when I install the shafts though.

Sure they know and you about the heads but they need the spring seats need to be milled and depending if they feel the stems and seals need to be heads didnt need the stems milled down but my seals was shorter than stock.i used sealed power seals

I wasnt sure on the push rods....Didnt want to risk it. I didmt know the exact suze delta sent me.
Yes, I sanded the spacers, Im hoping I took enough off. the rockers move freely, and the rocker shaft bolts go thru the rocker shafts. Im not sure if things will shift slightly when I install the shafts though.

I put mine on about 5 different times to get them close,then took little extra off.just check them without pushrods real quick and make sure they spin freely.

and again thank you for mine;)

Tim, If you look at the last pic I posted, look at the rocker arms.
THere is springs from the factory pushing against the rockers. These springs cause added friction.

The solution is aluminum spacers to replace the springs. It also increases oiling to the rocker arms by keeping oil at the rockers longer.

Xeek, I posted a thread a while back asking if anyone wanted some as I had a line on a guy that was making some. Sorry, I guess I should have pm'd you.

JD, I'll check the rockers when my heads come back, and before final mounting.
I'm not sure on my seals. The gasket set is sealed power, but who knows what's in it for sure.
I'm sure the valves are sealing fine, but the machine shop guys say it takes them minutes to double check.

JD, I'll check the rockers when my heads come back, and before final mounting.
I'm not sure on my seals. The gasket set is sealed power, but who knows what's in it for sure.
I'm sure the valves are sealing fine, but the machine shop guys say it takes them minutes to double check.

The sealed power seals for the valves are shorter than stock.its the stem or guide that the seals fit on that may need to be milled as well as the spring seats.with the lift that cam makes it may compress the spring enough for the spring retainer to come down and hit the seal.again REALLY hard to explain.stock seals are larger and sit up a little higher so some shops will trim the guide and seal so they sit lower.sealed power seals are shorter so they sit lower on the guide so no trimming is necessary.your shop will know all this just mention if they check the clearance for valve stem to retainer at full lift.every head and seal is different just don't want your spring retainer to come down and smack the seal,your start burning oil REAL quick.;)

I understand what you mean JD, thanks. I'll ask them to check for that.
I just dropped the heads off. They don't feel they can have them done till towards the end of the week.

I understand what you mean JD, thanks. I'll ask them to check for that.
I just dropped the heads off. They don't feel they can have them done till towards the end of the week.

Sweet.yea i have a hard time explaining things sometimes and its really hard if your not in person and can just show i said they should know to check all that but some people/shops see its a v6 and don't think big performance or take those little extra steps to make sure everything works.Is it same shop that did your valves?they sounded like they were a good shop so sure they will check everything.
well hopefully they get them done a little early.i know your dying to get that thing back together and in,hell we all cant wait:)

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When I measured my valve guides it came very close. Like JD said you can get away without having them cut down but it is very close. Not sure if you are taking your own measurements and calculations but I have all my cut measurements to fit the 988 springs if you need them for reference.
