M90 rebuild (rudy) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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M90 rebuild (rudy)


Explorer Addict
October 15, 2008
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City, State
va beach
Year, Model & Trim Level
92explorer&94 ranger
well figured i would start a new thread.just a quick background.did the whole build on my explorer but built it using stock head gaskets and head bolts.did it really as a safety net and i just couldnt afford head studs at the time.well to say the least i blew the head gaskets off from it wile i was in the mountains on a forum trip about two years later.

i picked up a 1994 ranger,its got the 4.0 OHV and is a 5 speed 2wd.the plan is to pull the motor out of the explorer and rebuild it.

this thread will basically cover the rebuild and build up of the new ranger.it will basically end up as a street race truck.ive named it Rudy:D:D so let the fun begin.

new motor specs
BORE: 4" JE asymmetrical pistons (custom over bore)


RODS: 6.058 Manley (longer rod)

VALVES: IN-1.8 EX-1.5 Manley heavy duty (.150 over)




Transmission:T5 hybrid from a 2006 Mustang and 93 Fox
HEADS: 93TM HEAVILY ported with custom brass guides and copper gaskets/O-ringed with ARP studs
CAM: 422 Comp cams with 988 springs and Toms custom lifters,push rods and 1.7 roller rockers
Complete blueprint and balanced internals
GM M90 supercharged with one 1" intercooler plates with ASP 8 rib belt conversion. .
pushing 16 lbs of boost with small shot of NOS
Running on E50
Dyno tuned by Dyno Tune Performance outa Virginia using SCT

old thread and pic
3800 M90 Build
ported and polished gm 3800 gen 2 m90
Water to air intercooled
port matched 76mm inlet and intake tube
mustang 75mm race tb
90mm maf
36lb injectors
255 fuel pump
sct 5bank dyno tuned
2.7" pulley 10lbs of boost!!;)



and the new 1994 ranger 4.0 OHV 5 speed 2WD with 115,000 miles on it.o and i only paid $1,000 for it:shifty_ey


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the very first thing i did was make a intake out of some spare pipe i had laying around and took the cap off.the intake is just temporary but shows my mind set;)also traded xeek my 33s i had for his rims and hes gonna make me a custom headliner:D


next i got ride of those dumb ass stickers.there was 28 of them on the truck and the ones up top,the glue baked into the paint and wont come out but looks 100% better.i also did a shackle flip in the rear to try and level it out some.it will be getting an 5.0 explorer 8.8 3.73 with an extra clutch and sua.should give me around 5-6 inches of drop.im getting dream beams for the front for 3 inches of drop.also doing the 95 spindle and brake upgrade.also mounted a new set of headligts.

dropped 2" in the rear




Looks good man, you still trying to find new pink flame stickers to replace the originals?

Maybe Ben can help?

Looks good man, you still trying to find new pink flame stickers to replace the originals?

Maybe Ben can help?

I want to strangle that kid for putting those on there!!!!:mad::mad: tokk me 6 hours to get them off and you can still see where some was, in person:(

Why not make the ranger able to tow your explorer around since it'll be a pig...

Why not make the ranger able to tow your explorer around since it'll be a pig...

Don't wanna put that kind of mileage or stress on the SC motor.with just a fresh basic ohv in the explorer I shouldn't have to worry about reliability.

Just kidding buddy, looks much nicer without. When I bought my stang it had pink blobs and aqua stripes and crap on it too... Disturbing.

Just kidding buddy, looks much nicer without. When I bought my stang it had pink blobs and aqua stripes and crap on it too... Disturbing.

O I don't care:Dtold the guy I was taking off a $100 bucks for every sticker on it, one of the reasons I got it so cheap:D

SOLD THE SHO and the camper cap!!!!:party::party::party: lets hope i can still get the heads im wanting:Dif not this build will be done in no time.going to get the 1986 ranger aux gas tank in the morning.ill post pics hopefully tomorrow. this is now my dd so cant be taking it all apart and fabbing up stuff for days:(pressure is on:D

Saturday me and xeek drove 4 hours round trip to get the aux tank and I get there and they don't even have it!!! I called wed to make sure they had it then I called back Thursday to get them to measure the sender hole and everything. Both times they assured me they had it and even called me back with a description and measurement of the sender.I get there and the ranger didn't even have the option for a aux tank.the f-150 next to it did tho!!! They said sorry about a billion times and gave me $30 to help with gas.atleast they did that!! Also my truck only got 20.7mpg!!! It was windy as **** out and it needs a tune up pretty bad.NOT HAPPY RIGHT NOW!!! Back to the drawing board!!

toady i did get some goodies tho.i went to pick and pull and got my no ac heater box and also got my 95 spindles.im going to be making a bracket that will alow me to the ST 12" rotors instead of the stock 10.25" over on rps they were making these brackets but stopped.if i can turn them out cheap i may end up making them for sell.here is a link to the thread and some pics of my new finds:D




after,still shocking how much more room it gives


o and had a nest in my old ac box

Good thing you didn't turn the heater on.... that could've been very bad.

Oo forgot to even tell that part...yea I was out on a date picking up this chic for the first time..yea got chilly so turned on the heat.boooommmm the heater core blows up and fogs my whole truck out!!!:mad: I had to pull over and wipe the windshield off.made it to the bar and had to put water in it to get her back home.....hahaha the whole reason I went to the junk yard for that box.in the pics I hadn't had time to replace the core so I just took one hose off and conected the other to the pump (closed loop)

Embarrassing to say the least!!!:mad::frustrate:bsnicker::censored:

She agree to a second date?

Hhahaah yep.going out Thursday:D when we pulled over she even helped clean the windshield;) tho she did bust my balls all night!!:(

Ha! A chick that doesn't mind getting her hands dirty? Might be a keeper buddy!

this is going to be alot of pics.starters i got a new set of tail lights put in and they look alittle more ricer than they did online but think they are alright.

next i got all the measurements and mock up done on the ST 12" rotor swap.i ordered some fresh metal and as soon as it gets in im going to machine all the parts and weld them up.so right now im waiting on parts and the ST rotors to come in.ill show what has to be done and the final bracket,but dont think ill be releasing the measurements or cad drawings.i may end up selling these as a big break kit,so ill show what needs to be done and if you wanna make them your self your have to do the math;)


LOTS of pics for you and when the bracket is done ill show that,these are mock up with scrap i had around the shop so i could pull measurements.these are the 95-97 spindle upgrade so you have to have 95-97 or this spindle upgrade on your truck to begin with

stock 10.25'' rotors

mod for ST 12" rotors.(just mock up,not actual bracket)

and now bunch of pics to show what was done,basically the spindle and caliper brackets have to be ground or milled down,squared up and the bracket holes need to come up..






caliper bracket



and a comparison of the rotors.not my pic but just a visual for now

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Loving this thread, gotta keep my eye on it. Just bought a 91 Ranger :D
