Intercooling the 4.0 ohv/sohc with Ford Supercouper M90 | Page 11 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Intercooling the 4.0 ohv/sohc with Ford Supercouper M90

Ah, so you have the old blower on it already?

yea, don dont screw around! i was hoping you didnt put it on yet. was going to do some measuring with the ic on it.

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Interesting thing is, by going to my backup m90, peak boost had gone down 3 lbs (from 10 to about 7), but low end torque has increased. Its really easy to spin the tires at low speeds now. Lower intake temps? No idea.
Anyway, the rotor pack left today. Probably going to be a 3 week turn around (5 to 7 days shipping each way).

Getting the rotors installed the right way can only mean good things for performance.

Do you have a bunch of gaskets or are you reusing the same one?

Yup, needed to get it sent off ASAP. I didn't have time to test fit the intercooler, or anything. I had a couple hours later sunday afternoon, so I swapped out m90's, pulled the snout off and today the rotor pack shipped.

I'll need time to install the intercooler. The fuel line to the fuel rail has to come off before I can even think of setting the intercooler in place. Then, I can start test fitting. The test fitting really needs to start Friday after work when I'm not working thru the weekend. Maybe in a couple of weeks.

So as far as tuning goes, I assume your going to try and get it dialed in with the new charger and ic before you go back to the dyno? Really think its going to be a huge difference now;)

Yes, I'll send James a log or two so he can see whats going on before dyno time is booked.

I downloaded the latest SCT livewire software and looked at a couple of my logs showing where I have detonation. All those areas had iat's at or well above 160 degree's.

Also, I can do 0 to 60 mph times while I'm logging. This will tell me exactly how fast I am to 60 mph.
I wish I understood what can, and can't be done tuning my truck.
If you look at the snipit of a log showing my gauges when I was detonating, you see iat's are high, and spark advance is high. Maybe you can't retard timing based on iat's? the last gauge is rpm, I cut it off in error.


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How do you loose 5 lbs boost?

Buy an accurate boost gauge.

My boost gauge was in question, as it would register different boost levels at times when the conditions are the same (load, throttle settiings, etc).

I started thinking Id love to be able to log boost for James also, so I figured I'd kill 2 birds with 1 stone.

Enter AEM 30-4406 boost gauge with 0 to 5v out on it for logging.
My peak boost has gone from 10lbs to 5lbs. Im betting the AEM is the accurate one.

Anyone else using this gauge for logging in Innovate livelink?
Here's the formula I'm going to try. (12.5*v)-6.25-14.7 Im hoping it is correct. Some logging, and comparing to the gauge reading will answer that question for me.

I don't have my M90 back from getting fixed up yet. Another Supercoupe member did though, and says it made a huge difference.

Hopefully Tim will come back from his 'Trip' down south and be full of energy, as I'm hoping that the timing of install will be very soon after he returns from All Ford Nationals.

How do you loose 5 lbs boost?

Buy an accurate boost gauge.

My boost gauge was in question, as it would register different boost levels at times when the conditions are the same (load, throttle settiings, etc).

I started thinking Id love to be able to log boost for James also, so I figured I'd kill 2 birds with 1 stone.

Enter AEM 30-4406 boost gauge with 0 to 5v out on it for logging.
My peak boost has gone from 10lbs to 5lbs. Im betting the AEM is the accurate one.

Anyone else using this gauge for logging in Innovate livelink?
Here's the formula I'm going to try. (12.5*v)-6.25-14.7 Im hoping it is correct. Some logging, and comparing to the gauge reading will answer that question for me.

I don't have my M90 back from getting fixed up yet. Another Supercoupe member did though, and says it made a huge difference.

Hopefully Tim will come back from his 'Trip' down south and be full of energy, as I'm hoping that the timing of install will be very soon after he returns from All Ford Nationals.

That's the gauge I the charger problems is more than a one off case? Good to hear it made a difference tho

Apparently a batch went out with the rotors reversed.

5lbs boost isn't much. Watching the gauge, I rarely go in at boost at all. The motor does spend quite a bit of time at 0 pressure at part throttle, low rpm work though. I'm sure that's a huge performance gain right there.

My SC oil showed up today. I just need my M90 back, and the time to install Intercooler.

I sense me taking a Friday off to make sure I have lots of time to do the install. There is going to be issues that will take some time to sort thru.

Funny cause I was literally thinking of your hood a few hours ago. Right now, the sport trac is done, James sent me the end user file a few days ago (so evils now tuned to both James and my safisfaction, just in time for all ford nationals to, yeppy!) and I am close to having evil really for when I leave. I might see if I can get to the parts truck, and grab what I need so I can start on your hood before I leave.......I hope.
As for gauges, mine is a autometer phantom. I beleive it's pretty close (within a pound). Now that it has warmed up, I am still making about 8 or 9 pounds of boost at full throttle, which is where I want to be at with little to no detonation.

I figured you were plugging away Tim.
Congratulations on the sale of the Ranger.

Nice to hear Evil is behaving herself.

The pulley bracket you made me is ready for final fitment for testing. I ended up having to shave the 3rd bolt hole off as it was perfectly in the way of the belt. Figures. Its gong to work really well, I just need to make sure the two bolts are really tight.

My rotor pack is missing in action.
The tracking number on line shows the box as being delivered, but Logan doesn't have it.

Lovely. I added the address on the outside of the box taped on to the box with packing tape, and address's and phone numbers on the inside of the box.

I have great luck, it just seems to be bad.

So, looks like I'm going to be in the market for another rotor pack. Polishing, coating, etc.
Im sending Logan the tracking number, but the reality is that its gone.
Man, there's still steam coming out of my ears. This really hurts.

Who did you ship it with? Call them and ask where it is. They are usually very helpful in tracking down packages.

Canada post, which does the hand off to usps.

No insurance as its extremely expensive.

Its extremely difficult to track anything from thats sent out of the country.

Not good news.just a glimmer of light tho, when I ship usps their details is not very accurate. I have seen stuff marked as delivered and it shows up a day or two later.

Ouch Don, I hate to hear about lost parcels.

I am a carrier for the USPS, so I can tell you what your best chances are to find it. Use the tracking number and the 1-800 phone number to try to get in contact with the actual delivery office. Speaking with someone there will be more helpful than anything else, without insurance.

If the parcel is still in the possession of the PO, then it should get there, internal theft or losses are super rare. The fact that you have internal address labeling helps enormously when a parcel is damaged, as the outer label is often illegible or gone/destroyed.

When you speak to a person at the delivery office, try to be friendly by introducing yourself, and ask for their name, and the direct phone number there. If the parcel has been delivered somewhere, then the best chance is to have the carrier(s) look around for it at the address, or the neighbor's, or another address with the same street number etc.

The time that passes from the delivery date is bad, the carrier will quickly forget the actual parcel in a few days, unless it is very unique. You need to quickly get contact to the carrier and hunt for it as soon as possible.

The worst case is if it got delivered to the wrong address, and that resident plays dumb and never admits that anything was left there. I hope that you can get them to find it for you. Good luck,

Thanks Don,
I'll try that. I sent Logan a copy of the way bill and tracking number also. Best going to the local post office. I really doubt it could be theft. Pretty specialized item.

Hopefully he will try to deal with the PO also. Try to do what you can, don't leave it to the other person, even just in the beginning. The first days after a parcel goes missing is critical.

Logan found it.
Bit of a mix up on his end. It was delivered, and the person that accepted it set it asaide and didn't tell him. He has a temp fill in that doesn't quite know his routine yet. Anyway, life's good.

Tim stopped by yesterday and measured up where he will need to do some cutting of the hood. At least now he can work at it when he feels like it. I'm betting nothing will happen for a while, as he's pretty busy. Evil's looking pretty sexy these days. Tim has her polished up really nice.

Thank god.sounds like they need to get their act together down there.

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That's good news.
