Sync 3.4 Update 21020 and OTA Updates | Page 6 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Sync 3.4 Update 21020 and OTA Updates

Ken, since both updates were done separately, I would think that the maps are still 2.20.


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It rolled back to 20136 but still shows the maps are updated. I would not bet money on whether or not that "NA 2.20" is really done or not ...

View attachment 330610

Thanks Ken

Looks like Gracenote gets rolled back also. I'm at (NA-0020) before the update.

Here is a copy of TSB 21-2150 Not much new the little I've looked at it. Talked with my dealer and they tell me the SYNC version can't be rolled back.


  • TSB 21-2150.pdf
    1.4 MB · Views: 198

Here is a copy of TSB 21-2150 Not much new the little I've looked at it. Talked with my dealer and they tell me the SYNC version can't be rolled back.
Agree it looks pretty similar.

However, the dealer's comments about roll back seem to fly in the face of facts!! My initial screenshot (before taking it to the dealer with all the problems)...

And currently ....

I see the Gracenotes were also rolled back as well.


Anyone else lose the SiriusXM audio from the vehicle radio after this update?.......AM/FM and streaming SiriusXM from a phone works but the SiriusXM tuner doesn't now...........

Will try signal refresh and the Master Reset yet again but this is seriously getting silly.
I just lost the XM radio after taking a short drive. Plan to do the reset and see if it comes back.

I just lost the XM radio after taking a short drive. Plan to do the reset and see if it comes back.

After I did the Signal Refresh I got SiriusXM back but performance is poor. You touch a channel icon and the music will play from the new channel but the screen lag is easy 5-7 seconds before the graphic shows the current station. Absolutely unacceptable for a 2021 multi media system.

Agree it looks pretty similar.

However, the dealer's comments about roll back seem to fly in the face of facts!! My initial screenshot (before taking it to the dealer with all the problems)...
View attachment 330628
And currently ....
View attachment 330629
I see the Gracenotes were also rolled back as well.

Ken I agree as I had seen your post about it. I think I'm going to push my dealer to esculate this with Ford.

Here is a copy of TSB 21-2150 Not much new the little I've looked at it. Talked with my dealer and they tell me the SYNC version can't be rolled back.

You can roll it back. They may not know that. The most recent drop was 3.4.20351. That was up on the owner site prior to this last one from memory.

Side note that I’ve seen others that had SXM cancel their sub, reset then re-sub them and it fixed their problems. No idea if that might help your case or not?

Took a couple of drives and so far so good. No issues with Travel Link or Sirius/XM. :)


Took a couple of drives and so far so good. No issues with Travel Link or Sirius/XM. :)

I'm trying to decide if your real lucky or lead a charmed life Peter. :chug:

I'm trying to decide if your real lucky or lead a charmed life Peter. :chug:
It's early yet and so far mine is the only Aviator that has been upgraded in this thread.

I did a soft reset and that did nothing. Then a hard reset that restored the Xm Audio and travel link was working again. Time will tell if it lasts.

Dealer performed the TSB on my 21 Explorer and it didn't fix the issue. They are ordering a new APIM and ACM. This will be the 5th trip to the dealership for this issue. Hopefully the new APIM will fix it.

I was downloading the new SYNC version to install it on my 2020 Explorer ST, but luckily I read this thread. I am pretty much new to this "Ford world". Based on your experience, would you still recommend to proceed and install this update or wait for a more stable version?
Thank you all.

I was downloading the new SYNC version to install it on my 2020 Explorer ST, but luckily I read this thread. I am pretty much new to this "Ford world". Based on your experience, would you still recommend to proceed and install this update or wait for a more stable version?
Thank you all.
If I could do it over I would wait and see if a good solution comes out. Mine has turned into a bit of a headache for 2 weeks now.

I was downloading the new SYNC version to install it on my 2020 Explorer ST, but luckily I read this thread. I am pretty much new to this "Ford world". Based on your experience, would you still recommend to proceed and install this update or wait for a more stable version?
Thank you all.

You might be waiting a while and there absolutely no guarantee the next version wont be worse.

Many here downloaded the latest version and it went well with only minor issues, yes there shouldnt be any issues but this is Ford, you dont get updates without side effects. Other then the normal laggy screen transitions and SiriusXM issues this version is usable but it's entirely your call as to when you upgrade.

This officially released version is build 21020 maybe wait for the 21098 build officially released, probably more stable.

Check out CyanLabs as well.

I'm trying to decide if your real lucky or lead a charmed life Peter. :chug:
My "charmed life" may be over Dale. When I started the vehicle up this afternoon the first thing I saw on the screen was that my Sirius subscription had been updated. Checked it out and sure enough, every feature except Audio was RED (unsubscribed). I drove to the store, about 5 minutes and nothing changed. On my way back home and with the Sirius features screen on the display, they slowly began to turn GREEN (subscribed) one at a time. That was the way it stayed. I guess I'll see what happens the next time out. No issue with the Sirius/XM radio, yet.


My "charmed life" may be over Dale. When I started the vehicle up this afternoon the first thing I saw on the screen was that my Sirius subscription had been updated. Checked it out and sure enough, every feature except Audio was RED (unsubscribed). I drove to the store, about 5 minutes and nothing changed. On my way back home and with the Sirius features screen on the display, they slowly began to turn GREEN (subscribed) one at a time. That was the way it stayed. I guess I'll see what happens the next time out. No issue with the Sirius/XM radio, yet.

Sorry to hear that Peter. Doing a hard does get it working for a while but then it stops again. The only member that seems have it working is Ken St John where his dealer rolled back the SYNC version. When I lost the audio I went to source and Sirius was grayed out. I could only pick AM or FM and that makes me think it's not a Sirius issue.

My "charmed life" may be over Dale. When I started the vehicle up this afternoon the first thing I saw on the screen was that my Sirius subscription had been updated. Checked it out and sure enough, every feature except Audio was RED (unsubscribed). I drove to the store, about 5 minutes and nothing changed. On my way back home and with the Sirius features screen on the display, they slowly began to turn GREEN (subscribed) one at a time. That was the way it stayed. I guess I'll see what happens the next time out. No issue with the Sirius/XM radio, yet.


If it continues to act up and you want to roll back to 3.4.20282, let me know.

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Posting here as it may help others.

So I've been sitting in my 20 Explorer kinda just manually triggering the update and sitting in my car doing this map update. Decent connection, the car gets 3/4 bars on wifi, my laptop in the same spot gets about 40Mbps.
After like 3 hours sitting in the car and doing 5 different parts of this update I'm just like "How is this actually better than a USB update?" Couldn't find any info online about like if you HAVE to have the car running to do it or what. Talked to my buddy at Ford- He doesnt work on OTA but knows generally about it.

He's saying the car will do up to 30 minute of OTA after you do ignition off in the car. So it will background update even when not running. Thank goodness, that completely changes how I feel about it lol
