Where are all the used 1st gens? | Page 6 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Where are all the used 1st gens?

Hey Joe! You are much harder to find than a nice first gen šŸ¤£

It's good to see you on the forum:chug:
Yeah, I guess I've become a creeper/lurker LoL... great to hear from you...be well.

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Same here in the Philadelphia area. They were a bit of a rare find even 6 years ago when I started looking. I got lucky 2 years ago that the one I bought popped up on craigslist a few weeks after I came home from my 18 month stay in Utah, and it happened to be the color I wanted the most.
I don't even see them in junkyards, which is annoying because I want to eventually buy a nicer rear bumper for mine. Lots of rangers though, some of my parts ended up coming from them. Even the 2nd gen Explorers are starting to get a bit difficult to find these days.

I applaud all the people who refused to trade their good-running Explorers in to cash for clunkers. I'll never forgive the people responsible for that program.
I own 2 one a daily driver he other for parts mainly for the manual trans and transfer case. I was at a Philly salvage yard and they had 1st gens they used to drive around the yard. Talking to the yard owner, he actually had a handful when cash for clunkers happened. Told me he actually
sold a couple of nice ones that came in.

I still get comments sometimes on my 1st gen.

Your avatar picture looks similar to what I am building.We bought our Dark green 99 Xlt 4X new, and it was a grocery getter with occasional trips to Tahoe. My son drove it to high school and he is now going to Baylor University so I decided to turn it into an overland vehicle and surprise him when he comes home next month as we all like camping and adventure camping. So far I have lifted it 2-3 inches, bought some Pro comp ā€œRock Crawlerā€ 15 X 8 in black then ordered a set of Dick Cepek All Terrains which have yet to arrive. removed the second row seats and built a platform that extends up to a few inches from the back of the front seats. Roof rack, light bar and 4ā€ LEDā€™s mounted on the left right and rear of the rack. We tend to leave late in the afternoon for trips which puts us up in the Sierras well after 0 Dark 30, so the xtra light to set up camp works well.
Like Your dads car, I think I prefer to keep the old truck just the way it is, we like to call it ā€œUnrestored & Unmolestedā€ , a few dents here and there but just cool to have and drive, a family treasure to us as my stepdad is no longer with us. Like Your Mustang, most every time we take the truck out for a ride we either get a few thumbs up or someone will say they had one and they never should have sold it! so cool to see older cars out and about, Time machines for sure...
Finally a picture, front torsion twist, rear shackles with Dick Cepek 31 x 10.50 x 15 ā€œTral Country EXPā€ on Pro Comp 15x 8 (faux) bead lock wheels with a -19 offset. Trimmed up the front chrome bumper extension for clearance
where can I get

where can I get some!
Need one for my 75ā€™ F250, has lap belts only, pre shoulder belts, hard plastic ( now concrete) dash pad. For sure the wife wouldnā€™t want to ride in it with that sticker on the dash.....

Thank you gentleman. I am having several made to my expectations. Don't know if there are any ladies here? But the new sticker will say.........with a play on a word or so......

Have a couple of "old" lady friend antique car owners who will love these. We are all over 70 and like to kick the oil cans around. One "mechanic" wants me to design stickers for their Saber Jet. One day she will get it put back together.
Got my stickers........the ladies love them. Not one has an airbag problem because of no Air bags.


Whyā€™d you misspell screaming.......

I did buy my 93 Explorer on BAT. Paid probably more than I should have, but it has 46k on the clock and is in pretty decent original shape. Light rust on rockers at rear wheels. AC is very cold. Nice clean interior. Dropping a few pics of the ride. Bob

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Wow, that's a good looking first gen. Nice find. The rust isn't horrible, but will need tending to. Here in KY, there are none of them left. They've all been eaten away by now. Some of mine are getting to where the lower plastics have nothing left to cling to! I wish Ford wouldn't have filled the bodies full of expandable foam. That stuff holds the moisture and rots the metal.

In the warehouse pic, your truck is in some good company. That almost looks like a 30s Mercedes in the top left of the pic. Maybe an E Type Jag in the reflection on the window?

Never seen one with what I presume is an aftermarket ā€œDuraliner Sportā€ cargo area protectorā€¦. Nice find.


Wow, that's a good looking first gen. Nice find. The rust isn't horrible, but will need tending to. Here in KY, there are none of them left. They've all been eaten away by now. Some of mine are getting to where the lower plastics have nothing left to cling to! I wish Ford wouldn't have filled the bodies full of expandable foam. That stuff holds the moisture and rots the metal.

In the warehouse pic, your truck is in some good company. That almost looks like a 30s Mercedes in the top left of the pic. Maybe an E Type Jag in the reflection on the window?
yes, that is where I purchased it from. The seller from BAT. He had some big money rides in his warehouse. Unfortunately...they weren't mine :(

I did buy my 93 Explorer on BAT. Paid probably more than I should have, but it has 46k on the clock and is in pretty decent original shape. Light rust on rockers at rear wheels. AC is very cold. Nice clean interior. Dropping a few pics of the ride. Bob

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Heck, exterior looks straight from a showroom! Nice Ex. What is BAT?

Heck, exterior looks straight from a showroom! Nice Ex. What is BAT?
bring a trailer...they get all the special goods....this was their least special!

bring a trailer...they get all the special goods....this was their least special!
I looked BaT up....boy, if I had $$ I'd be tempted!! Amazing the vintage cars one could get, for the price of a so-so newer vehicle!

Based on what I've read, I Think Cash 4 Clunkers gets too much credit.

I think the scarcity of 1st Gens for Sale is a wide mix. C4C had some effect likely, but what I'm seeing is the effects of COVID on the auto industry is causing us with solid, reliable rides that are easy to fix - which 1st Gens seem to be from my experience - are worth their weight in gold right now. Also, maybe it's Google's algorithm, but I"m getting hit almost daily with Jurassic Park content on Google and YouTube even when I'm not looking for Explorer stuff, and it correlates with my clutch research last year so there's the whole "Movie Car" aspect. And then everyone my age whose feeling nostalgic for the old family car is looking for one just like mom or dads....kind of funny, mine WAS my mom's 20 years ago.

Also, I'm very slowly starting to see more and more of the local "Welfare Rides" - first and second Gen - getting fixed up, modified, or restored. Would not be surprised to see at least one turn up at Hot August Nights in the next few years.

As for me, I'm planning to put a tiny lift on mine and restore the interior at some point when I can get the time/funds/space to come together.

Based on what I've read, I Think Cash 4 Clunkers gets too much credit.

I think the scarcity of 1st Gens for Sale is a wide mix. C4C had some effect likely, but what I'm seeing is the effects of COVID on the auto industry is causing us with solid, reliable rides that are easy to fix - which 1st Gens seem to be from my experience - are worth their weight in gold right now. Also, maybe it's Google's algorithm, but I"m getting hit almost daily with Jurassic Park content on Google and YouTube even when I'm not looking for Explorer stuff, and it correlates with my clutch research last year so there's the whole "Movie Car" aspect. And then everyone my age whose feeling nostalgic for the old family car is looking for one just like mom or dads....kind of funny, mine WAS my mom's 20 years ago.

Also, I'm very slowly starting to see more and more of the local "Welfare Rides" - first and second Gen - getting fixed up, modified, or restored. Would not be surprised to see at least one turn up at Hot August Nights in the next few years.

As for me, I'm planning to put a tiny lift on mine and restore the interior at some point when I can get the time/funds/space to come together.
The buyer I bought my 93 explorer from on BAT, a few months earlier sold a 93 Jurassic park explorer for 18500 on BAT...the buyer was Barrett Jackson auction who then sold it at his auction, he got exactly what he paid....18500. It had 155k on the clock. Just a tidbit of info for you. Bob


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Doesnā€™t look like 18,000 to me.
