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Sound after sitting a while

Not always true. There are times when I open my app and the last update time is sooner than the last time I drove it. Also if you haven't started your vehicle in couple of days your app will tell you it can not do up dates to conserve battery. I have found that out when on vacation and randomly checking to make sure no one stole my truck out of the driveway.

Also, it will do refreshes for your vehicle health reports.
So you think it randomly checks the ABS system by itself with zero intervention?

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So you think it randomly checks the ABS system by itself with zero intervention?
System checks yes... ABS I am not sure. I do not trust half the crap out of service departments mouths. I mean they were more than happy to install a new HUD in my aviator with European programming....


So you think it randomly checks the ABS system by itself with zero intervention?
I looked in the app and ABS is part of vehicle self checks...

Screenshot_20210611-202543_Lincoln Way.jpg

Maybe the reason of ABS doing self check although you don’t drive your car is telling you that your vehicle is on good working condition when you use your apps.

Maybe the reason of ABS doing self check although you don’t drive your car is telling you that your vehicle is on good working condition when you use your apps.
Guess you would know if your ex cuts your brakes 🤣

I looked in the app and ABS is part of vehicle self checks...

View attachment 331972
I’m certain it does self checks of the abs. I just don’t think it’s doing them randomly, and certainly not to the point it’s draining your battery.

I’m certain it does self checks of the abs. I just don’t think it’s doing them randomly, and certainly not to the point it’s draining your battery.
Oil,tire pressure, journey, etc. everything will upload to your apps from the WiFi in the car. They all need battery.

Oil,tire pressure, journey, etc. everything will upload to your apps from the WiFi in the car. They all need battery.
And I’m sure they don’t do it past a certain voltage. Otherwise, that’d be an engineering failure too big even for these. If these are engineered to worry check themselves until they actually can’t be used they should all be removed from the road and crushed.

Not sure I said this earlier. If you disable all mentioned of wifi connectivity, auto checks, and sending logs to ford, the noises are at a minimum now. Defiantly less, but I still hear them every so often when I walk by

Not sure I said this earlier. If you disable all mentioned of wifi connectivity, auto checks, and sending logs to ford, the noises are at a minimum now. Defiantly less, but I still hear them every so often when I walk by
When walking by it could be caused by the perimeter sensors. Is this with or with out the Key in your pocket or near by?

And I’m sure they don’t do it past a certain voltage. Otherwise, that’d be an engineering failure too big even for these. If these are engineered to worry check themselves until they actually can’t be used they should all be removed from the road and crushed.
I thought I already mentioned but if your car sits long enough you can not get updates any more because it goes into some power saving mode or something...

When walking by it could be caused by the perimeter sensors. Is this with or with out the Key in your pocket or near by?

I don't think the base xlt has/had the perimeter system? But all of the above. You can walk by with or without keys. They could use the proximity sensors for sensing that.

I don't think the base xlt has/had the perimeter system? But all of the above. You can walk by with or without keys. They could use the proximity sensors for sensing that.
These are the systems I am referring too. This list is from the 2021 xlt. Also the one in red is how it doesn't run your battery all the way down.


I wouldn't think that all those sensors would be active when the vehicle is shut down unless it was locked.
BTW, the word perimeter in the Explorer Manual only appears once in reference to tires. ;)


I wouldn't think that all those sensors would be active when the vehicle is shut down unless it was locked.
BTW, the word perimeter in the Explorer Manual only appears once in reference to tires. ;)




The word doesn't come up on my search of the 2020 or 2021 Manuals. It does when searching the Aviator Manual.


And I’m sure they don’t do it past a certain voltage. Otherwise, that’d be an engineering failure too big even for these. If these are engineered to worry check themselves until they actually can’t be used they should all be removed from the road and crushed.

Exactly. That's what deep sleep mode is for.

These are the systems I am referring too. This list is from the 2021 xlt. Also the one in red is how it doesn't run your battery all the way down.

View attachment 332163

Battery saver is what shuts the lights off and interior items after 10 min. Deep sleep mode is what prevents the vehicle from draining down to a dead battery due to inactivity.

The ABS pump self check randomly every day. Also they mentioned that the battery will be low if the car is parking after long time. That is because the ABS pump self check every day.
I understand the battery saver feature. I was mostly responding to this saying it’ll check itself to death.

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When you install the PPS module, (I just did this to add remote start via key fob), the module then adds motion/bumps to the alarm. The module came super sensitive so even wind set the alarm off. I had to turn it down. So the perimeter alarm either has a * or it has a plus to add the feature if the doors are opened, car is bumped etc.

The stock perimeter may be if the hood is opened?
