-XX- Paragon Run Late August | Page 10 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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-XX- Paragon Run Late August

to get the pinion gear off of my d44 i put the end in a vice and used an impact gun and it came off in a matter of seconds.

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OMG! Mattman! 2001Exp! The original Matt! You're still alive! LOL I thought you'd given up on us!

As far as taking your stock X out on the trails Lizard picks, DON'T DO IT unless you REALLY want to break something! Muskrat gave it his all last time, but some trails just aren't meant for stockers-- especially when you have to drive home afterwards. I know we're short on common sense in this gang, but jeez! You can't drive it to work every day if you destroy it!

That said, I'm still gonna ride along :)
I found a 2000 Sport with all options that's been flipped on its hood and both front fenders-needs windows and mirrors, but hey, it comes pre equipped with damage, lol.

Simple matter to find some 33's and aftermarket rims...but I'd have to disconnect the driveaxle to tow it up there because it's hardly legal to drive now and I'm not gonna waste money on registration and insurance for a trail rig.

Shaun, how hard is it to disconect that driveshaft? Just 4 bolts, right?

Lindsey, did you buy that 2000 sport???? If so I'm very jealous, that's what I'm going to do here soon enough (but i want a 94 sport).

To disconnect the driveshaft simply unbolt the four 12pt 12mm bolts and it drops out (sometimes a hammer is needed just because of corrosion) and then it just slides out of the tranny.
Why would you want to disconnect the driveshaft anyway?

Originally posted by 2001ExpSport

Oh and by the way, the places lizard is gunna take you only requires 2wd, no reason to RIDE ALONG with someone....*cough*pussy.

Ummm.... *cough cough* me goin on some "2wd trails" that everyone can take... Umm oh yeah... *cough cough*.... as per the last part....I am what I eat!!!:D :D


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Lindsey just remember all vehicles @ paragon have to be registered and insured.

2wd eh?I don't think you want to see me run the trails in 2x, but I will:D Just get out of the way, and don't follow me unless you want to break something, and if you do, you can keep me company while we wait for parts. Spas, I think if I didn't try to get air on spare tire, I might have made it up. Still looking for a driveshaft:(

Lindsey, did you buy that 2000 sport???? If so I'm very jealous, that's what I'm going to do here soon enough (but i want a 94 sport).

LOL Not yet ;)
I have to find somebody with a dealer license who's willing to bid on it for me first! Its a real pity that none of you guys live closer..you'd be amazed at the prices that these cars and trucks go for! If this one goes for under $500, and there's a good chance it will, it's definitely MINE!

There's a smashed and rolled 94 (either that or 96, i forget) Mazda B4000 on 35's right inside the gate to the wreck corral-want me to keep an eye on where it gets sold to, Shaun? I'm not sure if you can use its driveaxle and such, but what the hey :) It's a crew cab, too...

bla blah blah everyone wants sports... whats a matter with 4 doors?

nothing wrong with 4doors, it's just when you find the sport to be 900 less the the 4door what you buy?

2dr = shorter wheelbase

i know im just playing....:D ill be the odd ball

but I must say, I like the way the 4drs look when lifted... dont know y but I do....

hey yall

Muskrat :) Thanks!!! I probably won't be doing anything until the Trailfest anyway.....

Jeff....you dog.... you need to keep us up to date on all of the mods you make to that one..

Lizard.... I love the sports...and while I understand (conceptually) that us 4 doorers have a longer wheelbase....I still don't feel like our wheelbase is really
soooooo long that it makes a serious difference.... but like you said...wheelbase wise and $$wise i would have bought a sport...


S'funny..all my buddies down here are constantly asking why I didn't get a 4 door....and my reply is still


lol :D

I dont like 4dr trucks theyre to soccer mommy like for me. :) like lindsey said i didnt buy a truck to move people around i bought a truck for me to drive. besides you cant get a 4dr with a 5spd.

besides you cant get a 4dr with a 5spd.
Except for 95 and before. I'm not sure after 95, but I have seen one 95 4 door with a 5speed.

yeah well.... my 4 door will run you over.... no soccer mom here.... :D

Originally posted by lizardtrac
2dr = shorter wheelbase
But a longer wheelbase can climb steeper hills without flipping end over end.

Jeff.... traitor.....

Originally posted by yob_yeknom

Jeff.... traitor.....

John.......:mattmoon: :mattmoon:.....

Besides, I still have my Explorer and it will see off road. Just not the hard stuff.

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Ive seen one 2nd gen with a 5spd but the owner special ordered it that way.
