Rob17san Just Became Elite! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rob17san Just Became Elite!


Well-Known Member
April 27, 2004
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Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 Limited
Hey Guys, im Rob. Been around the block on here quite a bit but never offically introduced myself. I live in Westminster CO outside of Denver. I have had the BUG since I got my explorer late in 2003. I have a 1999 Limited SOHC and have a few things done to it. The recent pics I have show mostly everything, except my Powerslot rotors, and chrome door pillars. My truck looks pretty trick! I am getting around 19mpg right now and I have 20"s and a 4.10 rear. Anyways let me know what you guys Think!

Any feedback, postive or negative is welcomed! I will try to get the more recent pics up! The chrome pillars really set this thing off!

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Nice ride, rob!

Awesome truck!!! And thanks for donating, too...

Welcome to the Forum. Glad you got the BUG!

Man it looks good. I would like to see just a tad drop. Not much but just a tad.

Thanks- Yeah, I was considering the EE drop. I am just worried about ride quality. I think it would look very nice with the wheels tucked into those nice Limited Flares.

Oh i wouldnt go much. Just a tad would set it off in my opnion. Great Ride Rob

Congrats, but curious...

Why did you decide to become a member after so long a wait? (Correction: Elite member - sounds nice :D

nice ride rob

Welcome to Explorer Forum!

Why did you decide to become a member after so long a wait? (Correction: Elite member - sounds nice :D

I felt I owed back to the community for the help and respect I have been given. I think everyone should have to pay the $20 to join. Maybe give them a trial run so they can see the benefits!

Thanks for the comments Guys!

Oh i wouldnt go much. Just a tad would set it off in my opnion. Great Ride Rob

How do I go about doing that? I have only heard the correct way is via the EE kit, or similar. I don't plan on doing any tortion twists or anything of the like

Anyone able to photoshop a Lowering Drop on my car? I would LOVE to see it where the tires are about to reach the fender. I would really like to lower it but will not sacrifice ride quality. Anyone done it with good results? I know ALDIVe said his ride was horrible, but I was thinking maybe becaise he has a 2wd? I would love to see it with a lift and 33"s as well! Man that might be even sweeter. I want a lift, but quite pricey.

Great looking truck. :thumbsup:


  • RobLTD.jpg
    92.7 KB · Views: 143

Thanks for the Chop Froader! Looks pretty cool. Now who can do the LIFT? If you have time, maybe both pictures that I have, modified. That would be awesome!

Yeah I like picture one better too, I just wanted to see that. THanks FROADER! How long did that take you for both?

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