04-05 V6 Spectre Intake Complete Kit | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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04-05 V6 Spectre Intake Complete Kit

started making progress towards getting an intake system complete...

i just need to order the MAF housing, since Pepboys and AutoZone didnt have the correct part i needed...

now my major concern, is just making a hole for the vaccum line...


What I did isn't too great (it works), but its good enough and its what I did for my airbox cold air intake.

Its a vacuum hose piece. Just a suggestion...

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i did see a universal vaccum hose piece, with 3 different sizes...

is that what you used nate ?

Yeah. I'm not sure, looking at the way you're doing your intake, if the piece I used will work. I couldn't find a picture, but I bought the part at autozone. Its called a vacuum adapter. The pipe has three holes, and they appear to be the same size.


I know exactly what part your talking about, i thought about buying it. I wasnt sure though if it would work, going off the link that i posted...

was is it a direct fit or did you have to do a little bit of work ?

--In the piece there's several fittings/adapters. If you buy that piece, see which one works the best.
--I don't really like any of those fittings, but there was no other option. The clamp that is on the vacuum hose from the factory, I just put that around the base of the hose, where the adapter is and it seems to be working.
--I have some electrical tape around the base of it now to make sure that the vacuum hose doesn't come out of place.
--I'd say it be better to do a little work. I thought about carefully drilling another hole, large enough to fit the stock fittings, but I didn't.

thats exactly what i was thinking...

when i get the MAF housing, and begin the build. I will make sure to make a complete write up of what i did step by step. the link i posted doesnt really have any instructions just parts...

if you were able to make the universal piece work, i may just go that route or i could just buy an extra 22 degree piece as a tester for drilling the hole...

Yeah. You remember MillerTime's intake? I know he did have to take the dremel to it to get the MAF to fit. I think he used the universal piece. I'll quote the picture as soon as I find it.
some new additions..

crappy pic again, my apologies
next step is fiberglassing a heatshield!!
hard to tell how millertimex17 has his vacuum hose hooked up. definately doesn't look like the universal piece
I'm thinking of just getting a K&N intake, but if this goes well I may just do this. I already have a few of the pieces.

that sounds pretty good ... how much did your cai run you fedy?

ran about 292 to my front door. I have two spectre intake filters the big blue one and the 4inch adapter to be bolted after the maf if any one is interested.

here is the setup i was running previously before the K&N will sell it for dirty cheap just trying to get it out of my garage.



looking at the maf that miller used...

the one i ordered is differently constructed. atleast how the mouth of the adapter looks anyway, and i shouldnt have to adjust the maf. the one i ordered from spectre also comes with inner adapters for proper flow diameter calibration...

hoping to have the part in by wednsday or thursday...

one of my partners @ work is a mustang junky mechanic, and he builds all kinds of custom motors for his drag cars. Im going to ask him if he could help me with drilling out the proper size hole for the vaccum port.

or instead of that, ive seen modular intake pieces with a small apendix on the side of the pipe for the vaccum line, then just clamp the hose down. that would be awesome, but i cant find them now since im looking for them lol

Miller had to dremel out the MAF housing to get his to fit. I'm just trying to get a MAF housing from an 02-03 Explorer. I think that the K&N is the best way to go, because its all-ready to be put on. But this spectre intake is great idea. You're getting the heat shield, right?

once i get the intake installed, and working properly etc etc...

im going to see what space i have left over, and im either going to order the spectre heatshield, or ill build one from plexi glass or something, but yes a heat shield will absolutley be installed for optimum results...

Looking at the one pic, there's not much to really support that intake. I would think a heat shield would be nessesary, even if it just keeps the intake in place.
This all would be easier if someone would just make a kit for the 04-10 explorers. Hopefully by this winter I'll be able to get an intake on my X.

i hear ya fella...

i just emailed " Airaid " about making an intake for our X's. They have a "Jr. Kit " that they make. It simply a high flow drop in filter, and a smooth flow intake tube to eliminate the intake baffles. basically a set up like ( Icecube's )

I emailed them about creating a " jr kit " for our trucks. hopefully i may get a reply.

I actually went back and redesigned my intake. I found that having my maf too close to the filter was causing a slight rough idle during colder ambient temperatures. So I moved the maf further towards the throttle body and haven't had a problem since. I also threw a universal K&N 4" filter on.

Miller had to dremel out the MAF housing to get his to fit. I'm just trying to get a MAF housing from an 02-03 Explorer. I think that the K&N is the best way to go, because its all-ready to be put on. But this spectre intake is great idea. You're getting the heat shield, right?

I've got one I can sell you if you need it.....


can you post a new pic of your intake on this thread ?

also, how did you connect the vaccum line to the intake ? thats my only concern once my maf housing comes in.

a short write up for that would be great, as i want to make a full write up of my install step by step for members....

Heres a couple older pics before the K&N filter. The vacuum is just a line adapter the same size as the stock one. Its held in place with a curved grommet. Haven't noticed any downfall from having it in front of the MAF, since it isn't a very strong vacuum.


If you really want a K&N intake do this:
Go to your local junkyards and find an 02-03 explorer, get the MAF housing off of it, and get the 02-03 K&N intake kit for the V6 explorer.

The MAF sensors are different from the 02-03 and 04-05. They use different harnesses at the sensor. So you would also have to get the harness, MAF, and housing.




didi you buy the spectre vaccum adapter fittings ? and if so, do you remember what size fitting you used ?

cause basically at this point im just waiting on my MAF housing to come in the mail, which im hoping is tomorrow...

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Thanks for pointing that out miller. I already purchased MAF housing so I'm going to make it work some-how, some-way. There's always more than one solution to a problem. I'm wondering if the mounting for the MAFs are the same or close-enough that I could make it work.
