For Sale - 1354M Transfer Case and Shifter | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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For Sale 1354M Transfer Case and Shifter

SOLD - 1354M Transfer Case and Shifter

BW 1354 Manual Shift transfer case and shift lever.

I do not know the history of this case - I bought it from the junkyard with the intention of rebuilding it (but never did.) Externally, everything is there.

The shift lever is complete.



  • TransferCase1.jpg
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  • TransferCase2.jpg
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  • ShiftLever.jpg
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I am I search of a shifter and linkage. Any idea where I could find it? Thanks! Jeremy

I am I search of a shifter and linkage. Any idea where I could find it? Thanks! Jeremy

Buy mine - I'll through in the transfer case!

I got a transfer case for $150.00 so I don't need that part. Thanks

Explorer transfer case swap

I am in Anniston Alabama and I have everything except the transfer case shift boot.

Scott, just curious, what's that white plastic part in a bag?

Scott, just curious, what's that white plastic part in a bag?

It is a bushing for the linkage. It goes on the transfer case side - I'd have to look at my exisiting one to tell you exactly where it goes (I don't remember off the top of my head.)

Do you have an a4ld to go with it? Lol im in need of the 4wd tranny also

No transmission. My A4LD was slipping pretty bad when I pulled it for the V8 swap, so I didn't keep it.

Still available.



how much do you think it weights? for shipping ? to ca

It is a bushing for the linkage. It goes on the transfer case side - I'd have to look at my exisiting one to tell you exactly where it goes (I don't remember off the top of my head.)

That plastic piece is gold. It is a discontinued part from what I hear. It's needed for the shift linkage.

Can you post part number on the bag please

Has anyone used an alternative bushing besides the ford part? Can the ford bushing be removed from a junk yard truck a re-used? Thanks

if you still have the part number for that bushing I just bought the hole set up from a junk yard and that part is shot

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just converted to a manual t case and yep no bushing. Easy fix!!! tap out the linkage stud and insert a 3/8 stainless bolt use washers on either side (loose) locking nut. Be sure to tag weld the bolt head to linkage.
