1996 Eddie B on waggy's | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1996 Eddie B on waggy's

Been lurking around the boards for sometime... Finally getting around to working on the Explorer.

This is not gonna be a quick build.... I've got some other projects for other people that I have to get out of the way first.... Not really sure were it's headed... What I know for sure is it will be sitting on a set of Waggy44's....

Here is some pics to get started with...:D

Waggy axles...

Nice used set of 33's for now...

And the EBX stripped of all the garbage....

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The usual...

Brakes / brake lines
Steering box & linkage
lengthen draglink
front and rear panhard bars
drivetrain swap
tube bumpers

and I'm sure there is alot more :D

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lookin good keep up good work

soa in front is more lift cheaper, 8.8 is stronger than 44

soa in front is more lift cheaper, 8.8 is stronger than 44

I do not disagree with the 8.8 being stronger.... my original plan was to convert the front over to 5x5.5 and run adapters in the rear. I happened along this set of axles for cheap, from a guy that had them for his YJ, but sold the jeep. So I ended up with 2 waggy fronts and one rear. Sold the one front off and I've got another guy coming today to pick up the 8.8.... All-in-all I've made cash putting the 44's in it. With 33's and the 4.0, I don't for see any issues.... plus there really is no rocks here in Pensacola, Fl..

so for now ....no lug coversion, can convert the rear over to disks cheap, rear axle was already spring over, matching gears front and rear....plus the budget still looks good...

Finally moved the EBX today... I'm happy with the way the steering turned out, just wish the steering box was a quicker ratio.

Anyways here's some pics.... Of course, I'm not done plating the frame.




Now I was not too happy when I found this today.... going to try cutting the brace out of the shackle and see how much more they move. Cross my fingers I dont have to move the mounts.


Finished up the disc break swap to the rear Dana44

1991 1500 4x4 rotors
2003 s10 calipers & hoses
1/4" mounting plates for metric calipers


Got my shackles straight, so it was time for a poser shot...


im looking to do the same swap to the almost exact car but mine is a 95 ha same difference..but i was leaning towrds 35s. can u post pics of the drive shaft and the rear hangers thanks yiour trucks sweet

Nothing special about the rear. It's the stock 4dr leafs, and driveshaft. Just needed a conversion joint for the driveshaft. The driveshaft does slant towards the drivers side alittle more, and some slight modifications are needed to the gastank skid plate.

No spacers on the rear.... it's within 1/2" of the 8.8 wms. The jeep 44 is naturally wider than both the 8.8 and the waggy rear d44.

Front shock hoops are done

Located the rear shocks, just need to weld the tabs to the axle.

The rough country shocks are just temporary, got them for free from a buddy of mine. They came off his K5 w/ 6" lift.

Have not logged to many miles on the EBX since finishing the swap. Still need to get gears in the front and rear, plus get my tranny situated.

Since I've still got down time, I decided to start on the rear bumper....




You sir are very creative with metal, and very handy. Pics of shop equipment please :)
Nice job so far, I am looking into picking up another 2nd gen X and making a light duty offroad truck out of it in the next year or so.

Thanks... I don't have anything special, just alot of the same basic tools that most of the guys around here have to do metal work.

Nice work on the Dana 44's and your whole rig and you do show good fab skills no matter how much or how little equipment you have...crossmember is tight and the rear tube work shows either a lot of experience or just great natural talent (probably both) for what not only works but looks exceptionaly well in multi-dimensional scale and design! Keep those progress posts coming.

Thanks, I really appreciate the compliment.:D

Rear bumper is finished for now... may decide to add shackle mounts later....

Well ... traded the EBX off today for an 01 mustang....

There will still be updates to the tread, as it went to a buddie of mine. All-in-all I really loved the performance off road. But I plan on building another with coils instead (part of the reason I traded). There will be front bumper pics to come here within the next week or two.

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