2002 Ford F-250 Super Duty XL: DD/Tow Rig | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2002 Ford F-250 Super Duty XL: DD/Tow Rig


Elite Explorer
Moderator Emeritus
October 20, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Pulaski, TN
Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 Explorer/2002 F-250
Here is my new to me 2002 F-250.

Planning on changing a few things but not to much. Need to change the front seats and add cruise control....

It is a XL model so it is basic and is a 2wd. I enjoy that it does not have carpet but has a vynal floor. Sitting right at 190k.

On to the pictures:







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Ah finally, the pictures! Looking good - and I like the those steel wheels.

Super clean! You should mention that its a diesel too! :D

nice rig very clean

Congrats Mr. Burns.
Does Kelley like it?

Yes she actually does. Its not as bright and noticable as the lime. She was even kind enough to take me about 1 hr and 1/2 away to get it and then follow me home.

Super clean! You should mention that its a diesel too! :D

Oh yeah I forgot the best thing!

nice truck

1st Progress Report

So far I have been very happy with the truck. It has started in the cold very good, drives great, and towes great.


I have a few things in mind for this truck so far: Fix the front right fender (slight dent), bed liner on the bottom of the truck, and a few other little things, and work on the fuel mileage.

This weekend I got the chance to two a car to GA and tow another one back to Sparta. I averaged 14.5 mpg running about 70-80 the whole trip. Engine and tranny temp never moved from its regular spot. When not towing I average 16.5. I am going to try over the next little bit to work on the fuel mileage. However this will be a slow progress because the explorer needs work before July.

It is a little long with the trailer we used. The trailer was about 18 feet.


At the Chebbie is the one being towed :p:

is that truck setup for some kind attachment on the front?

Keep noticed the bar running under the front bumper :dunno:

Yeah I am not to sure what that is. It has some attach points on each end of the bar but we are not sure what it is yet.

Here is the list of problems that need to be addressed before I start working on anything else.

#1: The front parking lights do not work, however the turn signals and emergency lights do work.

#2: The interior lights do not work when the door is opened or when the dash switch is on. The map reading lights work also. (this one is probally a bulb)

#3: The door ajar and air bag light are on all the time.

It's missing the lower airdam that hides that bar. That bar is actually for small cars. In a accident, you will not ride up and over the car. All SD's have them.

Nice truck though:thumbsup:

We exspect to see you out here again soon now ;)

That was what we were thinking about it. I thought it was for that or just to keep you from running different things up in the engine bay.

I told Kelley that someone would say that lol we want to come but that will be a while.

Some good info here if you can get past him being long winded

Also, run a little of this stuff. I have had good luck with it. Has added 1-2 mpgs for me.

Oh, and run the white bottle in the winter

My frist Explorer Tow

Well it finally happened. I got to tow the explorer with the f250. It was right around a 800 mile trip. The F250 never got hot, transmission temp never moved, and the fuel milegae was not to bad. I ran a constant 72 mph on the whole trip other than a few areas in I-40 which required slower speeds. Avg mpg was 12.5 on the whole trip.




It was just the right ammount of space inside the cab. Had everything we needed in the cab for the trip except the big cooler and two plastic containers that had clothes in them.

Over all I am very happy with this truck. I want to add cab lights and lights under the doors and possibly paint it a green/black combo to go along with the explorer somewhat. (Paint is a long way away right now).

Guys I will never say that I did hated paying for a oil change in the explorer because after changing the oil in this bad boy.

4 Gallons of oil: $55.96 (Needed 14 quarts but decided for extra)
1 Oil Filter: $12.49 (not so bad and its huge)
1 Hour later which includes checking every fluid and a general look over.

Not bad at all but the wallet takes a hit a little. Hey at least its cheaper then filling it up with fuel.

Ahaha welcome to the club :thumbsup:

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I knew the day was coming but dude lol very impressive to see that much oil just come out
