2002+ Offroading Photos Wanted | Page 16 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2002+ Offroading Photos Wanted

i have seen them before but we usually call them sand ladders. work amazing got me out of a sticky situation one time

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we went out again today. i will have more pics soon, but only one for now from my camera phone (waiting for the rest to come in an e-mail) check the NEX clubs forum in the April wheeling thread for a bunch from the whole gang soon.


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Any dirt picturs




Hey P.Doggy what kind of tires you got on your X i am looking for some mid aggresive tread what are you running for wheel size and tire specs and makes?

How about video?

X is bone stock in this vid (still is, but that's about to change), except for the Manik brush guard. And yes, the brakes were wet, it had just rained all weekend and this was the first it had been driven since. I know it's not the most technical off-roading an X has ever done, but oh well. And yes, I tried to hit it at an angle like all smart off-roaders know, but when I turned the wheels, they didn't have any traction and I just kept sliding straight down, so I figured it would be better to hit it straight on with the wheels straight, rather than straight on with the wheels turned. I think I have some decent pics too, but they're on my external HD, and that's not hooked up right now.


I'm not going real off roading till the end of the month but here's one

here's one from today before I went all the way in

Well, don't have any pics on the trail, but did some light off roading in mine last month. This is after I came home before I washed it. Doesn't look like much on the body, but underneath was caked!


ahh, I get it, at least you knew to stop at that point;)

ahh, I get it, at least you knew to stop at that point;)

My dad was driving, and he didn't know to stop I was screaming at him to stop, but he kept going and put some nice scratches in the bumpers plastic. I guess at least he's the one that has to deal with my mom (it's her's) and it's not me.


My 2002 XLT in the Pine Barrens of NJ...



...and the aftermath


Anyone do any decent wheelin' in a 2wd? i got the wimpiest one (first car), love it to death but i almost got stuck in wet grass. x.x

Anyone do any decent wheelin' in a 2wd? i got the wimpiest one (first car), love it to death but i almost got stuck in wet grass. x.x

OH YEAH! Go back a couple of pages and look at what 86EXPLORER86 has posted. His Ex is only a two wheel drive.

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that last pic of the pine barrens looks sick ! ive never seen such blue looking water in jersey lol ! cool pic !
