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4.0 OHV Performance Build - An extremely capable daily!

Anymore progress on this project?

I'm very close to getting this kit, minus the 422 cam and am looking for feedback on issues and solutions. I don't have the machine shops locally sourced so I have to farm out the work and that eats up my budget really fast. Knowing some of this ahead of time means less down time for me.

I'm mostly concerned with reliability issues and fitment quality.

If things go well, come rebuild time, 2 years down the road, I'm very likely going turbo, Morana stroker kit and custom engine computer.

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Guys? Did your engines explode and kill you both?


Guys? Did your engines explode and kill you both?

lol... <<crickets>>

Im still around..i finally got my parts back and just assembling my motor. .ive been talking with Tom..he has redesigned the plate a couple times as well as the hardware, he also has come out with a top girdle for them to keep them from breaking..for over $1,500 for his kit now,id highly advise against getting his roller rockers..

ive been talking with Tom..he has redesigned the plate a couple times as well as the hardware, he also has come out with a top girdle for them to keep them from breaking..

Is he going to send you the updated parts for free? It sure sounds like his design was never reliable in the first place.

Is he going to send you the updated parts for free? It sure sounds like his design was never reliable in the first place.
We are still emailing back and forth. .but yea i think he released it a little early

Damn. That's Savage.

I'm looking at a rebuild/full reconditioned engine since I flipped my X a few weeks back, and I've been scouring this tread as well as a few others for ideas.

I'm sorry you're having issues with your engine.

Damn. That's Savage.

I'm looking at a rebuild/full reconditioned engine since I flipped my X a few weeks back, and I've been scouring this tread as well as a few others for ideas.

I'm sorry you're having issues with your engine.
This is only issue, rest of motor is done..the top girdle is very large and requires modification to valve covers..it also may use longer studs,different/longer poly locks..i dont know if i have room for all that under my supercharger plate..

Is he going to send you the updated parts for free? It sure sounds like his design was never reliable in the first place.
He has responded that he does have a updated plate and hardware and would replace mine if i pay shipping both ways..so im going to send them back..he hasn't responded to what is needed for the top girdle yet,ive asked in every email

Looking at the pain I've been thru, I'd definitely error on the side of caution.
I think your making a wise choice.

Im very interested in the roller rockers..ive been talking to Tom for years about them,i have yet found anyone to drop that kind of cash..fyi comp cams 988 dual springs wouldve worked.

If looking for real performance call Manley and get a set of custom 1.8 and 1.5 valves for it.they will run you $480ish but biggest performance gain you can get.those valves are extremely small..your need new hardened exhaust valve seats and custom bronze guides. .

SI makes stock stainless one piece valves in stock sizes..i wouldnt run the stock two piece valves,they have been know to break in half with the added spring pressure. Any SS valve will need custom bronze guides tho,the stock cast guides will wear and stick to the SS valve...TRUST ME

Also throw a Mellings M328hv oil pump in,helps a ton to get oil up top
JD4242... The 1.8 intake along with the 1.5 exhaust valves will physically fit but only have about 0.030" clearance between them! It would take just a little bit of guide wear and the valves will be in contact with each other. How do you propose this is a good upgrade?

Any update on this build?

The rocker arms are a complete kit with a mounting pedestal and locking screws and the roller rockers are lubricated via the lifters and hollow pushrods provided. I went with this setup because the original engine I took apart (like many 4.0 OHVs) had a lot of stuff on the factory pushrods and rocker arms.

As for the springs; Yes, they are not a traditional "beehive" shape, but they are actually tapered to reduce coil binding and provide more travel, which is why they are sold as beehive springs. They are P/N 26125... As far as I know, they are specified for a Ford Modular engine. But that was just my best guess and I could be wrong about the app.

If people are interested, I'll start keeping this thread updated. I stopped completely due to an apparent lack of interest.
Hello, my name is Jorge, in Argentina there are many 1st and 2nd generation explorers. Later Ford Argentina stopped importing them into the country.
There are many fans of this truck. Many run on Gasoline and other Bi-Fuel (gasoline and natural gas, methane, propane, butane, GLP or GNC)
Many here rebuild their engines and we are always looking to upgrade our OHVs.
This thread is fantastic, all the information is valuable. Thank you so much

Hello, my name is Jorge, in Argentina there are many 1st generation and 2nd generation explorers. Afterwards, Ford Argentina no longer imported them into the country.
There are many fans of this truck. Many run on Gasoline and others Bi-Fuel (gasoline and natural gas, methane, propane, butane, GLP or GNC)
Many here rebuild their engines and we are always looking to improve our OHVs.
This thread is fantastic, all information is valuable. Thank you so much
