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4x4 not working


Well-Known Member
March 28, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Madison, MS
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 Sport 4x4
hey guys...i have a problem that i hope yall can help me with...i dont use 4x4 that much (i probably havent put it in 4x4 for 3-4 months)...but when i pushed the button today the 4x4 wouldnt work...i hear the clicking in the back but the light never comes on that it's in 4wd...is it the automatic hubs not locking in? i dont know what the problem is...please help

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Wouldn't be the hubs, they have no electronics in them. It could be the xfer case motor. see the following thread for help Dead Link Removed . There are also plenty of other threads on this problem. It's happened a lot.

ok...i know now after reading that i need to clean the contacts in the transfer case motor, and that means taking it apart...my question is can i do it even if i dont even know where the transfer case motor is? i mean i'm sure a shop's gonna cost A TON to fix it and i was just hopin i could do it...but i dont want to mess anything up...


If you wrench a bit over your truck, you mostly will be able to do the job. It does not take special skill, but time and normal tools.

A similar thing happened to my Explorer about a month ago. I got it into 4x4 but couldn't get it out. It turned out to be a stuck transfer case motor. I was in 4x4 low so I had to have it towed to a local shop and the charged me a little over a $100 to take the motor out and completely clean it and put it back in. I would have liked to do it myself but time and my inablity to locate exactly what the problem was put a damper on that.

ok...before i start...could someone please tell me what the transfer case motor looks like and where it is? lol...i think that might help out a little when i start

i'm plannin on doin this tomorrow (sunday)...could someone please tell me what to look for and where it's located?

The transfer case motor is mounted on the rear of the xfer case next to the output flange (flange that attaches the xfer case to the rear driveshaft). If you are looking at the xfer case from the rear, it is on the left and mounted horizontally. It's slightly smaller than a beer can. You may also have a xfer case damper that will be in the way. This is a round metal weight attached to the xfer case by a plate with four bolts through it. You may have to remove the xfer case skid plate to get to it easily. Do yourself a favor and get a Haynes repair manual. It has all the pix in it and instructions on how to take the stuff out. You can get them at K-Mart or Wal-Mart for about $15-20

ok...thanks...i might just go buy one b/f i mess somethin up lol
