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6R60 trans fluid change

Bill MacLeod

Well-Known Member
November 18, 2000
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Hamilton, Ontario
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06 Ltd V-8
My trans pan has no drain/fill plug in it, so with no dipstick, how do you fill the trans pan when changing fluid?

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As far as I kno, dealer has to do it with a special "pump". I went to serveral diffferent places and all of them said "Take it to the dealer"...

All Data has a procedure to refill the trans (I had it somewhere but can't find it). With how complicated it was I decided to take it to the dealer to have it flushed. Just an interesting side note. When I asked them to drop the pan and replace the internal filter I was quoted a price of over $300. The filter and gasket assembly was something like $150. I opted for the flush at $99.

The gasket and filter are maybe $50 plus, so the rest must have been for labour. $99 seems like a good price for the flush as the mercon SP fluid is about $5.50 per quart.

But I would still like to know how they get the fluid in and how is the proper fluid level determined?

they put a funnel in the dipstick for your tranny and add fluid then start the engine and keep adding fluid until you are at the right level

I have the workshop manual... There is a small dipstick in the filler bolt... looks pretty tough to check while it's running without having an actual lift.

I have the workshop manual... There is a small dipstick in the filler bolt... looks pretty tough to check while it's running without having an actual lift.

You sir are 100% correct. (I also purcahsed the factory shop manual)

The "small dipstick" is on the right side in the casing just above the pan. There is a procedure for checking the fluid level that seems rather complicated and like you said probably best to chech while on a lift.

It also should be noted that the shop manual advises that this trans cannot be flushed as there is a one way valve that prevents backflushing.

I am going to have a dealer do a pan drop with filter and fluid while mine is under warranty (extended). If they F.. it up, then they can repair or replace.

I got the oil pump and the "screw-in-tool" for around $30. Find the instructions online and you're good to go.

I've read that some dealers won't even do it unless you are at 100k?

I got the oil pump and the "screw-in-tool" for around $30. Find the instructions online and you're good to go.

Can you be specific about what tool you have and have you actually dropped the pan, replaced filter and refilledon a 6r60?

Just asking, as the shop manual indicates a specific procedure.

Thanks for your input.

Sorry, I misread the topic. I'm only adding fluid. :(

I've read that some dealers won't even do it unless you are at 100k?

Really. Now this makes me wonder, are the dealers so gun shy of this trans that they don't have techs that can follow the shop manual procedure without screwing something up? So if its out of warranty then the customer would be responsible?

I think that when it comes time, I will phone around for quotes and get some sort of reassurance that they know what the procedure is.

And kavlainc, what was the tool that you bought and why were you adding fluid? I'm only asking because the shop manual indicates a certain procedure to follow to check fluid level. This also would be for adding fluid after a pan drop & refill.

I added fluid because I changed the radiator and lost some. Here're the tools: OTC 6604 and ATD 5004. They're the cheapest at Amazon with free shipping.

I added fluid because I changed the radiator and lost some. Here're the tools: OTC 6604 and ATD 5004. They're the cheapest at Amazon with free shipping.

Do you have a V-6 motor or the 4.6 3 valve? This tread is specific to the 3-valve 6R60 trans.

BUT, those tools may work for refilling the 6 speed trans. Think I will buy the OTC tool to see if the thread is the same as the 6 spd mini dip stick.

Anyone know why the filter is so much more expensive for the 6R60? It looks like it comes with a gasket.. doesn't it have a reusable gasket like the 5-speed?


I bought Motorcraft filter # FT-160 (6l2z-7a098-aa) and it does not come with a gasket. Can be bought for under 15 bucks.
Now I can't 100% confirm that it is the correct filter as I have not had the pan off. It is confusing as what is the right filter or even if the filter can be changed, but I have an early year 2006, so I hope its the correct filter.
The shop manual does state that the gasket is reusable (silicone?) and I know that some Fords trans do/did come with reusable gasket, so as long as you don't tear it, you won't need one.
I also bought the filler plug (just to see what the h#ll it looked like) and a new pan as I want to put in a drain plug. But the pan is very shallow, so I'm not sure yet where the plug will go without interfering with any of the internals.
But I also have an extended warranty, so I plan on the dealer doing the first change (including filter) and I will do any thereafter when the warranty runs out. Hopefully by then, others have done there own fluid change and can provide more info. There really seems to be little or no info out there for the do-it-yourself people.
Hope this info is of use to anyone.

Seems like it wouldn't take much to sell/install a REAL dipstick on this trans... is that asking too much??

Seems like it wouldn't take much to sell/install a REAL dipstick on this trans... is that asking too much??

A real dipstick? I won't argue that a proper dipstick should be manditory on any auto trans. Ford would say, well there is a dipstick, but it is for professional service use only. Any like someone pointed out, you damn near have to have the truck on a lift so you don't burn your arms checking fluid level.
And if you havn't looked, it protrudes about 2 inches from the casing on the right side, just above the pan bolts and a couple inches away from the exhaust system.

My trans pan has no drain/fill plug in it, so with no dipstick, how do you fill the trans pan when changing fluid?

I suggest you take that to the shop and have it serviced. It can really get messy you know.

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Has anyone found the exact procedure for adding fluid in the 6r60? I have an 06 limited and was trying to flush the trans with a BG machine but couldn't get it to work. I noticed someone said you can't backflush, but with the machine I am using it flushes forward. It goes inline between the cooler line and cooler. I get great fluid pressure ( like 20psi ) but no flow. It should work just like the trans fluid is circulating normally. As it comes into the machine it is exchanged out 1 to 1. Any help would be appreciated, because now not only could I not flush it, but I lost fluid and can't check it.
