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95 Explorer aka Pandoras Box

Well the truth as come out.... This stupid thing does have a Anti theft device in it. It came up in random up conversation and he was like OH, btw you have to hit the unlock button on the keyless entry for it to start.... ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME.... Instead of PATS. it has RAP..... Waste of time... didn't even know this old pos even had keyless entry... Great... Thus where my starting problem is occurring, when you disconnect the terminal it reset the anti theft and after the first start, it won't send any more power to the starter solenoid on the fender nor any power to injectors... Priceless. >:O

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Well the truth as come out.... This stupid thing does have a Anti theft device in it. It came up in random up conversation and he was like OH, btw you have to hit the unlock button on the keyless entry for it to start.... ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME.... Instead of PATS. it has RAP..... Waste of time... didn't even know this old pos even had keyless entry... Great... Thus where my starting problem is occurring, when you disconnect the terminal it reset the anti theft and after the first start, it won't send any more power to the starter solenoid on the fender nor any power to injectors... Priceless. >:O

You would be surprised how early other vehicles had anti theft and keyless entry even earlier then that.

You would be surprised how early other vehicles had anti theft and keyless entry even earlier then that.
When I was a kid someone on my block had an 81 Lincoln that had the keypad!

You would be surprised how early other vehicles had anti theft and keyless entry even earlier then that.

Nice of the owner to have told you that.

You would be surprised how early other vehicles had anti theft and keyless entry even earlier then that.

I've seen them in early vehicles too. But he didn't even give me the keyless entr fob. Just the key.
Nice of the owner to have told you that.

Tell me about it..

My next obstacle is the metal flex hoses that are built into the brake lines. I dont want to do coils cause it will look like a cluster of childrens work. Im thinking about uses 6 inch flex lines as a alternative.


I've seen them in early vehicles too. But he didn't even give me the keyless entr fob. Just the key.

Tell me about it..

My next obstacle is the metal flex hoses that are built into the brake lines. I dont want to do coils cause it will look like a cluster of childrens work. Im thinking about uses 6 inch flex lines as a alternative.


Lots of older trucks came with stock coils, and I have coils on mine. Is it a show truck? Also, crown vics have flex lines, maybe you can find some in the J/Y and flare em up. I think the lines are coated so they are in good shape.

Lots of older trucks came with stock coils, and I have coils on mine. Is it a show truck? Also, crown vics have flex lines, maybe you can find some in the J/Y and flare em up. I think the lines are coated so they are in good shape.

Its not exactly a "show truck", he is just trying to keep the original look and not have a bunch of crap work. I won't feel right getting stuff from a J/Y, guess its better then electronics. I could possibly have the flex portion made at a shop, but that might cost some. I will have to see what I can work with. I've found rubber flex hoses that are about 6" that could work, but I don't want to go from metal to rubber. I imagine you would feel the difference in the pedal. Little more give since they would swell a lil bit.
