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98 explorer Engine Swap


April 23, 2008
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98 XLT
i have a 98 explorer awd would like to know if its possible to swap motor out for a 5.0 and if so would it require new trans and rear end? thanks

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that would require quite a lot actually. all sensors, pcm, harness, motor mounts, radiator,etc literally all kinds of stuff. the way gas prices are, and as much power the sohc motor pulls, i wouldnt even do it.

Thanks for the info, from what i have read on here the sohc 4.0 has lots of issues with a tic which mine has and to pay someone the money to do it might as well just get away from the motor all together

so get a new SOHC that has the upgraded tensioner. Or get a junkyard motor and replace the tensioner and do alittle work to it. (new gaskets, rod berrings etc) and swap out the old SOHC with the new rebuilt one. Save you Several grand, and SEVERAL hours swaping everylittle part over...

the answer is yes, in 98 Ford made a Explorer with a 5.0L V8
So you can drop a 5.0L drivetrain into your truck

However it does require ALOT of parts
You will need the complete engine/ transmission/ transfer case, driveshafts, exhaust, computer, wiring, etc
Basically you would want to get theentire donor truck to make sure you get all the parts you need. Also there is the PATS issue to deal with (security key must go with the engines computer) and in 98+ they have a different fuel system so there are some things to consider

Your rear axle can stay though LOL

For most people the answer to this is sell it and go get a V8, because of the amount of parts needed and amount of work involved, although for others the entire swap can be completed in a weekend

you should pm josh he did a 5.0 swap in from a mounty but he did it him self so he knows all about it... josuaj0214

you should pm josh he did a 5.0 swap in from a mounty but he did it him self so he knows all about it... josuaj0214

Or you could talk to 410fortune who has swapped in 2 v-8's of his own.:D

sry didnr see his post before i put mine up.. but either way ive never seen any of his in person i have personally seen josh and he did a bang up job on it

man oh man thanks JT
I drove my 96 5.0L Explo yesterday ALL over town.
I hauled 17 boxes of VCT (50# each) and she wasnt even on the bump stops

I found out 3 days ago that I have been driving on 7 cylinders for the entire winter... towing snowmobiles, 4x4ing, etc. I thought my idle was a little rough (I have a 303 cam so my idle is never smooth) and I also thought she was lacking a bit of power... but never had the time to look this winter.. Well now shes back on all 8 WOWee wow for a 4 door pig on 33's she sure is fun to drive :)

James (my finace's kid) drives a 97 4.0L OHV Explorer with 160K miles, our budget build thats nicer then my truck LOL, when his trans goes we are going to swap the V6 drivetrain for a V8 drivetrain just as you are asking about.
Budget is about $2500-3000 including a rebuild for his 4r70w trans, also will use a 4406 t case :)

By the sound of it by probably a little cheaper and much less work involved by just going out getting a 4.0 and replacing parts thanks for all the info guys

One other ? for anyone who can answer what years will fit into the 98? 95-01? thanks again

96 was the first year of the V8
95 is still OBD-I even though it looks like OBD-II

97-01 are VERY similar in all aspects (aside from fuel and PATS systems)

Chasis/frame/body is basically the same from 95-2001 yes
All drivetrains are interchangeable 95-01 with some work, bolt in

Ok 410 you seem to have a bit of knowlege so ill ask you, if i go out buy a 99 or 2000 motor 4.0 will i be able to use all computer mounts ext that are in the truck?
